Fulfilment of World Civilization
global green transformation of integrated growth
Norsk Norwegian
add, klimakirke samspiller med klimafondet
ahimsa helse konstitusjons standard naturligvis
Gulf stream seams to stop up
global integrity and capital city experience, the exhibition
grønn betong revolusjon
Royal Anandam Hall of Nidaros
Year of Global Integrity Celebration

Fulfilment of World Civilization

To All of You
our development of Universitas Enterprise by 5 7years periods have fulfilled the need for a unifying reference center and system for communication and information, with all the principles fulfilling the true interests of us all for fulfilment including the organisation of knowledge and references by Universitas Enterprise and Library where all schools and universities, libriries and TV and newspapers and the potential of internet and modern communication. This include World Constitution of non political world democracy to uphold democratic control with that the universal organisation we welcome one and all to join in upholding, most people as editors contributing to the reference center or library. Science of wholeness enterprise fulflling the concept of science is giving something new on a higher level than science so much related to those who is earning money on administrating the mobey machine, not the universal interests of us all of society to be well served with TV, Internet, Education, news, reliable references of the knowledge needed to represent safely advanced knowledge, as associated with degrees at a schol or university, but related to minimum knowledge needed to know in order to serve, and by the library completly inter and multidiciplinary, where an expert on a university learns more and more about less and less, from point og view of society most of interest is in between such skills and knowhow of persons.
When welcoming organisations as a university to upgrade a Universitas Faculty of Comparative Research Study with 4 institutes of comparative research study theoreticaly by the library and practically by a institute of integrated growth, the new concept better than innovation, sustainable development, science, technology, etc. including even the codes of honor of business and in cooperation with foundations as Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth with cods of honor of global integrity with routines for building stock companies where the fund dispose 50% of the stocks at least, ownership of the people of the world by world constitution.opportunities to tripple an investment by profit potential of stocks, is there as wll as building good stable work opportunities for life. Marshall Plan and Law by our common world, health, climate and knowledge defence strategy gives global voting to adjust this infrastructure of world peace and global integrity to the need of balancing global warming risks. Suggesting all governments to leave energy production to the fund, allowing free competetion internationally by 100 000 climate ships for the fastest green world transformation comming to production of energy and use by transport and houses in such a way that even making desserts and mountain areas green by production of water from the ocean by climateship and large flying cubes transporting water and energy from the ships, all enriching the world, half of profit at least to build up the infrastructure even by a minimum free income to all joining in upgolding global democratic control. This is not important if most people is joining in, but an efficient way of the fast balances the nature of our world needs by the green world transformation giving one ad all a safetynet, nomoney in the world can ensure for a billionair or group of people in todayæs world.
It is great joy to welcome people to join in by globalvoting and celebrations as a start, Rajan Anandam, president of several of the foundations, is leading the unifying upgrading of the world, he have developed the  main themes of the enterprise, by the 7 themes of universitas week, and even though it is simple and easy principles to understand, enjoy and share, the knowledge needed to integrate this into practical life of world socierty as a whole, needs his insigth also into the patterns usual for most activities, which may stop up the realization owing to isolated interests isserved on all levels, as personal , national, business like etc.
So next 7 year period with the 5 theoretical themes of the week, philosophy and the 4 institutes of comparative research study and integrated growth, the 6th theme of the Capital City of the World as the Universitas Library and cultural meeting point for world civilization and celebration and fulfilment by universal more free patterns of celebration without social control in order to abuse a celebration. The start is floating cities representing all parts of the world, whichcan meet in the ocean or take the whole city by flying city of huge flying cubes, to anywhere on land as well, forming the capital city. We wlcome all countries to compete of locating a more permanent capital city location, but the palaces built may also be flying machines, as well as competing building up climateship cities also by investing land for these cities as new nations, in union with the investing country, investing or giving away land. With international agreements we may build a billion full time jobs, for a billion citizens, half on land all year, but roatating. The world needs jobs, jobs produces wealth, so rich countries values may enjoy acceleration of the prosperity development wit the fulfilment of world economy by Global Bank assistance. It is agreat joy to welcome one and all to join in and all men to join in the forest fire figthing team of our common world defence and our global village, the surrendings are about to burn down, and all governments are talking about is stopping to give fuel to the fire, the forest and the global village most probably will burn down or collapse, if we do not do what ougth to be done, now and if it not to late. The risk pattern may be far worse than expected by governments and the world to sick to go together by our representation of the universal interests of one and all, only, not any isolated interested of those joining in, except their fulfilment in society with the welth of a good home and real position in the world, by climate fund standardized routines and codes of honor of integrity.

Example of established companies with agreements for use of buisness opportunities of Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, ready to focus with optimum economy, doing least to accomplish most, on buisness opportunities, how to make a business idea a succsess and expect from having its own working business on any marked, the planned marked of climateships, may allow cashing in agreed profit potential sooner, as when an idea is satisfactory developed, it is sold to a new company of the fund, raising money to bay the develpoed product and business organisation.
There are 1008 companies established by climateship with diameter 1512m, cube or cubic frame with sides 1008m. These are by preliminary names and registration by Universitas Library named 1512- 0001-1008 and among the 1008 companies one is for selling 1008 prototypes or ships with diameter 10,8m and a 100 sq. m hom, including flying machine or cube, hovercraft, energy production etc. This is the 0001 company, but it is ready to establish itself as several stock companies with different geographical business idea for realization of profit and also by economic group as the ship is perfect for billionairs as well as ordinary families. The 0002 xompany focuses on the combination of wind, solar andupdraft tower energy production,likewise and by different sizes of the ship, for instance a diameter of 324m may give good windmills, for instance in the norh sea.
The 0003 company deals with selling bonds for one group of 1008 companies. All fresh companies, people going together establshing a stock company together, givs easiest way to invest a sum of money for targetted production by supreme economy and control by stock holders. one company may invest hours of their staff of administration and buisness coordinating capacities, in order for the company to do least in order to achive its gold, as selling 1008 prototypes woth a profitt potential of 20 billion NOK+. Stockholders may by agreement enjoy trippeling their investments and at the same time enjoy the stcks, with more natural regular annual income, but then possibly with compettion fromother new companies likewise. From the point of view of an investor enjoying a challenge of business realization by going in with time, money and other values, all resourches dedicated to achiving the goal, as selling 1008 floating homes as luxery yachths with the expected profit. Research may be done by all 1008 ships pruduced and results sold to next company taking the climateship project further by larger ships. You invest a million, achive 3, but no more huge profit potential is not the reflecion, investing in new opportunities, new companies is the idea or opportunity, and larger profit potential if take in bonds with a view to transform them into different of 1008 stock companies. Selling and marketing stocks is probably easier when the challenge is going together establishing a stock company, than paying experts a lot of money to do it, where laes are regulating these kinds of things, we guess, otherwise that is.
so please, seek out the established buisness opportunities you like, and join in. Baying one bond costing 108 000 NOK, gives  you books, magazines, newsletters, invitation to conferences etc. as part of the correlation of all interests and all interested in integrated growth.
We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.

Welcome to my homepage. My name is Rajan Anandam and I am welcoming you to
see how the infrastructure of global integrity by our common world defence is the best
organisation to combat climate change in general and revitalizing the Gulfstream, a
welcome also to consider the application of the safety net for all to relate to how world
organisation can fulfil also its prosperity growth by adjusting to integrated growth by
comparative research study and your participation in global, non political world democracy
by global voting control and direction guiding. I am from Trondheim Norway a country far
north with the ocean by the Gulfstream raising temperature with 12 Degrees Celsius all
year around, the ocean is regulating the global warming temperature as well, perhaps
with 12 degrees, as  the ocean is cooling the extra heating covering most of earth. All
facts indicates almost scientific proof that we have passed 2 degrees already, but what
needs to be proven then, is that it is safe to continue damaging the world with CO2, just
as a plain before take off must be proven safe. The effect of global arming is balanced by
the ocean and a 100 000 climate ships, floating cities with large updraft towers, may cool
the ocean as a first step and the technology may be used for revitalizing the
gulfstream .about burn down, as a house on fire ignored by the fire department as by forest
fire of our global village is most men. The world leading risk analyse you find here with
presentation of how technology and interests of growth can be combined by this Malarial
Plan of the Marshall Law period of the common defence of all the most universal common
interests of all, in a world organised to protect isolated interests, often on cost of the whole.
operasjon.webs.com have more about the operation Recue the Gulfstream and other aspects of the
enterprise os presented here.

Send r telefon, legg den ut med linken operasjon.webs.com på hjemmesider, rykk den inn som annonse, kanskje noen spleiser, ta den inn på første siden I fin avis, eller kopier og lim inn I mail.


For at det skal være trygt å forurense med CO2 må det være bevist at det ikke er øyeblikkelig fare ved å påføre skaden, som når et fly tar av, tester må vise at det er trygt. Det kan hevdes å være motsatt bevist, men klima er komplekse forhold utenfor noens fagfelt å føre bevis, og bevisbyrden pålegges altså de som tillater og påfører CO2 skaden, slike bevis finnes ei. I 2000 var problemet identifisert så full stop med CO2 forurensning var naturlig, iallefall på søndag, f.eks. Verden påfører hver dasg mer CO2 skade I dag enn for 16 år siden I år 2000 og nordmenn ca 9000 tonn hver dag + ansvaret for oljeproduksjonen. Det er på høy tid å oppgradere me Venner av Verden, grunnlagt av Anandam fra Trondheim.
Hvor stor risiko klima-endringene representerer,
vet ingen, om klimapanelts ide
er mest sansynlig, er ikke bevist,
 men er det 5% sjanse for at verden kollapser neste
år, er å ta risikoen terrorisme. Det må bevises
at risikoen ikke er der, for at hvem man er,
ikke gjelder, det er ikke gjort. oppgrader, nå.


Operasjon Redd Golfstrømmen
som er i ferd med å svekkes, i 10-20 år alt, med
alarmerende utvikling i det siste,
hvor risiko er funnet ekstrem, øyeblikkelig
aksjon fra alle forventet i verdens forsvaret.

For at det skal være trygt å forurense med CO2 må det være bevist
 at det ikke er øyeblikkelig fare ved å påføre skaden, som når et
fly tar av, tester må vise at det er trygt. Det kan hevdes å være
motsatt bevist, men klima er komplekse forhold utenfor noens fagfelt
å føre bevis, og bevisbyrden pålegges altså de som tillater og påfører
CO2 skaden, slike bevis finnes ei. I 2000 var problemet identifisert
så full stop med CO2 forurensning var naturlig, iallefall på søndag,
f.eks. Verden påfører hver dasg mer CO2 skade I dag enn for 16 år siden
I år 2000 og nordmenn ca 9000 tonn hver dag + ansvaret for oljeproduksjonen.
 Det er på høy tid å oppgradere me Venner av Verden, grunnlagt av Anandam fra Trondheim.

på norsk og engelsk, posters and welcome in English , too. General introduction + operation Rescue
the Gulfstream. Generel introduksjon med operasjon Redd Golfstrømmen, som er I ferd med å
stoppe, I 10-20 år alt, alvorlige utviklimnge I det sste, ekstrem risiko...

now, climate change is not only going on, but most probably have damages
Fulfilment of World Civilization is world is about to collapse, human
race may be gone, extinct as many damages is done, including those
having created global warming. Last is patterns of clouds increasing the
global warming effect and one spaks about it as something which may
happen in a decade or 2, unless we do a few things, what ought to be done.. But it is happening the world so collapse is coming by itself, it just take some time to heat up the
BALANCES IS CREATED. We are glad to have developed the infrastructure
of world peace since 1980 and we hope one amd all joins in part time, as at
least 2 hours a day and controlled by non political world democracy, as global
voting is one of the first things to join as network building. Reaching most people
personally within few weeks is possible, as if everyone registered
4 new within a day or 2. operasjon.webs.com have more about risk analyses and
the project to build at least 100 000 climate ships to combat climate change
imbalances by our complete strategy.




Det helhetsvitenskapelige foretagendet for å fremme integrering av vitenskap ved biblioteket for enheten av vitenskap ble etablert av Anand i 1980 og proklamert fullbyrdende for vitenskap som teoretisk organisering av kunskap ved boka vitrykte 10 000 av i 1986, på engelsk. Dette teoretisk aspektav vårt opplgg innebar innbydelse til alle univesitet om å opprette et helhetsvitenskalig fakultet med 4 institutt av komparativ forskning studie og det praktiske aspekt av vårt foretagende og bygge infrastrukturen av global integritet presentert som Ny Fundamental Global Ordning, for å fremme integrering av enheten av vitenskap i samfunnet for akselrering og fulbyrdelse av verde s utviklingen,kun mulig om man tilpasser utviklingen slik at den ikke ødelegger verdens samtidig både hva miljø og små saamfunn verden rund gjelder. Universitetene styres avfakultet g har ikkevist interesse i oppgradering og detsom heletiden har vært et uavhengig og selvstendig grunnlag ved Universitas stiftelsen etablert i 1980, er nå ved intet politisk og intet religiøst karakter, frigjort fra vitenskap, som for uten å ha masse nyttig og praktisk kunskap, også er en korrupt utbytting av samfunnet. Det er ikke olje selskapene som er største pengemaskin,det å bestemme hva som skal til for at noen skal ha en tittel for å kunne jobbe med referansen kjenner, dvs universitetene som fagforeninger, er den største forretningsvirsomheten i verden og den er langt fra vitenskapelig i tilpasning til hva som gagner samfunnet og folk, så nå er Universitas biblioteket rammen for all kunskap i verden og prosessen av å integrere kunskap selvsagt også innebærer "vitenskapelig" kunskap. Universitetene er fortsatt velkomne til å oppgradere sitt virke ved å opprette et Unversitas Fakultet med 4 institutt av komparative forskning studie. Betyding av distaseringen ved "intet vitenskapelig" ipolitisk forstand kan der skrives bøker om,viminner om at vitenskap og politik har ført til ødeleggelse av verden ved klima f.eks. fordi æres koder for rett og galt, hva effekt noe har i forhold til samfunnets sundhet, selges lett om prisen er rett i vitenskapens verden. Her introduserer vi kun vårt Universitas foretagende og ny begrepsdannelse i forhold til organiseringen av kunskap i verden.Universitas fra Latin er roten til universell, universitet mm og betyr "snud inn i et hele" og Unversitas biblioteket har dt som formål, all kunskap i verden i folks og vedens interesser, ikke de som tjener penger på kunskap, og en effektiv organisering av kunnskap lett tlgjengelig på alle nivå avkompetanse på et område og for allepratiske oppgaver, man trenger kun å være ekspert i å søke, ikke i et fagfelt spesielt, som bl.a. er universitetenes korrupsjon. De kaster bort sammen medforegående utdannelse opp til universitetsnivå ekstremt masse tid for de som søker å etablere seg. også. Man skulle ved plikt, kun lære det minste man trenger, ellers foregår læring best ved disiplinert søken i det som intereserer i dette perspektiv. Vi fulbyrdet utviklingen av vitenskap og etablerte en høyere platform for organiseringen av kunskap og dette åpner for gode samspill med TV,aviser, magasin, skoler og universitet, bibliotek og kunskaps autoritære organisasjoner, masse top kompetanse ligger i næringslivet, universitetene har sollgt seg ut på dette feltet, deres studenter er ikke ledende i verden. Mens biblioteket Universitas Biblioteket kan erstatte alle i kunskaps bransjene, er drt basert på samspill med alle og aviser er som setterne, utgående i dagens form, men kan finne nye nisjer og innteksmuligheter ved godt samspill, på de områder de er gode. Vi har også prosjekt på integritynet, nettet av integritet eller Universitas internet, et nytt internet for hele verden, ved kun redaktørerer av Global Times of Integrity, vårt forlag og avis hvor vi håper alle tar posisjon som redaktør for å bidra til verdens felles bibliotek i Ny Fundamental Informasjon, Kommunikasjon Forskning og Utdannelses ordning. Verden trenger fortsatt spesialister, vi konkurerer ikke med universitet og aviser, kun tillegger noe fundamentalt, og i den grad dette fundamentale gjør at spesialposisjoner til universitet og aviser f.eks. faller bort, da skyldes dette en unaturlig posisjn til eksisterende organisasjoner og den ekte posisjonen vitillegger kan endatil opprettholdes av samspillet med universitet og aviser. organisering i brukerens interesser er viktig i dag hvor organiseringer i interessene til de som tjener penger, harforstyrret det hele slik at hele verden trolig er et par 10 år etter hva det kunnevært av fantastisk organisering av samfunnet.
Selve infrastrukturen vi håper folk flest i verden er med på å opprettholde innebærer også intet politisk demokrati toppen av at folk uttaler srg i folkeavstemninger om viktige spørsmål globalt og for tilpasninger av samarbeidet om infrastrukturen lokalt til nasjnale lover f.eks. Så er det felles global feiringer som Individets Uavhengighets Dag, Dagen av Global Integritet som det tredje av 4 områder infrastrukturen ved Verdens Konstitusjonen omfatter. Fritt et minimum av mat, klær og bolig til alle ved alles samspill om å produsere, transportere og dele. På 1980 taller var vi ikke oppmerksom på forhold som ødelegelse av jorda, 100 kjemikalier iblodet, somogså kommer vi innpakning i mat, at mat transporters slik at jorda ødelegge, økosystemene er i fare, ge netisk og lignende ødeleggelser av maten og andre forhold som gjør samarbeidet mer aktuelt enn noensinne og spesielt for de rike, som kan ta til seg masse helseskaelig mat. Forholdet er et sikkerhetsnett for andre som garanterer frihet og uavhengighet, og i disse dager hvor klimaendringer, atomulykker mmkan ødelegge for produksjon et stor område, synes også sikkerhets faktoren internasjonalt å være viktig. Stiger havet 12 m og golfstrømmen stopper neste måned, desverre ikke utenkelig, kan millioner i Norge dø, fordi mattilgangen stopper ved kollaps av verdens økonomien. Kun et av tusener av eksempler på risiko i dagens situasjon som gjør dette områdetviktigere enn før. Global Bank har valutta, om folk flest sier ja er det i praksis bare å begynne å betale til alle, selv om tilpasninger til alle lands rgjeringer må til, vil det i overgangsperioder alltid være mulig å finne tilpasninger ved eksisterende regler. Et av de første spørsmål vi håper folk deltar i er om Global Bank mt verdens fattigdom altså og også med egen grønn valutta vi håper follker med på. Foretagendet foniversitas Bevegelsen, for å reaLisere infrastrukturen for global integritet og verdens fred, som ved begrepet Ny Fundamental Global Ordning er klart definert ved Verdes Konstitusjonen for rent intet politisk demokrati globalt. Denne definerer at fellesskapet ikke kan taes til inntekt for en disse klart definerte fundamenter eller for folks universelle og åpenbare felles interesser av en sund verden, som her kan bygges som global integritet. Konstitusjonen tillater at der dannes AS for å drive økonomisk aktivitet uten annen risiko enn aksjekapital og slik at andre kan inngå med finansiering, arbeide, tomter etc. mot aksjekapital og slik at det over en tiårs periode, kan oppnåes god avkastning, et godt utbytte for innsatsen, men aldri slik at verdens folks eiendommer avhendiges, og slik at fellesskapet akkumulerer eiendom. 2 områder er viktige her, det ene er byggingen av biblioteket, alle i verden kan og er velkommen med i samspill, hvor de bidrar som redaktør og kan selge det de publiserer sider inforasjon, tips, bilder, magasin, blader, minste fagkunskap man trenger for å gjøre noe, bygge hus eller et hus kanskje, kurs, TV program , filmer etc. og Global Tidende av Integritet organiserer dette med planer om å bygge et nytt Internet Universitas nettet. Da det bygges for folk med ekstreme vinninger i folks interesse, et felles internet ved globalt demokrati som kontroll, ikke i interessene til de som tjener penger eller har posisjoner altså, vil folks deltagelse være nok, deres investering er å være med, og oppbygging kan finansieres med få år med reklame, kun sund reklame. Det andre området der er mulig å danne AS ved er klimaskip og flygende transport man må ha omman skal produsere og distribuere et minimum av sund mat til alle og minst 108000 store skip også som flyplass eller parkering av flygende kuber, samt produksjon av all energien og alt vannet man trenger for dette, som å gjøre ørkenen og steder med jord ikke forurenset, frukbar. Alt dette er bgging av global integritetog det at vi ikke kan ødelegge verden, gjør at oppbygging også gir løsningen på verdens klimaforsvar, hvis strategi er i forlengelsen, nesten et biprodukt av å realisere infrastrukturen som et sikkerhetsnett for alle. AS konseptet i samspiller er utvidet til å omfatte at man bygger skipene som flytende byer og gjerne egne nasjoner med en grunnlov som den norske, uten partiene og tilagt verdens konstitusjonen. Nytt land ved Grunnlov beskytter interessene til de som danner AS, investeringer beskyttet. Det er full etablering av reglene for dannelse av økoomisk samvirle og slik at investors verdier er beskyttet ved Grunnlov og minst i 10 år fra Grunnlovendringer. Et klimaskip er ment å ha 1008 stiftelser og 1008 AS, 108 Ministerier ved byregjeringen. mange leiligheter, haller og funksjonel by og kongresssenter og et av våre Universitas Akademi med AS som redaktør for undervisning og sete for biblioteket med tema for spesialutvkling av biblioteket ved komparative forskning studie, 4 institutt ved et fakultet. Universitas Bevegelsen er noe for alle, ikke bare rike muligheter for å etablere seg for å bygge sund økonomi og rikdom, i motsetning til rikdom ved svarte penger, penger flest er mer eller mindre, som er en helse belastnin og kanskje ikkerepresenterer rikdom i det hele tatt. I India har man Sanskritt begrepet artha for rikdom, og anartha for det motsatte, som ikke er ikke å ha, men å besitte ting og verdier det er belastning å ha. Filosofisk er prinsippet vel etablert i vesten også, svarte penger er jo et begrep og i videste forstand gjør fattigdomsstatistikk i verden og ødeleggelse av naturressursene, økosystemene, en verdi som er stor blastning på alle penger i så måte.
Som mere komplet referanse på navn og adresse taes med konto, RAJAN ANANDAM postboks 22 7400 Trondheim N, NUMMER 0532 1667831 RAJAN ANANDAM P. O. BOX 22 7400 Trondheim Norway, account number Ved grunnleggelsen i 1980 var Anand registrert som Stein Roar Andersen, som f.eks. ved boka i 1986 var navnet og for ca 10 år siden ble navnet endret og opptil nå juli 2016 var det Rajananand Dhananjaya. Tips om at for Norge ble dette for meget av det gode og at Dhananjaya har Sanskrit verdier vi ikke helt var klar over eller kjenner, var utgangspunktet for siste endring. Anand er fra Trondheim opprinnelig, men har bodd og virket mange steder rundt om. Anand er forenklet forkortelse av etternavnet og da vanlig navn, på spørsmål om hvilken Annd, Anandam altså. Vi har hatt ekstrem sukksess på mange områder og har trolig patenter og forretningsideer til å etablere 1008 AS med engang, men vi søker team som kan dele utfordringen, da ett AS ikke er nok, når strategien er å redde verden. Særdeles gode muligheter gies fra alle synsvikler og med intersante utfordringer, men vi har ingen misjon i å selge forretningspotensiale, så generel utvikling er vår prioritering, det er likevel forbausende at vi ikke er druknet i hendvendelser fta folk og bedrifter, regjeringer og universitet som kan være interesert i å være med. Bare egeninteressen i å dele den rikdom av muligheter vi har skapt, sammen med godt formål, altsåmotsvarende hva det er naturlig å gjøre i verden, fellesinteressene, burde gjøre det lett, men alt er kontrolert av interesser som er kompliserte også psykologisk og i forhold til mentalitet og desverre de som fremmer innovasjon, synes å ha kontroll av slikt som formål, ikke å fremme de beste ideene f.eks. Endatil der det er utrykt formål. Vi har påvist langt billigere vindkraft ved klimaskip enn Fosen Vind, lenge før vedtatt. Erfaringen er nesten slik at de vil kuppe markedet, selv om vi kan halvere prisen,. Iallefall utmerket samenligningsgrunnlag for hva bare et klimaskip, si ca 3 km x 3 km kan produsere, investorer burde stå i kø, men vi har ikke ressurser til å lage fode prospekt enganh, men påvisningen er så konkret at det burde selge seg selv, uten spesiel god markedføring. 1008 ved 108 000 skip 100 millioner AS er vår strategi. Det minste som må til for å balansere global oppvarming, men hvor store tårn of vindmøller som hvert skip trenger er ikk avklart. 100 000 skip ca var basert på oppvarming generelt 1 grad varmere enn nor,alt, mens temperaturen trolig er 12 ganger det, på så i syede for 1 km høye tårn, må man kanskje ha 12km høe og diameter 3 km på stående ballong formet som ensmultring, med vindmølle rundt og inne i åpent sentrum med diameter ca 1 km. 4 slike som ballomnger som må holdes nede av tungt klimaskip, gir 4 store vindmøller samt updraft tower, et tårn midt gjennom det hele, 100mx100m kanskje, eller større, mens oppvarming av havvann, til damp, ferskvann, som blandes med luft, suges kraftig ut 12 km oppe, hvor det er kalt, og luftstrømmen gir energi og ferskvann kan taes ut på toppen, og slippes ned som vannkreaft energi fall. Det hele skal også produsere solenergi og om øverste er en hel kubisk ramme, med tak 3kmx3km, 9 km2 x 100 000, 900 000 kvadrat km med solfangere, vil dette kunne redusere alene temperaturen med en halv til en grad Celsius og slik balanserer man effekten av oppvarmingen ved klimaendringene og vd å slippe ut varm luft fra havoverflaten 12 km oppe, vil man balansere oppvarmingen av havet, slik at akselrerennde klimaendringsdenomen stagnerer, holdes i sjakk, Vi har flere teknikker for å fjerne CO2 fra havet, samt plast, 4 km brede skip kan fange inn, spesiet om 3 gjører i bredden, 5 skip, vil man få 2 V dannelser forran f.eks. Kombinasjns mulighetene er mange og vi forhandler om å selge opprydding mot gunstige energi avtaler, f.eks. få taover hele energi markedet ville vært gunstig. Fra luften vil man redusere CO2 ved å dyrke masse mat og skog, mange kombinasjonsmuligheter for å bygynne å noralisere og fjerne risikoen som er utrolig stor i dag, når først effekten ved oppvarmingen balanseres så ytterligere farlige  utviklinger oppstpr. Det er terror om man slpper en skoleklasse ut på isen tidlig vår, om isen er kjent for å være usikker og uten slik påvisning ikke er funnet sikker. Nå slipper man ikke bare alle barna i verden ut på isen ved risikoen global oppvarming representerer, hele ennesjeheten er truet og hvor stor risikoen er, vet man ikke sikkert. Det mest sansynlige vil ikke si at der kan være 10% sjanse for at verden går under neste uke, økosystemet som underholder dagens klima, har alt kolapset, dette er ikke noe som skjer om 10 år, det er over 10 år siden det startet og det pågår med nye ødeleggelser hver eneste dag. Dette gir ideen med Verdens Venner, ikke basert på å være venner med noen, men på ikke å være alles fiende og uten posisjon til å være venner med noen som helst. Disse analysene vil vi ta opp i bokas også ved operasjon Radd Golvstrømmen, som tiltross for at strømmen er stadfestet i ferd med å stoppe opp, ikke engang får svar fra regjeringen i Norge, uten over bekreftelse på mottat mail fra statsministerens kontor. Poenget er ikke bevist, verden trenger ikke å ha kollapset, de kosystemene vi er avhengig av trenger ikke å være så delagt at verdens samfunnet ikke vil overleve, selv om det er sansynlig,nesten helt bevist, trebger det ikke å være så, men risikoen er så vel etablerrtt, at hvor stor den er,vet vi ikke, men det er terrorisme mot mennekeheten å akseptere risikoen, ikke gjre noe med den og fortsette å være med på å delegge de kosystemene, som absolutt ikke skulle forstyrres. om et fly har mistanke om at er med teknisk svikt, må det bevise at det er i orden, fr take off, ja rutine sjekker må stadfestet utfrt også. For at manskal fortsette å skakkkjre verden som fr,må man bevise at det ikke er skadelig. Mange av de som sier at verden er jo som tidligere, verdenssamfunnet er ikke sjakk matt, bonden flyttes jo som fr, vet intet om hvor komplisert det er å fremme et slikt bevis, bare delbevis er slikt superkomputere med avanserte vær program, kalkulerer i lang tid på, for å vise indikasjoner på hva som kan skje. Det må bevises at der er ingen risiko, er et alvorlig konkret poeng.. Dette er klimafondets orginale poeng i over et 10 år som også det at forskerne finner at endringene kommer fortere enn beregnet og sier år etter år i mange sammnhenger at klimaendringene er akselrerende, mensvi sier endringer kommer forsent i ettertid, fordi målingene og generel verdens temperatur, påvirks at det tar tid åvarme opp isenog de store havdyp. Noe avdet siste som erfastslått at havet i dybden har kt temperaturbetraktlig, tidligere var det mest ved forskning verste 50 m og også at Grnnlandsisen har kt temperatur hele 10 grader C, hvilket er ekstremt. I Norge er temperaturen egentlig 12 grader lavere hele året som i Sibir, men fordi golfstrmmen, havet varmer opp er det registrert 12 grader varmere enn hva det ellers harvært, samme fenomen som athavet regulerer atvi måler kun 1 grad Celsius gjennomsnittlig, ikke 12 grader C, som er situasjonen. Imidlertid havet varmes opp, så det er bare et sprsmål om tid fr 12 grader setter inn,kanskje med et byks eller fasetransformasjon. Enhver sjakk spiller vet at med mange ubalanser i stillingen vilplutselig sjakk matt komme. Verdens Venner forholder seg til globalt intet politisk demokrati og verve kampanje 1-4-16-64... og æresmedlenskap oppnåes forden som har registrert 4 som også hver har registrert 4, for et kvartal eller 2 kvartalsfeiringer og opprettholdes om fortsetter til 64 enda et kvartal, om ikke voksende rekke, kan 4-16  gjentaes.Ved 64 kan registrere seg somredaktr og er man dyktig kan posisjonen utvikles til en ekte posisjon i verdens samfunnet såvel som lokalsamfunnet. eptember var det "klimafestival" i Trondheim tiltrossfor at der var intet å feire, Utyafesten, låter like bra. Under den var svada innlegget i adresseavisen, og også ble landets hovednaturverner, fremmet til å bli Stortingsrepresentant. "Klimafestivalen" hadde logo fremmet som noe likt vårt også i frhold til noe religist symbol, og for ordens skyld vi oppfatterfestivalen som del av terrorismen mot menneskeheten, men det er folk flest i verden som har delagt verden og våre intiativ nsker lle velkommen med, uten poliyisk forhold til hvem eller hva, så i tilfeldig mte med en av arrangrene inviterte vi dem med, på vårt opplegg med rutiner for samspill med alle. Politisk Det er viktig å oppgradere og alle er velkommen med i Verdens Venner.
Det framgår at det haster, verdens samfunnet er alt sjakkmatt, alt, kosystemene har kollapset. Kan vi gjre det en match altså mer enn et parti, må vi handle umidelbart, for folk flest alle med et par timer om dagen, i det minste i en marshallaw eller unntaksperiode, det andre er at stor risiko ligger i oppvarmingen av havet, slik at å fjerne  oppvarming av havet er en start ved 100 000 svære klimaskip, er en kombinasjon av flere teknikker. klimaskip med kubisk ramme med sider 3 km, i kubisk ramme, vil kunne samle meget solenergi til energi produksjon, mens beregningene var ved 1 grad som utfordring, nå når det er naturlig å anta 12 grader, er det å registrere at regnestykket, viser en sammenlignende faktor også, 1 million kvadratkm med solsamlere, motsvarer kun tap av refleksjoner av sola ved at 1 million kvadrat km med is er forsvunnet. Man kan produsere damp og skyer, men hvor effektivt dette er ved klimaskipene vet vi ikke, men solenergiproduksjonen kan gi dampi oppdraft towers ikke bare til å produsere enenergi og ferskvann. Slike tårn kan være kuber som balonger som flyr, 4 med hyde 3 km hver vil kunne gi et tårn på 12 km og hy temperatur forskjell oppe og nedeog skipene holder ballongene nede stablet oppe på hverandre.Det artige at samarbeide, alle i hele verden kan gi store fordeler ved omstillig til miljvennlig produksjon ved at transport og kommunikasjonsksninger organiseres i masseproduksjon sammen med et minimum av sund mat, og fordees til folk i samsvar med folks interesser, ikke interessen til prosent for å loppe penger av folk. organiseringen kan trolig ha bedre konomi i forhold som folk bruker tid på iallefall. 1 million kv km med speil eller linser vil gi 1/2 grad beregnet en meterolog for oss, updrafft towers som beskrevet har flere millioner kv km. Det er godt over en million kv km med is som er forsvunnet, antatt noe mindre enn en halv grad, men det er innen rammene for grovregning, 1 grad eller 12 grader.
Tittel og utgiver side


Royal Anandam Hall of Scandinavia climateship diameter 324m

It is bigger than the biggest cruiseship in the world

Name: Harmony of the Seas Owner:

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Operator: Royal Caribbean International Port of registry: Nassau, Bahamas Route: Western Mediterranean
Caribbean Ordered: 27 December 2012[1][2] Builder: STX France SA[1] Cost: US$1.35 billion (2015)[3] Yard number: A34[2] Laid
down: 9 May 2014
[2] Launched: 19 June 2015 (float-out)[2][4] Acquired: 12 May 2016[5] Maiden voyage: 29 May 2016[6] In service:
15 May 2016
[7] Identification:
Call sign: C6BX8


IMO number: 9682875


MMSI number: 311000396


DNV GL ID: 33249




Status: In service General characteristics Class and type:



Oasis-class cruise ship Tonnage:











Displacement: Approximately 120,000 t (132,000 short tons)



[8] Length: 362.12 metres (1,188.1 ft)[2] Beam:

47.42 m (155.6 ft) waterline



66 m (217 ft) max beam





Draught: 9.322 m (30.6 ft)



[2] Depth: 22.6 m (74 ft)[10] Decks: 18; 16 passenger decks[11] Installed power:

4 × 13,860 kW (18,590 hp)


Wärtsilä 12V46D[2]

2 × 18,480 kW (24,780 hp) Wärtsilä 16V46D






3 × 20 MW (27,000 hp)


ABB Azipod,



4 × 5.5 MW (7,400 hp) Wärtsilä CT3500

bow thrusters






>25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph) maximum



22 knots (41 km/h; 25 mph) cruising






5,479 passengers at double occupancy



6,780 maximum





Crew: 2,300









Comparison with Royal Anandam Hall of Scandinavia, twice as many passangers about 12 000 by 6000 appartments, much higher speed if hovercraft is used. outer donut for passangers is abour 40m wide, by 24 levels, 20 for appartments, 300m about around, 60000m, 10m x 20m, 20 sqm for each appartment, which is majestic at sea. Titanic luxery, nothing. By comparsion worth about 3 billion USD, the cruiseship section that is, but the cost of building it may be about 1 billion dollar. The crew is considerable larger, with only part time running the cruise buisiness, as clever students, may work 2 hours a day and join Universitas Academy Education, Congreeses and Festivals. Those have rooms on the other side, inside of the donut so to say, only 3m wide with windows not towards the sea, but pleanty of timeshare on rooms which have seaview, 12 000 rooms, studie flats 12m deep, about 35 sq. m. Those wanting free education and cruise by 2 hours duty work, together with 2 hours upholding their own community, as well as being secretary for one guest according to high society traditions in England. However, as modern appartment is independend by modern tools, being selfsufficient it the idea of the appartments, but of course elevators taking thing for cleaning, supllies by secretary etc. may be practical.


THE FALLING BOMB, the bomb is in the air, atomic bombs as rockets on the way to hit you, your local
 society or us all. What to do in the short time before total destruction, collapse of the world, is what
our common world and climate defence is about with also operation recue the gulfstream.
FW: how much pure water must, making the gulfstream saltier and heavy, is needed to take out
 in order to increase the stream with 500 000 ton a secon
Rajananand Dhananjaya 
til postmottak, kontroll-konst., meg
From: anand@hotmail.no
To: h.bryden@noc.soton.ac.uk
Subject: how much pure water must, making the gulfstream saltier and heavy, is needed to take
out in order to increase the stream with 500 000 ton a second
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 18:39:24 +0200
"a climateship drawing was attached to this mail to the government and parliement of Norway
also sent to the professor reported to have found the Golfstream slowing down with 500 000 ton a second)

how much pure water must, making the gulfstream saltier and heavy, is needed to take out in
order to increase the stream with 500 000 ton a second,
is our question, just a calculated guess as a start would be nice. Otherwise we welcome you
to join Operation Rescue the Golfstream.
following understanding, gives the question.
Golfstream research for the period of 2004-2014 by researcher Harry Bryden shows in avarege a
 reduction of the sinking water of the stream with 500 000 ton a second as the stream close to
 Island in the big picture, is falling 3 km down to the bottom og sea where it continues. The
sinking is due to heating, making the water with higher salt concentration, they say, then becomming
heavier than water in the north sea or around, so it sinks. The slowing down with the extreme amount
of 500 000 m3 water pr second is much and expected to come from melted water from greenland making the
stream less salty and not so heavy, sinking slower. This we guess is the reason for the lack of snow in
 the Scandinavian mountain, too. Our huge climateships with 12 km tall updraft towers, several ball balloones
within cubic frames on top of each other held down by heavy climateships with concrete in the bottom makes a
combination of wind, solar, wave and updraft tower energy due to the difference of temperature by sealevel and
12 km up, it possible to produce fresh water to be transported away by flying cubes. How much pure water by
heating sea water is needed to make the gulfstream salter, we do not know, one ship 2015mx2016, perhaps even
3024mx3024m produces extremes amount of energy, and also is the solution to climate change in general, and a
100 000 such ships is needed. So if it is not enough with one, it is a good idea to build twice as many as
needed say perhaps 50, producing more energy than pure water, which also may be flown in to waterfall energy
 production by existing energy production, with a 12 km fall of incoming water from tubes and flying cubes
with sides 3 km about, buut energy can be transported as hydrogen, both as gas supporting the balloons,
or pressurized. Transporting water by balloon cubes may be easy, by the wind setting sail and uphold by
 a balloon, Operation Rescue the Golfstream seas it as terrible that a phase transition can occur when sea
 water stop mixing with deep sea water 3 km down with the gulfstream when sinking, as probably already the
temperature is plus 10-12 degrees. a 800 000 year scientific proof of the "falling bomb", in the relationship
 between the thermostat  or CO2 concentration and temperature says so, if the temperature followed as by 800 000
years old, the thermostat, it would have been 1 degrees hotter about. changes have been so fast that the 71% of
earths surface which is 3000m deep seawater together with all the ice, is the reason for it takes some time before
 the temperature of the thermostat is to be registered in the room or atmosphere. the bomb is in the air and also
the slower gulfstream is 10 times slower than the UN climate panel is using for their calculation, as temperature is
 10 times higher than they says, too. Studies of temperature in Norway, verifies this scientific proof too, or
 antiscientific Sherlock Holmes study of the corruption of science in the world, too. The bomb is falling,
 soon hitting you and your society, everywhere in the world rockets are hitting with strategic targets,
the collapse of the world by climate change may be worse than the analogy of an atomic bomb or rocket
attack by World War 3 going on by the indifference of people and governments to the risks. Because even
 though all aspects of the risk patterns can be said for sure, and perhaps only 12% chance of happening,
or small or big, the risk is not acceptable, indifference is terrorism against humanity and part of World War 3
if you like. of course long distance rockets take some time to hit you, but if the attack is real, your world
is ending soon and it is not 10 times as short time as the climate panel says, a phase transition and sudden
sea-level rise and stop of the Gulfstream and much more may happen this and next week, 6 meter rise of sea level
as a start within a month or two probably a risk, and again the risk we can not accept. So before the atomic bomb
hits us, is there anything we can do, before the world collapses, is there anything we can do. Modern communication
 makes it possible to stop the bomb in the air, and if we immediately act, that is now, most people of the world joins
 in our common world, climate, health and knowledge defence, the strategy of the Scandinavian Climate Fund of
Integrated Growth may work. Starting with balancing the heating reducing the effect of the sun, in order to stop
the bomb transformation of the world, then by same climateship technology, we may gradually remove CO2 from both
atmosphere and the ocean, make a cooler world and clean up the environment as much as possible by 2 hours a day
for most people in the world for a Marshal law period corresponding to what ought to be done to remove the risk
pattern. It is like you a winter  evening comes home to a 10 degree Celsius hot room, turns up the thermostat to 20
 degrees, and room temperature increases with 1-2 degrees, then you find 10 degrees what you like so you open
the windows a little to balance the extra heating, then you set the thermostat, here co2 concentration back to
original 10 degrees Celsius. The bomb is falling, the situation is desperate, we must act know, do not be
terrorist or deserter, our common defence needs you, each and everyone.
We requested the state of Norway to cover expenses of research and development of the presentation of the solution, as we know it is easier for everyone to consider how many billions to invest, when numbers are there, even though these numbers are not important by the risk calculation which is the foundation of knowing why to act at once, now.

Welcome to my home page. My name is Rajananand, (-Anand) if you like, and I am the founder of our common world, health, climate and knowledge defense. One of many foundations by Universitas Enterprise to build the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity our common world defense is. Universitas Enterprise which I founded in 1980 have fulfilled the theoretical foundation for global universal cooperation with integrated growth as a better concept than innovation, sustainable development and science, as the enterprise is something more and better than science as well, by Universitas Library, referring everything in science as well, but includes a vision of wholeness, as Universitas from Latin means "turned into one whole". New concept formation represents that of fulfilling science and taking it into something new, as the world of science, produces knowledge, but is corrupted by the interests of those within  universities, business, politics, religion etc. World Constitution of nonpolitical world democracy by our enterprise to build the Capital City of the World fulfilling the 4 universal values of common interests of all citizens in the world, is part of the theoretical fulfilment of a common platform for all, easy to enjoy and share, representing only defined universal common interests and pr definition, nothing else.  The climate defense includes a minimum of everything a global defense representing the interest of one and all, must have. We have therefor the one and only universally acceptable common defense, representing the universal and true interest of one and all, and being purely non political also the interest of all countries and their governments. Saving the world from collapsing and the people of the world from the shame of risiking that the world collapses, is just a byproduct of realizing the infrastructure of global integrity, not possible to build, if one damaged the world at the same time. The infrastructure as a safety net for one and all may also as a byproduct remove the international problem of world economy, known as poverty, refugees, and other problem s also in rich countries as Norway.
Being a terrorist by ignoring the risks uphold by activities one partake in, risks of the world collapsing, not only world economy or some isolated ecosystem. This is the theme of Friends of the World, a minimum of decency is needed in order to be anyone's friend, and by this risk even to be friend of own family. This is real values, as f you steal you are a thief, discussing morality of stealing, is not a good idea, if you are a thief, that is a real situation, if you are a terrorist. action is needed to restore a healthy and decent situation for yourself, too. In today's world steps of action possible to take, is found, including other likewise situations, as partaking in world economy when 50 000 children is said to die every day as a byproduct of the present economy.
We are using Latin for the enterprise, Universitas is the root of words a university and universe, and Sanskrit, too, as by our logo, Universitas Yantra. The numbers 108 and 1008 by Sanskrit texts are almost holy, and the magic of mystic combinations is found in the mathematical perfection of our logo, That and the practical values, is the reason for the name of my homepage. One of the situations coming to the risk pattern Friends of the World transcends, is that TE REAL GLOBAL WARMING IS PROBABLY ABOUT 12 DEGREES CELSIUS PLUS, NOT ONE GOING TOWARDS 2 DEGREES, AS SOMETHING UN FINDS UNACCEPTABLE, 2 DEGREES PLUSS IS FOUND UNACCEPTABLE BY THE WORLDS GOVERNMENTS, BUT THE SITUATIOJN IS THAT WE HAVE PASSED 12 DEGREES Celsius PLUSS GLOBAL WARMING. MOST PROBABLY SO. HOWEVER, WHEN THE RISK IS PROOVED, IN NORWAY ONE PLACE HAD 11 DEGREES CELSUS THE WHOLE LAST YEAR, IT TAKES TIME TO HEAT TE OCEAN AND ALL THE ICE, WHEN THE RISK IS PROOVED THERE, ONE MUST PROOVE THAT IT IS SAFE, TO UPHOLD ALL THE ACTIVITIES IN THE WORLD CAUSING THE DAMAGE OF GLOBAL WARMING, AND CAUSING MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY.

It is a great joy to to present the latest Developments of practical opportunities for fulfilling the strategy of Our one and only common climate and world

 defense as a flying buss whic is producing its own pure energy and so flexible that it may transform the worlds oil transport to only life supporting self-sufficient With energy Nice transport: We have initiated the biggest operation ever in order to reestablish global integrity and can only hope that the world or you, one and all have a majestic hearth caring for the world too. un Secretariat for their international year of peace in 1986 wrote to Dhananjaya, the founder of our universitas knowledge enterprise. We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal principle of World peace." - one and all together for global integrity and that all of living on this our beautiful planet must go together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. World Peace Constitution Fund International, president Dhananjaya welcomes you to share the expenditure of establish the foundation by laws of Norway requiring 100 000 NOK start up funding and we seek 108 000 or a descant loan to Dhananjaya personal, who may enjoy tax deduction. Thats the resant together with a green house of culture and health, a floating 72mx72m climate ship with a hall cubic 40mx40mx40m by Trondheim fjord and perhaps one in oslo fjord or other places too. - please be free to communicate interest in creating a team realizing a project elsewhere, too. not only by Trondheim and the new foundation. World Peace Constitution Fund by the Constitution of Global Integrity. After the drawings of different opportunities follows an introduction to the strategy and why immediate emergency is found even for you not to be an enemy of the world. join in friends of the world to build a world of global integrity including the capital city of the world as a global universitas and cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world civilization. it is a great joy to introduce the best opportunity for one and all to fulfill their responsibility towards the world. Building 108 000 climateships is part of the strategy to combat global warming by acctually creating a vooler world.

We plan to build several prototypes of climate ship 4 times the size of 120mx120m:

Our common world and climate defense is proaud to present a strategy by climateships to reduce temperature.
The Peace Palace pyramid architecture, represents how pyramids may as a Foundation been used for fort and
Palace architecture, but even for ship or flying, the architecture gives extraordinary strength by structure of
Our logo. The Connection between several  cubic frames With rings around, by a center cube from top to
bottom, shows a Natural use of the extra strength the 9 pyramid  frames gives both by forming pillars
or as here by forming a updraft Tower With sailsetting for extraordinary tall building, 3
times the heigth of worlds tallest. We therefor for fun has put a Peace Palace on top, see the about 3
km tall verion, twice the "normal size"  108mx108m.
The combination of a 3 km tall updraft Tower inckludes a 1 km tall baloon (standing zeppeliner) With diameter
about 800m, lifting 500 000 ton, perhaps able to transport 100 000 ton of fresh water flying on its own, no
t being a sailmast for the ship, where Wind may be takeen into funnels everywhere for
energy Production.)

Christmas star by Our Winter solistic celebration With free vegi meal to one and all as well as coordination of
giving a gift, everyone sharing the expenditure and partaking in the celebration organisation is the idea and a
free gift may be a millieu friendly car and hydrofoil With free computer and more.

Wounderful mathematical perfection found by RajanandIt as probably the PYRAMID ARCHITECTURE OF THE ANCIENT WORLD WIDE PYRAMID SOCIETY, WITH BUILDINGS TECHNIQUES BETTER THAN TODAY, THEY TELL. iTis a great joy to share with you ancient mysteries of pyramid architecture and how it is likely the Cheops pyramid and pyramids around the world was built as palaces, forts, windmills, for water storage etc. Some aspect may be said to be prooven by the mathematical perfection found by the wonderful drawing made by Rajananand Dhananjaya, but also found as origional ancient architecture as a scientific discovery. The combination of magic drawings from around the world by the perfect correlation and optimum coherence  found gives the superstrong cubic frame, With universal Application.. The old world wide pyramid culture is known as Stapthya Veda in India and Chinese. Tibetan and Japanese architecture has roots here, indicated by one of the drawings for a sailship, also with windmills by funnels of the architecture weather sail is set or it is a massiv building.. A modern glass building may be instead of sailsetting or by stones in ancient days gave good protection as a fort. Rajananand made the perfection to out logo from the eigthies also used as the flag of world union by the science of wholeness enterprise also to build the Capital City of the World as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilization, and by applying the oldest and most perfect architecture known. The supreme strength of the structure of our logo as 3D immage may be on all levels as the pillars of the cubic frame may be built by about 4000 smaller same cubic frame, size 2%. The 2% fractal cube material by smaller and smaller cubic frames in the pillars may be down to nano size where carbon nano tubes forming cubic frame pillars, together with mateial around or by walls of a box combination, may give the extreme strength needed, when ball zeppeliners with diameter about 2 km, with vacuum inside, holds up a 12 km tall updraft tower from a climateship here present with one unit or brick 108mx108m. A ship may be put together of several units and 108000 large ships with updraft towers corresponds to the one and only common climate and world defense with a strategy for a cooler world. The fractal pillar application also is perfect for 3D printing of whole floating climate cities, not only many km long and tall, but by a number of 108 000, 3D printing. This largest operation ever in world history if we succseed, however, is within the least we must do to start removing the totally unacceptable risks of climate change, but of course taking the oil economy, producing annually many times the energy used today together with pure water from sea water and transport of the water, may give the economy for a period of 20 years to employ a billion citizens of the world to run the good show and 3D printing may be the most inexpensive and effective way to to do it, allowing the speed needed, because it seems the only real problem is, it may be too late, the environment may collapse before the world ocean is cooled, CO2 removed, water to the world shared for plant Growth eating CO2 etc. It is interesting that on all Levels With an easy Connection between the cubes in the frame, each cube may be added an engine, so we talk about a real transformer cube or cubes ready to build ad rebuild any structure. We see practical uses of a transformer cube as well. The universal logo gives many aspects of the strategy of our common world and climate pyramide as strength of constructions, architecture and the idea of optimum coherence and economy of the strategy.

THE ABOVE INTRODUCTION BY MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS MAY BE REPRINTED BY INFORMING ABOUT WHEN AND WHERE AND BY PAYING OUR ADMINISTRATION COSTS OF APPROVAL. If you also add the followinh to immages, including advertisement for us, you even may reprint it for free, if complete and unchanged (Perhaps by exception of spelling control.) If you want to partly used the presented and adding more, we may assist you if well paid and ownership to result is enjoyed as we seek ghost writers and those who find interesting approaches for presenting this which is front page News for many days for any Magazine or newspaper.

2 climateships Giza and sun pyramid is no planned, to travel together, cruising around the world visiting pyramids with flying machines with helicopther landing and take off, but the Giza ship planned 3kmx3km have for receiving guests as planned a 1800m long airport. The sun pyramid as seen may be about 600m x 600m, the about 440m tall cube the building, toped by the pyramid and with a concrete ship in bottom, hopefully with the new strong concrete, that is the original pyramid concrete  with clay ceramics, and we d have a clue how to construct it, as experts know what it is stronger and better concrete than known by yhem before, but not how to create it! We have had many suggestions for our yantra as pyramid architecture and when only the seen foundation is left... This indicates the best as it works well, and all pyramids could have been likewise, whre the bottom fort may be or not be a building! Even Cheops may have the same adaptation of our architecture found by combining ancient mystic drawings and values as numbers 108 and 1008 found in the architecture as pure magic! The ancient world wide pyramid society and empire with many kingdoms, was vegetarian, Mahabharata suggest that military breaking the rule caused the world war about 5000 years ago, according to strong references.

Hello, my name is Rajananand Dhananjaya, for short "Anand" and my family name is known to be Stein Roar Andersen even though I registered the new name in Norway 2004. The page is to inspire your majestic nature as I seek people to cooperate with me in order to build global integrity. If you was king or queen of the world in the interest of all is seeking take responsibility for the world, what would you do? There are many practical things to focus on, of course, to many, but the common safetynet and infrastructure of world peace and global integrity is the science of realizing that which is agreeable for one and all and really the true interest of everyone as well.

Welcome to my new homepage! It is a great joy to welcome you to join in building global integrity by building the gold pyramid network, and we have even a gold global currency, planned as the new gold standard by the free flow of information including books, articles, tv programs and so fort produced by most people in the world we hope soon, as the library of the unity of science needs to grow and available as free information, some to be paid as well by Golden Times by Global Times foundation. The gold pyramid however relates to the ancient pyramid architecture of our logo, where also the mystic numbers of our page have many magical combinations. We do plan to build 108 000 floating cities by new nations with 108 ministries of the city government and 1008 stockcompanies of each ship to build the ship, the city and the world of global integrity we all need. Not to be associated with illegal pyramid games, but for those ready to take responsibility for a stock company, with 1008 NOK or time to invest by the clever and succsessful action needed, a pyramid profit potential may be found if our standardized routines and codes of honor and integrity is respected. Further without the network building of 1008 companies to build a ship mentioned, several stock companies have buisiness values among the most profitable in the world if succsess is achieved! The gold pyramid also represents that your home is your castle and that te origional architecture probably was based on gold in meditation chambers for the radiation protection against space.

Thanks to page.tl organisations offering a free homepage opportunity and we hope most people by their stock company can afford a editor subscription, building their own homepages with information of their choice available by our common reference center and all working with internet is welcome to join in fulfilling the potential of technology and communication in the world.

Rajananand Dhananjaya, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway 1008anand108@gmail.com

  It is natural to trust UN demonstrating so much good will, but when UN climate panel tells the world that we can go on poluting by an idea of a 2% incresed temperature is ok, allready it is one degree hotter in the world they tell. They have no scientific authorities who can give such a statement, not only is a multidiciplinary perspectiv where a thausehn scientists is nothing, it is also as predicting the weather next year. Not possible, they state it is most likely possible to continue damage the environment by CO2 pollution another decade or so. They admit that there are risks not counted for by this calculation, but even if they are rigth, say 60% probably that the environment do not collapse the next decade, it may be 40% probable for its collapsing next month. Metan gas by ice melting making the greenhousegasconcentration much worse in short time, ice on top of the sea enough to raise sea levels perhaps 10m in few weeks by comparison with balances of the past history, the loss of the Gulf stream in a bad circle with greeland melting making it stop etc. The analogy the it is prooved to be uncertain ice on the lake, to to be walked on, is good. If you try you may be able to walk over but a drawning accident is likely to happen. Such risk patterns by responsiblity for our world is not acceptable at all. No aeroplane wold be accepted for take off with such uncertanties. So playing "Russian Roulette" with the future of our world is terrorism against humanity, so UNs problem is that it represents the problem, the governments of the world. A movie picture with many stars showed how they damaged world economy by the finance crise in New York by sellimg out without any values, creating bad economy for all bayers and with no interest for the economy of the world when making nice speaches, first interest their own million dollar salleries and bonuses. Accepting what seems as irospinsable from UN is also not accetable by the possibility that they are paid and treathened (the last a fact by newspapers) by oilcompany paid mafia. The risk of that must be considered unfortunatedly and the risk of the sickness that governmental representatives by their wealth and position may be able to live, while society collapses, which is a pattern of sickness is also a risk. It is 25 years ago since the need for stop polluting was registered, now 1 degree Celsius higher temperature. Their organising power is based on world economy, it may collapse, what is their respons capacity then, when worse than 0 now! We still continue to damage the world as if it is a collective suicide or something. "We" here means not sharing responsibility, just pointing out the situation for the world as a whole and by the magic majestic approach we all should find in our self.

Is this the architecture of the Cheops pyramid? The mathematical perfection of ancient drawings found indicate so, even may be a scientific proof so saying.
What seen is a climate ship by the 18m tall square bottom 108mx108m and 108m tall- 18m by parralell walls every 4m gives 4m wide openings from front to back for rivers of water and or wind, pushed in by wing and funnel aero and hydro dynamic form in front and sucked out by engines behind, giving wing lifting. The yellow 22m tall building, 2, 108m long and 24m wide as seen, have 1008 appartments. On top of those are city area under the orange sailsetting in the cubic frame by the 9 pyramids. Funnels may add wind energy production or the sail may be glass walls and large hall and city area. This is one unit brick, several mat be put together for a sailship and environmental friendly floating city, which by large numbers may balance global warming by the strategy of our one and only common climate and world defence! One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity is the Royal Principle of World Peace. UN wrote to our founder «We truky appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace and we hope one and all grows in their majestic nature taking responsibility for the whole world by the universal and true interest of all!

The yelow is a standing zeppeliner by steam of water diameter 216m and possibly many km tall from the ship below the cubic ball frame on top of the 108m tall ship. From the ship also by sail possible, goes a updraft tower tube with diameter 108m into the middle of the ballone above with diameter 216m and all to the top so hot air is sucket out on the top owing to temperature difference on top where air is heated by solar, wave and wind energy and added steam. Steam by updraft tower may be used to produce pure water from seawater, too. This is a simple version of a climateship within the strategy to reduce temperature of the world by producing energy. A long story and many good combinations. Orange and blue is ship construction, may be read about on the other homepage by another version of the ship, same strategy.

Main page:  http://1008anand108.page.tl                           http://1008-108.webs.com

In Norway the first stock company by Dhananjaya is by a pattern of standardized routines, that the company plans to be established with 1008 stocks costing 144 NOK eachm which also is salery of one hour work where expert assistance is not paid. Each can work 6 hours for the first company he joines in by a team of 5 with one leader, and each also finds 4 others to join in his team of 5. There are 4 standardized assisting leader positions, with courses and routines nd tasks which can be shared by all 1008 stock companies forming a climate ship cluster of companies, where each company have one functioning on the ship and in the floating environmental cities, as well as good business ideas for international cooperation. One ship also promotes the building of 4 other ships and in the gruop of ship units 108mx108m, there are 7 units, where one unit can be up to 2 108mx108m units, being 108mx216m as all 7-14 units can travel together or be dived in 7 units anm Trømsø, Trondheim, Bergen, Stavanger and Oslo should have at least one of 7 units each.

The Gold Pyramid is neither a legal or illegal money game, real values are built by strategy of building global integrity, but still have joyful profit potential by a good plan to achieve succsess. The cost of joining in is 1008 NOK and must be paud with at least to hours work paid in stocks by the payment of 144 kr an hour and up to 6 hours may pay the 1008 NOK when 144 NOK is paid cash. 6 hours investments or 6x144 kr investments in the unit of 5 one joins in forming the leaders stock company. The 144 NOK in cash is invested in the stock company upholding the communication by emailsubscription for the 1008 stock companies of the climate ship one joines in. It gives education and routines to be fulfilled by the assisting position in the first unit one joines in and upfrading. As a stockholder one is informed about all products sold by emailsubscription. This is all needed to raise 30 000 Nok in cash for one stock company by 1008 stock costing 144 NOK pluss stocks from those baying outside the theme and other stocks achieved sold cash, up to 30 000 NOK atleast. The climate fund should have 504 stocks at least, but those are counted for when the company is established by general constitutional assambly decision for extention of stocks according to routines, but established with stocks achived as salery. Standardized routines allows one to work 6 hours or many companies, may be a good arrangement by adjustment to tax and other governmental routines in noprway as well as giving the cooperation of companies optimum flexibility and mass production solutions to need to be done things! When one team of 5 is established, one may establish another teams and stock company ready to be established. This minimum routine is an opportunity also to look into more profitable business opportunity for integrated growth companies as building houses by climate fund standard and cooperation for standard naturally for food. Our common world and clomate defense have routines covering all, must not represent isolated interests, so also with business organisation, no personal, just building succsess for each other and the world. The science and art of being friends, being a friend is a email course given by Rajananand and includes how not to be an enemy of the world and your own family by climate cooperation, but also a non violence code of honor for ladies and gentlemen and by our global celebration enterprise, we welcomes forming of coordinating units of friends to arrange celebrations and form friendship with other Units of 1008 persons by festivals, cruises around the world and so forth. The national climate ship program includes marketing culture and tradition of Norway and meeting others ship or parking by large cities around the world to enjoy to enjy celebrations around the year. The movement Together for Peace in Trondhei in 1986, The UN International Year of Peace gave querterly celebrations around the year as by a Harpe Concert at Ringe Museum at spring eqionox with Willy Postma marking the exact time for change of season and likewise on summer solstice, with Mr. Bonsaksen playing teams of peace on the bells of the Nidaros Chatedral. We also published 10 000 copies of our book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace presenting also the good responds for UNs secretariate of the year in Nrw York, saying in a letter to Rajananand, then known as Stein Roar Andersen; " We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace.", - known as : - that all of us living on this beatiful plannet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve progreass and fulfilment together, now for short: One and All for Peace and Global Integrity. The library of the unity of science is now the concept also with courses of united education of integrity for universities and persons upgrading! When all national ships are built with some travelling around the world, one annual meeting should be dedicated to international questions and we welcome UN to join in establishing a kingdom by a floating city, to join in, as 108 000 floating cities is planned, not only for nations.

from 1008-108.webs.com where ship drawings is also found:

Brilliant combinations of opportunitiesadapted to the need of time also by climatechange destruction of the world risks is forming the strategy of our common world and climate defense:

Here is an idea of a climateship based on our logo or Flag of World Union, with pyramid architectyre. In bottom, there are wings where water is passing above, pushed up or in in fromt and sucket out behind by engines, giving wing aero or hydro dyanamics for fast travelling or surfing, possible combined with hydrocraft system below. If the squaere mandala is 100m long and wide, diameter ring, the cubic frame by sqyare 72mx72m gives about 1008 36 sqm appartments. and a hall in the pyramid with cruise area. On top is a flying cubic ball frame which may be used to set sail and windmill funnels or to fly people away, even all if needed and the diameter of the laying ring 204m - 218m have 2 rings going aoround with blades for lifting, in opposite directions for helicpther lift and lnding, there are also ring around by standing rings, 1 of 2. for travelling forward. The ball diameter about 200m may be a balloon, and different as large ball cube frames may be on top of each other forming a updraft tower by the strategy to balance global warming, including producing freshh water from sea water by steam and solar energy. The ship Nor-way may consist of seven ship construction put together on one line with 3 updraft towers with 2-3 or more flying cubes on top and the 144mx144m square roof may be a wing or 3 wings parralell bith wall inbetween the rivers of wind passing over the roof by engines making it possible to have the wind blown both ways, achiving helicopther flying and landing, too. This gives 2 indeppendent flying systems, good safety! Scandinavian countries may all have their own ships and floating islands, meeting forming the Capital city of Scandinavia, as all countries in the world should have one by the cruise program promoting their own country and meeting 4 times a year by Together for Peace and Global Integrity Celebration and Congresses. Anyone wanting to start building the national project for such ship is welcome to communicate interest by email Subject National Climate Ship , and one 108mx108m unit for each million in their country, however for cruising, not all ship units may travel. All countries may start with only one unit!

What is a climate ship and what role do they have in the strategy combating global warming destruction of our environment? Huge ships and floating cities bigger than any known ships and perhaps sail-setting up to 12 km tall and building 108 000 such ships by our common world defense as a vision of balancing global warming creating a cooler world by the enterprise to fulfill world society? Is it to big and not practical or is it the least we ought to do to start removing the risks of the collapse of the world as we know it, the only realistic plans there are! Realizing what it takes to balance global warming by the least in order to accomplish most is the nature of the biggest operation, bigger than D day and perhaps bigger than oil, road and car industry going on for a hundred years, too, a challenge needed to take and possible to realize owing to mass-production and combining whats produced with many needs as for food, energy, cities, good economy, safety net for all, industries as cars and computers etc. competing only where there is needed to change into activities not damaging the world and upholding free competition for anyone to participate and compete, but within the codes of honor of integrated growth including practical rules as the climate fund there to enjoy 50% of the stocks, but profit goes to the people of the world and or more integrated growth, growth without corruption, the concept more perfect than sustainable development also implying that it should sustain the economies of those in power today, which by integrated growth is only possible if they are good adapting to the need and challenges of time. Most important it is possible because it seems as a must for everyone to agree and join in. So a climate ship may be 3 km long with its own airfield, have thousands of apartments and many small palaces, being a floating island and environmental friendly city it makes for instance production of el cars possible without polluting by transport and fabric activities, nor by the economy of the people producing it by their salaries, and 1008 stock companies is planned for each of the 108 000 ships planned. Each ship in order to fulfill its role combating global warming should have updrafts towers perhaps 12 km tall and produce solar energy from 10 sq km of incoming sunlight, produce wind and updraft tower energy too in order to change the energy heating the world to products as pure water and pure energy and transport of water by the flying cubes of the updraft tower. Water may be to land producing food and forests from it, reducing CO2 concentration and water from climateship production flying to tubes around the world also used for vacuum tubes high speed as 2000 km an hour, transport, have pressure of for instance falling from 2 km up! A good combination long distance vacuum tube transport of people and water and energy! Updraft tower moves energy from out of the sea and from sea level and 12 km up, some of the 1km wide cubes may be as balls of hydrogen lifting the whole thing as a balloon, also lifted by wings and windmills rotating engines directly. In Norway the temperature around the year is 12 degrees Celsius higher than without the golf stream, and when the sea regulates the temperature, this makeup plan may work directly on the bad effect of global warming, and when built, global warming allow us to use that much energy, then oilcompanies may run again, probably a good idea with rest from CO2 damage some years. Later when back to normal we can reduce solar energy production and just use wind energy for instance, that is if we may succeed, it may be too late, the damage is already there, enough probably so the world is already collapsing, it just take some time to manifest itself. Too late, means people not brave and with the honor it takes to fulfill our universal duty of defense, not joining in by indifference and attachment to pattern of activity of the world which are destroying world civilization, if we do not wake up and respond, now. If we are lucky it is not too late for immediate action, doing what we have do do anyhow! 108 companies of the 1008 is dedicated to New fundamental Information, communication research and education order by the library of the unity of science by global or golden times, where everyone is supposed to be an editor by editors subscription going together organizing a new Internet, Integrity-net, by the best ways to do it according to the common and true interest of one and all, not by the economic interests of those in business and those having authority by isolated growth here and there is opportunities working as integrated growth. Giving away a free PC to one and all is part of the plan, perhaps even by mass production also a hydrogen oxygen rocket engine car producing electricity for any home too, possible to use as a home, still as good as Tesla S, a free car to one and all as their office of integrated growth (by tax free laws). If we produces annually 12 times the amount of energy used a year today this way, we may take the entire oil economy (all oil companies may join in establishing energy companies of ours as well of course, even though their are responsible for the destruction of the world more than others, the rules of integrated growth allows investments from anyone and by new floating nations, too, hopefully with an island or “Vatican state territory" on the cost somewhere). The oil economy by normal salaries in developing countries may allow one billion new jobs, person partly working around the world by ships and partly on land producing food, houses, environmental cities, etc. on land, perhaps half the year on land and half the year at sea, by floating cities with universities, schools, businesses etc. so family may travel, and safest place on world is the plan, by many ships traveling together and with flying cubes even possible to lift all people above bad weather and with ship construction taking any monster waves and producing energy from them! Each city should also have 1008 humanitarian foundation and 108 ministries of the City Government. The ministries are found and hundreds of the 1008 businesses, where reducing the whole to 1008 stock companies copying each other on all ships and around the world, is the problem, not finding innovation ideas! Combinations like this solves many of the world problems today and allow if people favor immigrated Growth solutions, to run such rescue operations as rescuing the Golf Stream in particular, with good economy highly profitable by most people of the world going together and agrees about mass production as by 5 billion new cars by Our Common Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by world Constitution of global Integrity, new Fundamental Global Order as the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity and a safety net for one and all. We hope most people of the world invest 2 hours of their time a day for the few years it takes to establish this against stocks in the new companies they join in building, building as teams 1008 companies also giving a ship with offices, apartments, congress center etc. and as a city may go around the world with university congresses, festivals, around the world cruise, etc. all within integrated growth of the city and world. We shall be grateful to hear about your interest to join in, perhaps starting with a newsletter subscription, as our resources to answer more than a hundred is limited!


The risks of the destruction made, the damage of the environment may be like being hit by another planet with collapse of the entire world and the idea that it is the poor who are hit first seems how bad attitude leaders have, leaders of politics, organizations, businesses etc. often using it to press people to support theme, yes otherwise nothing is done to save the environment, terrorism. if the world collapses those rich and responsible may be hit first by the political organizations of society, by military organizations, by war etc. It is like the ship hitting the ice, going down, first class is not protected there are no rescue alternatives. Unfortunately the damage of our world, the physical damage is just a part of the problem, the biggest problem is the sick mentality, therefor it by the risks is a duty to point out both aspect of the man made and man uphold problem or World War 3. The approach of the defense is that each and everyone must realize themselves, realist integrity and join in integrated growth of world society as opposed to growth creating damage by isolated interests, joining in the integrated society and avoiding partaking in the destruction of the world by the disintegrated society as universities, governments, businesses and most people participating in world economy is the cause of the problem, and if the risks are lower, still it is a risk taken which in itself is terrorism and doing something with those responsible and you. Be a friend of yourself, a friend of your family and a friend of the world, is our advice, as it kills you to be an enemy of the world, more obvious than smoking do so! Our common world defense offers you opportunity of doing better success in the world by better income not only by volume and a good position in the world, where most people have none, that it a real position according to natural duties, as the ancient Sanskrit word Dharma covers. Justice of society is not the approach of non political defense, but to gather people, most people together for global integrity by the Royal Principle of World Peace where UN s Secretariat for their International Year of Peace, 1986, wrote to Anand, Rajananand, then known as Stein Roar Andersen; "We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace.” founded by him as: All of us living on this beautiful planner of ours must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together by New Fundamental Human Right and Duty also by the popular expression One and All Together for World Peace and Global Integrity.

The cubic frame With 3 rings around is based on Our logo, the global integrity logo:


http://filmaid.webs.com/ gives introductions to the risks of global warming and climate change and how the strategy of building a 100 000 ships together with land based activities may give the global integrity the world have lost due to damage of the environment, as the world do not do what ougth to be done by the risk of the environment collapsing. To build global integrity comming to a safetynet for one and all, the infrastructure of global integrity or New Fundamental Global Order by our common world defence is the role of the climate ships.!


Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth focuses on 1008 stock companies to be established everywhere or as the team to build and run a floating climate city or ship, where we plan to build hundred thousand ships. The fund welcomes donations and offers for sale and good price real good email-subscriptions, newsletters, abCD books etc.


If someone wants to invest time, land, money etc. in a stock company within the enterprise, we welcome one and all to that and hope most people work 2 hours a day to remove the risks or imbalances found as probably already collapse of vital ecosystems, the idea is to invest it in companies being paid by stocks mostly as a start in order to ensure global integrity as soon as possible, if at all possible at not too late. One can share the responsibility to establish a new company perhaps as part of 1008 in order to build a climate ship!


Investing large sums as professionals do is possible by real good standardized rules including the fund holding at least 50% of the stocks of a company. High risk and profit potential may be possible, but basically green companies are supposed to be secure investments with low risks by standards of the marked. Each company several business opportunities as investing in timeshare-ownership of houses both on land and on climate-ships.


The green-company is a combination of 90% investment in secure values and 10% used for raising fast growth for our many new patents and ideas. Green-companies seeking to sell as a start only 18% of the value of the company against cash and 30% against work paid by stocks. The good profit potential is based on a monopoly position for the company’s focus for some time unto the profit potential is earned and shared, but the values only borrowed as otherwise owned by the people of the world by nonpolitical world democracy and disposed by foundations as our fund. Each of the 1008 companies of a ship may invest in up to 10 houses about 120 sq. m each for students, family cruises, festival hotel etc., but the company waits investing unto the ship is ready as a whole.


If each green company raises 18 million each and is with good economy and income, it is easy to focus also on different business opportunities some with the best profit potential in the world as well as being a foundation for the realization of a climate-ship. It is possible to bay bonds, 1 bond by the price of 1, 2 million NOK and transfers the bonds to stocks in one of the 1008 companies and thereby enjoys a good profit potential when the development of the company is satisfactory, negotiation also about the 3% interests of bonds is possible! Bonds are otherwise supposed to last for 9 years. Each green company of course also is independent of the climate-ship and should be a business in itself and invest in property on land. By the particular opportunities that the best every goes together part-time building a world of global integrity by realizing local green companies, opens opportunities for investing in building homes and houses by climate-fund standards and giving houses to part-time participants, too! Good combinations offers opportunities of good profit by the balances of the marked here!


The fractal structure of the cubes, where a 500m tall cubic frames have pillars made of 10m tall likewise cubic frames and the pillars of this frame is made by cubic frames 0,2m tall and soon may be a good opportunity for using the carbon Nano-cubes technology with extremely light and strong materials to build the tallest buildings in the world. Carbon Nanotubes stock company is an opportunity where mass-production may revolutionize the marked of new buildings and machines!


Another green company may develop our computer program to build houses by robots fast and according to any rules. We have as part of our many original ideas here a brick easy for robots or children to build brick walls as by Lego. Extreme profit potential and most practical for our own enterprise as building a climate ship by cubic frames 10m tall is based on robots as spiders going along and up and down such integrated frames transporting new cubes.


The best plain in the world, inexpensive, high standard, practical with helicopter functioning, fast travelling by pure energy and low cost, we have the plan for, technology found. One green company, too! These may be extended to flying cubs, transporting goods as well.


One of the newest opportunities if the best way to produce fresh water from salt water, together with energy and transport to land of water and energy, a good green company as well, and as land based green companies may be based on free water to local participants…


The climate-ship produces extremely much pure energy by updraft tower technology, wind, solar and wave energy and new technics by tubes deep into the sea and even have found ways of storing energy which is vital for solar and wind energy business, as for producing by the large cubes in the north sea and storing on the bottom of the sea for sale to Germany for instance. We hope by climate ship to produce all the energy the world is using, much more than today and more inexpensive and combines it with creating ships, plains, cars, trains, busses etc. running on the new energy as well.


One green company takes the challenge of building 4 000 000 000 cars like Tesla S but better and at a much lower cost, serving partly as housing and disposed by job for those who cannot afford one! We welcome all producers of cars and busses to assist us! We are here just listing a few of the 1008 stock companies planned.


Festival programs by the largest festival area in the world, Tivoli wheels by the rings with diameter 504m of the updraft tower, timeshare owner coordination, city centers, etc. is about the first green company challenges of course.


Maha Megas City to promote investment by gambling and by OL of strategic games as chess, go, poker represents combinations to capture 90% of gambling marked alone and a better success by the world of investing money. A cubic go game or chess 9x9 only selling boards to 600 million chess players worldwide may be independent businesses, as well as the Gold Pyramid which is not a pyramid game but with paramedical profit potential for those good in promoting the network building.


One green company business together with around the world cruise with our Universitas where students can join in for free working 2 hours a day, is transport containers and as the largest ship in the world takes 19000 containers, we can take 24 000 on the 2 airfields alone, if only the ships runs for cargo 10 times that!


Unique technology is found for taking minerals out of the sea and building a new internet, becoming the coordination for the best way to organize the technology of modern communication in the true interest of one and all by Cyber High Society are 2 green company opportunities.


We welcome people wanting to share the challenges and expenses to communicate their interest by ordering a newsletter, abCD book or email subscription and to join in building a world of global integrity by building the much more than a hundred thousand stock companies so far planned!


We have stated that global warming is beyond 2 degrees C+ already, it only takes time to heat the deep ocean and melt the ice. Melting of ice as million sq. km from the sea accelerates global warming by taking up heat, but a popular scientific magazine try to escape the need to meet the risk, by discussing yes or no to manmade problem and using and expert saying that the heating of the top 2000m of the ocean seems real, but is not much, in spite the fact that only the top 50m have been studied for years. Everyone have heard about the butterfly effect by chaos theory (Jurassic park professor) and it may not be the general heating which is the problem, but more like an hotter Gulf stream perhaps, hotter and less salt sinks slower and spread heat to land around and the stream goes deep and around the world and streams heating pole ice from below may be effected! The stream alone may cause sea level rise 12m in few weeks, not unthinkable and the risks, all of them must be proven not there, to be ignored without being a terrorist! The general heating low but extreme energy by volume may be the balance for assimlating melting ice for the first 40m sea-level rise for instance, who knows, there are no experts. For those ordering the personal e-mail subscription, the annual magazine about our logo is extended to a 64 pages pdf book covering the climate ship project and the entire science of wholeness enterprise by a more complete minimum of knowledge. The book follows the first newsletter! NASA have started saying the same as us, not by our conclusion that we have passed 2 degrees Celsius already, more straight conclusion and President Obama likewise states that it is going to be worse, by itself, and wants to prepare for bad weather change. We say though, that if we cooperate we may be able to balance the effect of global warming and by some time balance the imbalance.



By one green stock and climate fund company Dhananjaya is given the profit potential of 12 billion NOK and the plan is to share 10 billion NOK potential with those investing together 1 billion NOK by cash as by bonds or stocks or other values as land, work, building materials etc., He hope to realize 2 billion NOK as personal profit in order to build his own climate fund ship! The company plan to produce and use for transport next generation planes by rocket engines without pollution, high speed and better comfort than today’s opportunities within budget economy. Cooperation with companies to run the transport organization is part of the plan and building many start competing by air transport as fast as possible is the key applying our originally developed patents. When the profit potential is earned by selling cooperation, air transport and or opportunities of copying the company in every nation, the values are fully owned by the climate fund, in position to continue negotiation with airlines, fabrics, nations etc. The company still exists with its values and may still earn income for the years to come!



*One may apply in order to reprint the above image together with an introduction on homepages, in newspapers, magazines etc. One may request a presentation and suggest payment, tell when and where wanted published together with what else, perphaps from this homepage or one may order presentations for print, if the payment and situation is acceptable!

The above as suggested approach for journalist, here follows a presentation possible to work on to make suitable for your newspaper or magazine. An application with where, when, payment and understand limmited printing rigths as comming to use of logo, to one publication.


Wounderful Magic Perfection found by Rajananand Dhananjaya giving the Flag of Global Integrity by the Royal Principle of World Peace. UN Secretariate of the International Year of Peace, wrote to him, also known as Stein Roar Andersen as before 2004, "We trukly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace." and as founded by him; that all of us living on this beatiful planet must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together. One and All for Peace and Global Integrity. UN by the limmitations of what national governments may accept have done a good work promoting the need for action comming the damage of our environment known as climate change and global warming, but the measure of what to do seems to be not according what is most likely to happen, but according to obvious risks not prooven not to be there, as enough evidence is there to prove unsecurity, as unsecure ice on a lake not to walk on or a plane before take off, it must be prooven safe. So when welcomming one and all to join in building the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity with a safety net for one and all known as New Fundamental Global Order as defined by World Constitution of Global Integrity (or non political world democrasy), we must do a minimum according to what is possible without terrorising the world with action not prooven to be ok! Our Common World and Climate Defense includes a complete strategy with application making it possible to balance the risk patterns as a start and gradully restoring balance to the CO2 damages of the ocean and atmosphere of the world. The one and only and as it seems urgent, we can only say, - a vission of fulfilling world civilization, if it is not too late, the world as we know it may collapse, and our lives be damaged or the world to attached to the sick patterns, to react, which seems like the biggest problem. Universitas Yantra from Latin and Sanskrit means : the instrument of liberation of turning into one whole, and as a vission of fulfilling science and knowledge fundamentals of society by the unity of science, and by perfection of the Flag, finding optimum economy and order by perfect connection of everything to everything else, turning into optimum coherence of one whole world ... Universitas is our new name of a university, or supreme university, as one without a Faculty of Wholeness is just a specialised school and as we welcome all universities to open a Faculty with 4 institutes of comparative research study to connect to our library of the unity of science as all citizens of the world is welcomed to connect as an editor of the Library of the Unity of Science by editor subscription of Golden Times or Global Times. Everybody and all universities, libraries, governments, organisations etc. upholding the reference center by a new internet, Integritynet of the Royal library Society, fulfilling the potential of modern communication technology by the common interests of the people of the world. 108 000 universities we plan to establish by 108 000 floating cities and climateships. Everyone should start publish something and earn money from it by their subscription and selling of information, info. Pyramid games is not allowed, multi level marketing and network building may be, Our Gold Pyramid, is neither, but give income opportunities for the builder of the network of editors with pyramid profit potential so the role of being editor even may be assisted by your Integrated Growth Stock Company by Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and the pyramid architecture of the flag. the huge profit potential i for those registering others to join in by the foundation Global Times and you may publish anything you know, as info about your family, sport, education, profesion, hometown etc. and even just published from known sourches by others and perhaps find your info platform to be leading in the word cooperating with the best. Editor Newsletter is available and if expensive for you, finding others paying for their, 4 paying the fee of NOK 1008, may do. One of the ancient unsolved mathematical mysteries, the geomethry of the 9 triangels known as yantra and the square mandala within the circle, many have tries solved for thausend of years and these days even with advanced computer programs, and Rajananand found it, the origion optimal perfection and it may be said to be a proof of the origional, perhaps 12000 to 50000 years old of the mystic ancient drawings and pyramid architecture combined, related to the sun. For those who did not find the optimum perfection, it is a surprise that it is the perfect relationship between the circle and the square of Mandala Cubus which is giving the optimal configuration of the triangels or pyramids, gliding into each other from center, into the mandala and all into the circle, turned into one whole as the Latin Universitas mean, being the root of words as university and universe. Constitution of the Universe it may be named as well as the order of the universe have aninherent intelligence, reflected by the pure intelligence of man, but also by the suprisingly interesting ancient understanding of Veda with the 5 elements of nature, 9 chakras of the body, understanding of the absolute as Vacuum state of Quantum Physics are close, too, with big bang theorhy expressed by the mirror understanding o the big bang ureka, perhaps also how the sun is walking into the world by steps of the pyramid on Spring Eqinox, or the mirror immage of water or shadows. The origional Third Eye meditation of focusing attention of being aware of the wholew by selfrelization not owershadowed by the impressions of the world and isolated interests or points of view, is by the excersise of looking into the center of the logo and by third eue orr sideview of the forehead, bveing aware of the whole, experiencing the union of the observer, process of observation and object of inquery, tracending the centerpoint of view, experiencing the home of all knowledge, consciousness where knowledge is structured. Knowledge pyramids, the least needed to be on top of a problem, challenge or knowledge architecture or building, and how 9 knowledge pyramids is turning everything into one new knowledge pyramid building within the wholeness of the environment and circle, is also a good approach of multidiciplinary research and development of the library of the unity of science, to accelerate world progress, too, trancending the limitations of diciplines and icolated growth almost damaged the world completly and giving a slow development and stagnation of world progress laching integration of science, and this integrity integrated in world development as well as onvious codes of honor of global integrity. Every cilmate ship, at least a 108 000 floating islands and cities should be builtr should have 1008 stock companies and editors going together forming stock companies with timeshare ownership of palaces, appartments, offices etc. on a ship, may also seek a business of the ship in order to build a environmental friendly society of global integrity, without being a terorist risking the future of world society to collapse. Universitas Yantra where Tantra from Sanskrit means instrument of liberation represents a solution to climate change by the inspiration of selfrealization without being dominated by the world with an approach to world activities turned into one whole with shared responsibility for our common world and climate defense or true interests as a global family of people dependent on the Royal Principle of World Peace.


Presentation of the years since 1980, Universitas Years or from our book, new edition in progress, may give a longer or a serie of shorter presentatuions.




Be aware, the international references of the account bic and iban is wrong, we have sent a mail to the bank for corrections! The bank is extremly slow verifying references!


The Dome of Peace presented by our book in 1986 is found as part of the Flag of Global Integrity!


As all values of the funds of the enterprise, the flag is given as a gift to you, one and all but by rules for the flag and also when used as a logo for the many foundations. You may apply for your own family flag of global integrity and print a page with the flag, but not use it to promote something or as wallpaper. The real way of owning it, is by meditation and realizing a position in society and so forth, the personal integrity it represents. Cheers Anand


Health and Climate Standard Prosperity Concultation

is a combination of a emailcourse by Dhananjaya and a personal consultation including third eye meditation by Universitas Yantra logo by Dhananjaya himself or by someone passing the course with excellence. dDhananjaya himself as far as possible gives the consultation and therefor a newsletter subscription costing NOK 54 is available as introduction with registration of application. The consultation costs only 500 NOK, and if accepted by an application, minus NOK 54 or 446 NOK, alltogether 500 NOK. we shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly: " Consultation newsletter by mail subscription fee", name adress and emailadress is all needed when sending the fee. Account rigth hand side. or:

Rajananand Dhananjaya , P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831, NO24 0532 1667831, BIC DNBANOKKXXX


If you´d like to send a donation to Dhananjaya and support his work of global integrity by the common and true interest of all, the whole world, please use the above account with message "donation" Your donations are always appreciated! "Donation to the climate fund", may be the message if your sharing of the expenditure of building a world of global integrity is prefered to be non personal.


Rajananand Dhananjaya known by registration in Norway before 2004 as Stein Roar Andersen is the founder of the science of wholeness enterprise and the foundations realizing different aspects. He also found the perfection of Universitas Yantra or logo:

The above logo as flag of global integrity belongs to everyone, so please be free to print a version, but not for any other use than meditation and personal use, not as wall paper and advertisment for anything else. Any of the versions on these pages may be printed, but only one to keep! We do seek to sell numbered printed versions signed by Anand, 1008 by each version for the sum of USD 108,000.-! Galleries and person selling by percentages is welcome to communicate interest in a business deal.

The foundations of these pages are our common world and climate defense and Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth. 1008-108.webs.com / 1008 and 108 is known as mystic numbers in India and as the diameter is 108 in our logo there are several mystic combinations of these 2 numbers in the pyramid architecture.

One of the latest discoveries of the orgional traditional values of the yantra, is that not only 9 chakras is found by the 9 triangels, probably also agni 9, where the present understanding of experts of Auyr Veda by MAV is 13 agnis. Agni the fire transforming food into you, is related to the chakras or 9 substances of the world, and the 5 first is by the 5 chakras by the 5 elements which by Auyr Veda represents combinations for health known as doshas. The ninth agni by top chakra may be related to the union of man and women in the new cell, is a finding we welcome the world to consider as well (as our origional discovery of what probably is classical auyr veda) and it is interesting that the self or soul related to the third eye in the forehead so to say, is related to the agni of the creation of bone material! Our logo as the drop of immoratality or fountain of youth is based on the transformation of food into you. The most "sexy"drawing in the world so to say, but also related to architecture and deceant values as your home should be your castle, as we found pyramidarchitecture to be! It is interesting that the 9 Chakras and substances of the universe by classic Indian philosophy may be considered in the ligth of big bang or vacuum state of quantum physics for the cration of the universe as well and further into the combinations of the 5 elements as the physical creation of the world and the birth of society with dharma and positions and homes and castles of pyramid architecture. We in year 2000 about, our Year of Royal Unification of World Society suggested that there was 9 levels of kingdom, too. But dharma is about a lot more than what ougth to be done within society on different levels, it is about ones natural duty, what is the best choiche of activity so to say to make a living and in these days where profit is important, probably because activities is not according to dharma, which represents a value of itself, it is important to know, one should never do anything for money itself, but of course organising good economy by what one is doing... We now discuss both ancient values related to the constitution of the universe or our flag, not all of those are part of our science of wholeness philosophy, but most interesting to debate in order to see how everything may be understood. There are 108 ways to trancend and when the movement of Yogi Mahesh seems to lack the tuch of a Maharishi in many parts the last 2 decades, we also offer by a initiative within the standard of cooperation when building climateships, their organisations opportunities of fulfilment by climate ships, new nations, Vegis Naturrally, United Education of Integrity as by the library of Auyr Veda and so forth, cooperation without going outside the correlation of the universal interests of one and all, not going into the movement of Yogi Mahesh, who gave the world so many aspects of Veda revitilized!

"turned into one whole" which is the meaning of the Latin word Universitas, and Universitas Yantra is the name of the flag and logo, where Yantra from Sanscrit means, instrument of liberation.

The architecture or logo go well as flying machine without parts moving still flying as a helicopther and one 3mx3m as flying car is developed, but not tested and verified, however a good patent.






Vegi Naturaly

Climate, Health, Milieu and Vegi Standard Naturally

it is known that vegetarian standard may promote part solution to global warming, but it may be, that the nonvegi standard of today is in the bottom of the problem both of deserving the situation as well as giving the sosialcharchter structure of the mentality of the world upholding the problem, not only man made, the biggest problem is that it is upheld.

VegiNaturaly is the best healht standard both for society and your health:

organic grown, vegetarian standard but if nothing added also vegan standard because the cow is not treated well, not gentic manipulated, transported without pollution and fresh. Presented for sale it should have a veginaturally reference including where produced and by whom. A network of people wanting to bay and partake in distribution we also seek to establish. VegiNaturligvis in Norway cooperates with the Climate Church accepted to establish a building project of one climate ship with 1008 stock companies and the network may be supported by the money following each member from the government of Norway to, about 120 USD year. The Gold Pyramid network building gives opportunities by that sum. We seek cooperation in every country for national climate ship building by the standard and with those producing and distributing food including shops and restaurants to establish the standard of utmost importance coming to what they are offering for sale to everyone. There is also a newsemail costing 108 NOK starting with network building right away and the postcard for sale promoting the standards locally everywhere by network building, a good start for shops and restaurants.


Gather all good in the field by upholding a purity acceptable for anyone in such away that all have interests in cooperating, is a must to succeed, above doing a litle here and there! Cooperation is not against what others do here, and many practical organisations we promote in the interest of all. One of them is by the networkbuilding:


Health and Climate Standard Naturrally Prosperity Consultation


Cheers / mvh Anand

Rajananand Dhananjaya

Anand - (RajanANAND)

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway

Global Integrity Research Scientist


Ps. the logo by ancient values represents Auyr Veda and may be said to be the fountain of youth by agni 9 building the body from food, water and air on 9 levels building each the foundation for next level agni by the 9 Chakras of the body, resulting in birth, both by family but also birth by body recreating itself. United auyr Veda of Integrity Universitas is a university initiative which could be called the Fountain of Youth University. But the 9 Chakras is also associated with self, the trancendental value, time and direction in space by 4 top Chakras with selfrealization, union with God and union with the world is values of the Chakras or top 4 triangels as well representing the 3 Gunas of Nature, by classical origional values as well as 9 levels of integrity in the world with Dharma as key concept, as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi by his coments to Bhagavad Gita gives insigth into! Triangels 9 may represents the 3 gunas by dharma and agning, 3 doshas by the 5 first chakras of Auyr Veda that is. Traditional values here is suggesting that the knowledge is a precise and logical as the coherence of the logo of global integrity. Vegi Naturrally is an opportunity and for those in business, for instance by shops and resturants, there are opportunities of extra income as well. cooperation to safeguard good transport without pollution of food and people is an opportunity, too!


We shall be grateful to hear from anyone wanting a course to start using the standard for their own life and being environmental friendly and taking care of own healt is the same, by practical life or those wanting to integrate and or promote the standard businesslike or as a world movement by our common world and climate defense!


Vegi Naturrally as a standard is to verify for people the quality of non violance and there are different levels here. Most important producing a minimum for free to one and all and clean transportation, is part of New Fundamental Economical World Order and the infrastructure of global integrity. The climate strategy to produce pure water from sea water and transport it to land in order to produce food, is part of the organisation we promote, but as a climate fund stock company, several companies may be established to enjoy isolated values of the standard, but always within the strategy of a safetynet for one and all.


A perfect opportunity for all wanting to promote the good life now known as Vegi Naturally, all vegetarians, vegans, people of non violence, those envirionmental friendly wanting to save the world from collapse of ecosystems we depend on, those wanting to promote that we together produce food enough for one and all by Vegi Naturally standards, available for all etc. may go together, including organisations aspiring likewise and shops and resturants with or without these some of the standards in first place. All organisations supporting people in need and developing countries may go together building climate ships producing water and transport for food production. All governments may communicate taxfreedome for Vegi Naturrally and so on. We welcome persons as soon as possible to start building groups of 5 by the network building Vegi Naturraly, by communicating interest and register participation, sharing the codes of honour for this universal cooperation and so forth. Those wanting to support us with donations we welcome as well as those wanting to invest money in the many climateship stock companies. It is the most simple and perfect approach for the united vegetarian initiative of integrity, known now as Vegi Naturraly. It is a great joy sharing the opportunity and network building and party and celebrations goes well together. We shall be grateful to hear from one and all and if our 108 NOK newsletter is no problem, please be free to order. Otherwise our homepages are good!


THE NEW GLOBAL CO2 CURRENCY, GREEN DHANAN, IS THE NEW GOLD STANDARD by pure energy production to transform the black oil economy and the black economy with byproducts as poverty. The transformation is ALSO a complete strategy to balance climate change and CO2 damage of the world. The new Green CO2 currency is the opposite of black wealth with bad influence on the owner, as the new gold standard. We hope to establish the global currency as a global gold standard in many ways. The CO2 currency is only one of the Global Bank of Integrity currencies, called Dhanan, where one correspond to a guaranteed minimum income to one and all. Green Dhanan is limited to, -there exist 71,000,000,000,000.- Green Dhanan, 1 green dhanan equal to one $ (US$) today. If we take over the oil economy we may have 1,000,000,000 persons working by a good developing country salary, upholding the organizations of 108 000 climate ships, environmental cities, floating islands and new countries. The ship by wave, solar, wind and updraft tower energy is to produce both the energy the world needs and pure water from the sea, both water and transport of water to farms, land and forest building. Profit is given as payment for investments as twice or more of invested value, but limited by agreement and time, because long term profit is given to the people of the world as a safety net for one and all and to build all 9 levels needed in order to balance global warming by the challenge of time! The transformation of the world into non violence standards by democratic control of the people of the world by World Constitution of non political world democracy and our common world and climate defense, is a byproduct of realizing the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity defined by the constitution as New Fundamental Global Order. The strategy of the defense is based on 9 levels of development to balance climate damage just as the 9 triangles of our logo, say founder and President of Global Bank of Integrity, Rajananand Dhananjaya. He found the pure brilliance of creative intelligence of the defense as well as the magical mathematical perfection of our logo, which is also the flag of global integrity. It all represents the common and universal interests of one and all, and nothing else. Gold Energy Currency bills are available by the sum of 1008 Green Dhanan, but digital so registered by the owner and as Carbon Tax it is also an investment with good profit potential, as the money may be invested in the 1008 stock companies of the Green Climate Ship or other ships. We seek cooperation for this best way to fulfill such an organization and reducing CO2 is a strategic goal of the organization of 108,000 ships the currency promotes as the one and only real solution to global warming and the challenge of time including poverty! Those, as most people, responsible for CO2 damage of the world by consumption, transport, own car, production etc. may bay green currency bills and following up investing both the money and time in building climate ship stock companies of global integrity. It is 2 hours a day by state of emergency Marshall law by our common world and climate defense which is the key to fast transformation of the bad situation to healthy growth. We welcome one and all by the royal command of the state of emergency to join in and to participate in global voting to promote governments participation and investment of land to support the new "Vatican city" nations for instance with an island or a dessert for food production. A country investing some land may uphold a union with the new nation, so it is not lost for its people We shall be grateful to hear from one and all wanting to promote the global movement.


Rajananand Dhananjaya


P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway

Global Integrity Research Scientist




Rajananand Dhananjaya , P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831, NO24 0532 1667831, BIC DNBANOKKXXX


If you´d like to send a donation to Dhananjaya and support his work of global integrity by the common and true interest of all, the whole world, please use the above account with message "donation" Your donations are always appreciated!


"Donation to the climate fund", may be the message if your sharing of the expenditure of building a world of global integrity is prefered to be non personal.





Rajananand Dhananjaya also known as Stein Roar Andersen is the founder of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and World Constitution of Global Integrity, or easy: Anand

He is also founder and President of several independent foundations as World Constitution Fund, Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, The Climate University of Global Integrity, etc.


Dhananjaya made the perfection of our logo of global integrity, the logo of Global Integritynet.


One of the ancient mathematica unsolved mysteries, the geometry of the nine triangles known as Yantra has been there for a thousand years or more, tried solved by many also by advanced computer programs. Dhananjaya who found the original perfection, may be said to have made a intellectual achievement better than becoming world champion in chess as the fellow Norwegian Magnus. We mention this for the news value and one of the most natural approaches when presenting it for others. Original values here may and may not have been found earlier, but it is obvious that the perfection is a scientific proof itself of the optimal potential of order and a good guess may be 5000 to 12 000 year old order as pyramid architecture, perhaps showing the shadow, mirror in water or something of the pyramid by exact values, perhaps even how the sun is walking down the steps of the pyramid on Spring Equinox as is the case so to say by a Mexican pyramid. For those seekers of knowledge just almost succeded it may be a surprise that the solution to the problem lies in the perfect relationship between the square by Mandala Cubus and the circle or 2-3 circles. Seen from center all the triangles is flowing naturally into each other, into the square and into the circle so everything may be seen as turned into one whole, which is the translation of Univeritas, the Latin root to words as universe and university; “turned into one whole” and we therefor named our global integrity logo: Universitas Yantra, where the Sanskrit word Yantra means. “instrument of liberation”, the instrument of the liberation of turning into one whole, may be a mental experience or an experience of knowingness, the pure consciousness, oneself as the source of knowledge. Multi-disciplinary research and integration by knowledge pyramids of course is a Universitas approach transcending the boundaries of unnatural focus of disciplines COMING RO APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE, but the true transcendental value is the way of seeing it by third eye meditation exercise. A knowledge pyramid may be the least one need to know in order to be on the top of a challenge of application of knowledge for a purpose, like a target of the logo. How do one pyramid connect to another and to the square building of the architecture of knowledge by optimum economy, do least to accomplish most, and to the whole by the ring. How to build knowledge pyramids and buildings may be a science of comparative research study itself, applied science of wholeness! Consciousness is where knowledge is structured, and upholding yourself as the pure witness beyond the field of comparative research study is the key to see the wholeness or self-realization. The third eye side view restful alertness witnessing the whioe and at same time focusing by looking in the center of the logo, is the meditation exercise.


Any astrology or knowledge about the Mexican pyramid seen on TV, 2 minutes, showing that the Yantra, Ra Yantra, solar instrument of freedom, on Spring Equinox is presenting how the sun is walking down the stairs into the world, we shall be grateful to hear about. Our idea for the Yantra though, perhaps only a shadow or mirror in the water is indicated, as water east and north is expected by stapathya Veda architecture. Rajananand consulted 2 Indian astrology experts, and they found that his, mine, Auyr Veda prakriti constitution is the rare extraordinary excellent balance of threedoshasa, all 3 doshas like, where most often one or 2 is dominating the personal psychophysiological constitution. His or mine brilliance finding the prakriti of the universe, its constitution so to say, may be owing to his personal prakriti and the dedication of developing own strategies in the game of go and chess, as goof exercise as well. It is obvious, Rajananand have created something extraordinary in perspective of world history and ancient philosophy and architecture, so no newspaper or magazine with self-respect, can ignore it and we hope that Dhananjaya may earn some good money here as how the penthouse of pyramids looked, is fascinating, as the perfection of the Yantra itself is a clue or scientific verification of something original. Here is a interesting presentation with too long sentences and in need of someone good at telling a story like this, give it a tuch, and we welcome offers of cooperation where we own the material for reprinting, but agreements for reprinting for others as a newspaper in one edition, perhaps together with some royalty for the newspaper to when others is reprinting, too, for some time, perhaps a year. Large international papers and magazines are known for paying well for the good presentation and we welcomes communication of price, when to be published, what original presentations of ours is used and if extra material added, what extra material. Ghost writers or others wanting to work as agent in a country or for the world are welcome to communicate interest to join our coordinating team for this, as we hope to earn money with the hope of our logo on the front page of all papers and magazines,- it is that kind of good news!



A Newsletter is available by 216 NOK Send 108 -216 NOK as “Newsletter e-mail-subscription fee» and remember email-address to; Rajananand Dhananjaya , P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831, NO24 0532 1667831, BIC DNBANOKKXXX If a newspaper or magazine, the message is “e-subscription fee for papers” If more than 2 is order 108 NOK is ok, for each! anand@hotmail.no for messages conserning paid newsletter!


Cyber High Society


Cyber Day we celebrates on winter solstice in Norway (as 21th of December 2013) by the vision of fulfillment of cyberspace as a reference center for the fulfillment of science by New Fundamental Global Order, New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order or New Fundamental Human Right and Duty for the integration in society for the fulfillment of world civilization. A new internet controlled by non-political world democracy, free computer with communication opportunities to one and all, and the most efficient application of the potential of modern technology by the true interests of one and all, is a vision of the Cyber High Society potential to fulfill the development of world civilization. Ladies and Gentlemen of cyber space and the high society we shall be grateful to receive communication of interest from and to be registered by the high society the codes of honor of global integrity must be understood and a position and confidentiality agreement must be signed. In order to proceed it is possible to order an abCD book by the price of 504 NOK or SEK if the swedish account is used, or a newsletter only by mail for 108 NOK. The first million ordering the cd book including the universally acceptable World Constitution of global Integrity defining the concepts of the order, may achieve to order CD 2 including the film aid movie for the film festival, when ready for another 504 kr, including festival tickets. We hope to sell one billion tickets even before the movie picture is produced. By Dhananjaya own business also the funds account may be used, when sending name, address, email-adress and the sum of NOK or SEK 504 to Dhananjaya with message, ordering Cyber High Society abCD book. When money sent to one of the 2 following accounts from your and the given email-adress, send a message by mail to anand@hotmail.no (for a cooler world as balancing global warming is an adjustment by the Climate Fund of Integrated Growth when building the infrastructure of global integrity and fulfilling world civilization by the most obvious and efficient use of cyberspace by the true interests of one and all) and tell what account you sent the money too, by Subject: «Cyber High Society»! Subject if sending 108 SEK or NOK by same routine is «Cyber High Society Newsletter emailsubscriptionfee»

Rajananand Dhananjaya , P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831

President Rajananand Dhananjaya

World Constitution Fund, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim, Norway account in Sweden: 78871309952, BIC swedsess, IBAN SE65800000000


We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.






When the infrastructure of global integrity is to be built we cannot at the same time damage the world as by the extreme destruction of CO2. UN, governments and scientists seems to agree that the climate collapse is due to manmade destruction by CO2 pollution and that we cannot pass the 2 degree Celsius plus line, where global warming is expected to be on its way. But the collapse of the environment seems to be already here, we are fast passing perhaps within 10-20 years 2-4 degrees Celsius plus even if we stop polluting all together. Still the world pollute more than before and every year more CO2 damage is added than the year before, as all new pollution is adding up. It is not as they suggest we much reduce with a few percent a year level of pollution, all pollution is plus pollution and the situation is uphold by man or the world, the problem is both that the collapse is here and that the world do not want to do their part. Immediate action would require balancing the heating and reducing CO2 in the atmosphere and in the world ocean. Statoil of Norway is supposed to represent 2-3% of all damage done by CO2, by only balancing heating to stop terrible effects, the cost of repairing that imbalance would be more than 120 000 000 000 000 NOK alone, but do the climate negotiation consider the costs of repair and balance …


UN depends on governments and universities on the faculties, but all these imbalances could have been removed in time if universities and society had integrated the science of wholeness when founded in the eighties, instead the whole society is decades behind what it could have been by efficient integration of the best of technology and knowhow. Instead the world is damaged perhaps collapsed to such a degree that repair in time is not possible. The one and only common world defense as a complete strategy based on the best technology already found, is a hope for mankind, the generous gift of Rajananand seems to be the only hope we have for restoring global integrity.


Experts is misleading the world both by the idea of polluting less as damage is adding up more and more as well as for the risk patterns. Perhaps most likely at least what to hope for is the UN mission, but what probably as well may happen coming to the collapse of the world, is ignored. The thermostat or concentration of greenhouse gasses represents a much higher temperature than measured owing to that it takes time to heat the deep ocean and melt a lot of ice!


Nobody have a scientific foundation to prove that thinkable manifestation of the collapse may not happen. It is important that people is stopping leaving responsibility for the bad development to experts or politicians. They do not want to admit their faults and is the problem, not the solution. People must themselves take responsibility and join our common world defense to build a world of global integrity.


If the ice on a lake in the spring is found unsecure, one is not sending a school class over the ice to same time and money, the ice must be proved safe before accepting the risk so to say. The ice of the poles is found unsecure and may increase sea level with many meters in weeks, stop the Gulf Stream, and disturb the oxygen production etc. and when no one can prove the risk not to be there, it is terrorism against humanity to risk the future of all children in the world by not joining our common world defense. No one can uphold activity in the without facing these risks by the collapse already found, if it is not likely that worst things can happen soon, it is not the probability of it which is what one have to relate to, it is the risk, totally unacceptable to ignore. No scientific proof is there to allow ignoring the risk, you are either joining in our common world defense, the one and only by Rajananand or you may be said to be a terrorist against humanity.


It is a great joy and a gift to mankind the production of these analyzes originally developed to enlighten people of the situation and we do not only produce the minimum of understanding everyone need to know but also the solution or a complete strategy to remove the problem, if not too late. The technology and the enterprise to restore global integrity are found and include fulfilling the development of world civilization including nonpolitical world democracy by our World Constitution of Global Integrity. If the collapse of the world is not manifested next week and one and all accept our cooperation we may restore the health of the environment and establish a safety net for one and all. Urgently needed is your cooperation by our world peace campaign, One and All Together for global Integrity.


Stein Roar Andersen since 2004 registered in Norway as Rajananand Dhananjaya founded the Science of Wholeness in 1980 by Universitas Year and Universitas Week, the seven main themes giving the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. Theme one is the philosophy of the unity of science by pure intelligence within man as the same intelligence expressing itself in the universe elsewhere. Man’s ability to reflect the purity of the intelligence gives ability to understand creation and form science. Universitas from Latin means “turned into one whole”, as the Latin root for words as university or universe. A known understanding but with the special approach of the unity of science and the integration of this unity into world society for unification of world society by optimum integrity. We welcome all universities and governments of the world to open a Peace Faculty of Global Integrity with 4 institutes of comparative research study to form the Library of the Unity of Science. These 4 Institutes gives the 4 themes of Universitas week following; theme 2-5. The referring Institute of Comparative Research serves as reference center for all knowledge; The Human Institute relates knowledge to persons, society and experience, ability to see knowledge or truth, the Analyzing and Synthesizing Institutes is about the ability to focus attention and see the whole at the same time or see how specific knowledge can be integrated in the whole of a business, a society, an engine etc. New Fundamental Global Order gives the values of the global and universal cooperation to realize the university cooperation by global integrity. New Fundamental Economical World Order is based on a minimum of housing, clothing and food for all in the world and new Fundamental Human Right and Duty the concept covering the cooperation to establish the infrastructure of world peace. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order to make knowledge free or a lot of free knowledge from our library, which also may sell books, magazines, films etc. This by world Constitution of Global Integrity of theme 3, non-political world democracy to govern or give democratic control with the universal cooperation including making sure that the cooperation is not used for anything but the 4 themes of the New order and seven themes of the Week. Theme for of the order is celebration and integrity, celebrations without social control by music, drugs, alcohol etc. to allow organizers to exploit the celebration. Spring Equinox Norway is celebrated as The day of Global Integrity or the Independence of the World Citizen of Global Integrity as by free knowledge and a minimum for economic independence, freedom. 7th theme of the week likewise and theme 6 of the week is the organization to realize the infrastructure by enterprise to build the Capital City of The World as a Global University and Cultural Meeting-point for the fulfillment of world civilization. As proclaimed in the eighties, now, however, we have to say if not too late owing to the risks by climate change and as a byproduct of realizing the infrastructure and cooperation in such a way that we know we are not damaging the world, balancing global warming seeking global integrity by the constitution of the ecosystems, too! Science of wholeness may be said to be a new science or even fulfilling the concept of science, not complete without the multidisciplinary approach of seeing the whole. Our Flag of world Union by our global Integrity Logo even have a classical meditation excursing the ability to see the whole while focusing attention. Perhaps even an ancient meditation. One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity, known as the Royal Principle of World Peace founded by Anand (RAJAN Anand) and UNs secretariat for 1986 as The International Year of Peace wrote to him: “We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace.” We hope everyone is growing in their majestic nature and in personal and global integrity as by sharing the responsibility found as the universal principles and cooperation of the Royal Principle of World Peace. Perhaps the capital city of the world is built partly as a 100 000 floating nations of climate ships, by the minimum needed for global transport of the cooperation and to balance climate change. The opportunities to join in are many from voluntary free work to the more than 100 million new stock companies we plan to build by the new technology safeguarding the integrity of the environment to avoid collapse of the world, where our goal is the fulfillment of the development of world society as a new healthy world. Each climate ship should have 1008 stock companies and 1008 foundations, too and 108 Ministries of the city government.


The founder of the science of wholeness enterprise and the defense Rajananand of course as any citizen upholds political and religious activities outside the nonpolitical and non-religious enterprise, and it should be as easy to cooperate with him as one and all because the cooperation is universally acceptable by defines rules and goals by the true interests of one and all and is defined to be nothing else, that is not to be taken to represents other values. Rajananand promoting royal unification of world society have succeeded creating opportunities for others to join in, decent opportunities which not only seems as a must but also not joining in may seem by simple logic as terrorism against humanity by the environment, by statistic of poverty possible to remove by the enterprise as well, and other imbalances of the world, a Holocaust shame that is there! We share no one’s depth either but if we together are fulfilling the enterprise, we certainly are so to say coming on the plus or sunny side of the world again. One of the floating cities is planned as the preliminary capital City of the World as a Global University, the ship: Global Empire and the university, Yantra Universitas. 100 000 large climate ships and updraft towers is the least we need to do at sea and together with land based tactics, it may do and within good business. Our world democracy welcomes the world to promote giving business deals with the ships as well as land and islands to form new nations by the floating cities.





The climate ship above has a cubic frame with sides 1008m and is exactly 1008m tall by a diameter of the rings 108mx14. The blue ship construction is 56m tall and a flying cube on top may extent the updraft tower.

In 2010 we gave a lecture about the yantra meditation; see:


november 2010 lecture



Climate, Health, Milieu and Vegi Standard Naturally

it is known that vegetarian standard may promote part solution to global warming, but it may be, that the nonvegi standard of today is in the bottom of the problem both of deserving the situation as well as giving the sosialcharchter structure of the mentality of the world upholding the problem, not only man made, the biggest problem is that it is upheld.

VegiNaturaly is the best healht standard both for society and your health:

organic grown, vegetarian standard but if nothing added also vegan standard because the cow is not treated well, not gentic manipulated, transported without pollution and fresh. Presented for sale it should have a veginaturally reference including where produced and by whom. A network of people wanting to bay and partake in distribution we also seek to establish. VegiNaturligvis in Norway cooperates with the Climate Church accepted to establish a building project of one climate ship with 1008 stock companies and the network may be supported by the money following each member from the government of Norway to, about 120 USD a year. The Gold Pyramid network building gives opportunities by that sum. We seek cooperation in every country for national climate ship building by the standard and with those producing and distributing food including shops and restaurants to establish the standard of utmost importance coming to what they are offering for sale to everyone. There is also a newsemail costing 108 NOK starting with network building right away and the postcard for sale promoting the standards locally everywhere by network building, a good start for shops and restaurants.

Cheers / mvh Anand

Rajananand Dhananjaya

Anand - (RajanANAND)

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway

Global Integrity Research Scientist


Our dome of peace was allready presented in 1986 when we printed 10 000 copies of our Book of Peace with the cover presented here:


Rajananand Dhananjaya was registered as Stein Roar Andersen in Nprway before 2004.

Our dome since the beginning of the eigthies has been perfectionated and verified to be ancient and probably what is known as the Flower of Life drawing from around the world by ancient locations. On our cover from 1986 Dhananjaya was named Stein Roar Andersen, as up to 2004 by registration as citizen of Norway and the message on the cover " before it is too late, now..." is partly a lost situation for the world as we can no only say, if it is not too late, as the world have lost integrity by not integrating the sciecnce of wholeness enterprise in education and universities and as the infrastructure of global integrity by participation part time by most people in the world. We still need to act, now, now, is the time to act.




The Science of Wholeness Enterprise; Reference or Universitas years:


We inaugurated our enterprise and founded Independent University Foundation in January 1980 with Universitas Week, a seven day course, conference and congress. The Science of Wholeness enterprise was defined by the seven themes of Universitas Week.


Theme of day one of Universitas Week is the Philosophy of the Unity of Science and the integration of global universal co-operation. Man’s intelligence and the intelligence giving direction to the chances of the natural laws of the universe as a whole is the same pure intelligence, expressing itself with the same lawfulness and order.


Theme of day 2, 3, 4 and 5 is the four institutes of The Science of Wholeness Faculty of Comparative Research Study of the Library of the Unity of Science. We welcome every university, school, government etc. to open such a peace faculty of comparative research study, so the process of integrating the disciplines, news, information etc. at one place can be in optimum coherence with the global growth of the science of wholeness enterprise or the library of the unity of science, our library.


Theme of Day 6 of Universitas Week is the scientific and cultural enterprise to build the Capital City of the World (World Capital) as global land and a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world civilization. Since 1980 we have extended the idea of global land by an invitation to all governments, welcome to give land at their boarders to build environmental cities and also to uphold food production, industries needed for the global co-operation (life supporting for all aspects of life), and perhaps all citizens of world society could get a second or first home in an environmental city of global land of world constitution. We hope to find at least 100 km x 100 km land for world capital with the dome of peace with 9 domes as a roof and the extended area of this building with 9 circles with radius 25 km gives the city itself, then a world map, which the 9 circles can give, locates the city, in the center of the dome of peace. We hope countries compete to localize the city building project.


It is a great joy to introduce an entirely new scientific enterprise to integrate the disciplines in the unity of science in global university co-operation. The aspect of the program to build the capital city of the world as a global university as a cultural and scientific meeting point for the fulfillment of the world civilization in this generation, is meant to correlate the global growth of the unity of science.


When we in our book of peace of 1986 suggested 10 ministries for the Capital City of the World and the 10 halls of the dome of peace, we knew the coordinating functioning which was natural to give these Ministries of a non-political organization


It is a great joy to state that these Ministries also is going to be the ministries of Global Land or Environmental Cities and where governmental representatives of close countries may be Ministers, as well of city governments with 108 Ministries.


The Governmental functioning of environmental cities or even embassy buildings is shared with all other countries in a union, so no police, military, etc. is needed. They only act according to law and court decisions of course.


The 10 ministries suggested are updated:


Ministry of Wholeness represents the global voice of conscience or pure, non-political world democracy and the wholeness of the world, universe and World Constitution of our enterprise.


Ministry of Capitol of the Universe represents global land and embassy areas wherever established


Ministry of Affluence through program of guaranteed satisfaction of natural needs represents New Fundamental Economical World Order


Ministry of Multi/International organizations, represents our own foundations around the world and co-operation with other organizations as we are inviting all humanitarian organizations, World Bank, G8 etc. to join our initiative to end the war against humanity, now!


Ministry of World Government represents co-operation with governments as now possible with Global Bank, environmental cities and embassy land invitations, environmental cities or global land in union with nations of the world etc.


Ministry of (Educational, scientific and cultural development) New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order with Global Bank and Intranet initiative, the Library of the Unity of Science, Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study, which we invite all universities and libraries to open in co-operation with us, etc.


Ministry of Spiritual, Physical, Psychophysical, Psychological and Sociological Development basically organizes reference centers for everything related to health on all levels of live.


Ministry of Enlightenment represents co-ordination of art and modern communication in the role of education as movies; videos etc. and also aspire to organize inspiration of the religions of the world as in relation to duty.


Ministry of our Family of Nations represents respect for national integrity and independence, culture and government when integrating the values of world union.


Ministry of (Celebration and Fulfillment) Classic Culture Celebration Congresses celebrates the growing waves of fulfillment of the unification of world society around the world around the year.


If a country gives land to an environmental city of global land, the new global land is not lost, while it is in union with the giving country which also may have many ministers in the 10 Ministries. It may uphold police and military functioning alone by law so it is no new danger, however international courts and military powers of all lands may be a second safety factor and constitute an environmental, military force against pollution. The country giving global land may also enjoy stocks in the companies to be established and the people of its country may have first priority for jobs and enjoy voting capacity limited by the 51% shares to be owned by World Peace fund on behalf of the enterprise. We now by project to build climate floating cities and tax free paradise for climate stock companies have 108 Ministries of the city government and perhaps for the Capital City of the World, too, combining!


Theme of Day 7 of the week is congress classic culture celebration and fulfillment. We have also established Club Classic Culture Celebration to integrate and purify all cultural traditions in one new. Another aspect is World Capital as a living global museum. And of course the seventh day represents the wholeness of the enterprise, celebrating the fulfillment of the week as a powerful momentum of progress. In 86 we inaugurated Together for Peace with seasonal celebration by quarterly weeks as theme.


Universitas Year we enjoyed both in 1980 and 1981 with one quarter of the year for each of the seven themes following the inauguration. The theme of these 2 years and the coming 7 was developing the theoretical aspect of the science of wholeness, known as the 7 themes of Universitas Week, a model for the university integration of the scientific enterprise.


The Universal Year for the Philosophy of Science, (1982) We inaugurated the second university year for the theme of the first day of the week: The Philosophy of the Science of Wholeness in relation to intelligence of man and the multiple universe, neuro-physiology, consciousness, knowledge and the unity of science. The lively potentiality of the science of wholeness enterprise was expressed.


The University Year for the Unity of Science (1983) was inaugurated in Oslo during Universitas Week, January 1983. The first expression of pure intelligence, the pure structure of science as the foundation for the unity of science in its diversity, is here related to the universities and independent faculties of the library of the Unity of Science. Registering abstracts from all fields of science and knowledge found in the innumerable books, magazines etc. of the libraries of the world coherently, for the process of referring comparative research study, to reflect the unity of science in the first institute and second theme of the week, was the theme of development this year.


The University Year for the Role of Science in Creating an Ideal World Society (1984) was inaugurated winter solstice December 1983 in Trondheim, Norway. Comparative Research Study related to society, the individual and developing world is the role of the second institute and third theme of the week and was the focus of the year, while knowledge of the laws of nature is structured in the life and consciousness of man and by integration of science and Know how in the developing world society through people.


The University Year for the Universal and Unifying Principles of Science (1985) The third institute and the theme of day 4 of the week and of this year is analyzing the universal laws of nature and their expressions in the process of development, growth and evolution and is integrated in this focus of attention and comparative research study. First in the process of comparative research study we deals with the structure of the field of study or object of inquiry, pieces of information, then with how science is structured and expressed in the consciousness, evolution and life of man and here with the mode of activity, the patterns of chance and the source, course, range, steps and goal of all fields of evolution or aspects of science and knowledge in general.


The University Year for the Global and Coherent Integration of Science (1986) Creating optimal coherence and correlation of sciences and the pieces of information was the theme of the year, and 5th theme of the week. Any scientific focus integrates many fields of science or pieces of information, often from many areas of specialization. In reality, there exist no boundaries between the disciplines or they are invisible. Adding comprehension and systematic overview from the point of view of different levels of wholeness is to be referred in the first institute as part of the process of comparative research study. We also initiated the movement Together for Peace and arranged seasonal celebrations in Trondheim and Oslo at chance of season. Lecture by Mr. Andersen and harp Concert by Willy Postma was given at Ringve Museum Trondheim Spring Equinox and at exact time for chance of season summer solstice, a concert with the bells of the Nidaros Cathedral. With seasonal celebrations around the world we also added values to United Nations International Year of Peace, (1986) and we were most grateful for the responds from the UN peace secretariat in New York and Australia! This was the beginning of Classic Culture Celebration tradition and also the idea of together for peace with an invitation to all humanitarian and environmental organizations, UN, World Bank etc. to go together removing from the face of earth the most serious problems as world hunger, refugee problems etc., now possible in a few weeks’ time!


The Year for the Scientific and Cultural Enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a Global University and Cultural Meeting point for the Fulfillment of World Civilization (1987) The integration of science is meant to be decentralized with different reference centers many places and by the knowledge of the individual participant. However organizing one global University City, world Capital City, representing the unification of knowledge and world society is here beautifully expressed in the theme of the year, 6th theme of the week. A Capital City also with printed archives of the entire library, which exist also around the world, is unifying for world society! All governments are welcomed to compete about giving away the best land for Capital City or an environmental city. We may build it as a floating island as well.


Year of Celebration and Fulfillment (1988) the first fulfillment of Universitas Week by the well received and completely presented science of wholeness was celebrated this year. Celebration and fulfillment, being the theme of the last day of Universitas Week, is representing the whole of the week and this year the expressions of fulfillment of the science of wholeness, well founded.


Then we established Global Co-coordinating Week (operation duty week) representing the practical aspect of the science of wholeness enterprise and we enjoyed 7 years for the practical aspects of each of the 7 themes of Universitas week:


Universitas Year for the Philosophy of the Unity of Science (1989) Science itself represents a universal principle of life or a systematic, orderly, practical and reliable technique to understand the world and develop society. The science of wholeness is the fulfillment of the unifying and universal character of science, growing into the unity of science and manifesting itself as the science of wholeness enterprise, to unify world society by the process of integrating science in world development. Our powerful momentum of progress and development, fulfilling for world society was established from the philosophy of pure intelligence, unifying science so the acceleration of world progress by the process of integrating science in world society through the individuals represents unification of science to the unification world society.


Universitas Year for the Encyclopedia of the Unity of Science (1990) The encyclopedia of scientific concepts unifying science as the expression of the pure philosophy was the theme of the year and is the theme of day one of the week of the practical aspect of our fulfillment of science. As the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study focuses on registering all knowledge and information possible, the role it has in the enterprise, is being the library of the unity of science.


Universitas Year for the Library of the Unity of Science (1991) the library is the name of the reference center of our science of wholeness faculties of comparative research study seen as a whole and a quality of our Independent University Foundation! We hope to establish 3 networks of super-computers related to the potential of Internet, but with easier access by one of them, while the 2 others is just witnessing and registering what is going on. Each person has his own library section; email organization so well established that juridical binding letters can be sent, as a routine. The library should be a reference center for anything and organized scientifically. The president of USA is co-operating with universities to make Internet functioning 5000 times faster, however, it still is unbelievable slow, because it is related to so much uncertainty and disorderly and unreliable information, compared to what one seeks or a scientific reference center of the Library of the Unity of Science of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and the Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia, represents.


Universitas Year for the Universal Principles of the Library of the Unity of Science (1992) Analyzing the object of study from the point of view of the principles, patterns of understanding and development giving the key to correlating the pieces of information from all over the world, is the practical aspect of the 4th theme of both theoretical and practical aspects and weeks. The universal principles of science represents also the value of what is good for living a simple and good life as an individual, family member and citizen of a country and the world and what values promote good health from the individual level up to world society. The theme of New Fundamental Human Right and Duty is a focus here, as the third theme of the week.


Universitas Year for the Global Correlation of the Library of the Unity of Science (1993) University means turning information and knowledge into one whole and our enterprise is welcoming all individuals and universities to go together unifying all knowledge into one dynamic process of comparative research study, our global university, of course in respect for the integrity of each university and the independence of the individual. Gathering information so each object of study can be seen in different wholeness of relevance for comprehending the piece of information in relation to knowledge as a whole as well as its role in world society and by integration, unification of society, is the focus here.


Universitas Year for the Global University of a New Order of University Co-operation Fulfilling Science (1994) Every citizen of world society we invite to contribute to and uphold and develop our reference center and therefore give the world a New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order. As the science of wholeness theoretically fulfills science in itself by philosophy, structure of comparative research study, unifying principles and by focusing the light of science on itself, its role in relation to the individual and society or its integration of science, a foundation for new waves of fulfillment of science by the acceleration of the revolution of science is given as its practical aspect. New Fundamental Global Order means also New Fundamental Information, Communication, Education and Research Order based on global comparative research study, but also New Fundamental Economical World Order (a free minimum of housing, clothing and food for everyone joining in New Fundamental Human Right and Duty -global universal co-operation some hours now and then) and the Global Voice of Conscience by the Constitution of World Democracy (non-political) to govern and protect the universal co-operation by a system far more advanced than Internet. We plans three independent networks of super computer where the first is communicating with something like Internet for everyone and the 2 others is just witnessing and registering what is going on in the first. It also represents a cultural enterprise, but more like celebrating the growing unification of world society or the universal and Royal Principle of World Peace. We consider it as every member of world societies human right to enjoy the stability, independence and freedom of the referred values as a foundation for individual and global progress, growth and development, as well as a duty to uphold a non-political, non-religious and non-profit new fundamental global order, to give these values by a few hours a week, participation in order not to be the reason of others bad economy, environment, food, etc. The global and growing integration of world society "demands" a new responsibility so when enjoying the fruits of civilization, we are not damaging that right for others!


Universities Year of Celebration and Fulfillment (1995 or / and Year 0, - we inaugurated the year as a scientific reference year for the Library of the Unity of Science and all other years of different cultures and countries, and thereby we fulfilled our universal tradition of years. We have been innocent and holistic when thinking in a global perspective creating the simplest and most obvious ideas for world development, - it is strange that they already is not an integral part of world society, just as in this scientific age, it is strange that we still have world hunger, world problems with so much technology and so many good willing individuals. World development has been a story about isolated growth in many isolated areas and in isolated countries without any consideration of the created imbalances seen from development of society as a whole, no unifying scientific foundation existed. However, by transcending the marked mechanisms, differences of politics etc. where these problems is developing, we have offered the world and each and one an opportunity to, by a systematic and scientific enterprise, to share the challenge by everybody's participation in global and universal co-operation of the science of wholeness enterprise!


Universitas Year 1 ("1996") inaugurated in Norway Spring equinox March 1996, - we welcome co-operation for developing cross references between existing years of different traditions as well as reference year from point of view of world history. The universal year goes from spring equinox (point of view Norway) to spring equinox a year later, - that time if the year where night and day is equal around the world.


Universitas Year 2 ("1997, 3 last quarters + 1 quarter of 1998") inaugurated in Trondheim, Norway spring equinox 1997 as Universitas Year 2, our universal and global reference year of the Library of the Unity of Science.


Universitas Year 3, inauguration 20th of March 20.55 1998 Norwegian time, exact time for chance of season; spring equinox. This day or 24 hours from the chancing time is also celebrated as The Citizen Independence Day. The year has number of days by each of the 4 quarters, supposed to start with Universitas / Global Co-coordinating Week, for everyone. Each quarter gives a new scientific reference day and time, starting with 00.00 at the chance of season and lasting about 90 days or one quarter. In the reference center of the year all citizens of world society is welcome to be registered with date of birth and individual post or bank number. Idea, to arrange tours Around the World in 8 Days to develop a global coordinating network, quarterly is given to share knowledge as well as to celebrate together by combining holiday and duty.


Universitas Year 4 March 1999 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 4 with inaguration by The Individuals Independence Day, our Day of Global Integrity. The Role of the Human Being in the world analyzed from the point of view of personal integrity!


Universitas Year 5 March 2000, The Year of Royal Unification of Word Society, Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 5, The human value of global integration by integrating our enterprise must be based on people enliven their majestic nature and or cooperation with the science of wholeness enterprise to unify world society with or without consideration royal values, which means here universal, common and easy for one and all to accept. Realizing global democracy to uphold this royal value does not need to be with Rajananand as king of the world, it is not important. As we hope to build the capital city of the world as an independent nation, it is the plan of upholding the royal position for Rajananand, but 108 000 new cities, new countries and new kings we also hope to establish.


Universitas Year 7 20 March 2001 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 6, the Capital City of the World + Human Institute of Comparative Research Study Universitas Faculty


Universitas Year 8 20 March 2002 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 7. Celebration of Global Integrity of the approaches to human growth including criteria of right knowledge is the theme!


Universitas Year 9 20 March 2003 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 1


Universitas Year 10 20 March 2004 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 2


Universitas Year 11 20 March 2005 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 3


Universitas Year 12 20 March 2006 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 4 20th of March by inauguration of our Year of Our Common World Defense is a blessing to the world based on a brilliant combinations of world peace strategies and real opportunities of creative tactics perfectly adopted to the challenge, need and opportunity of time. The Analyzing Institute of Comparative Research Study gives the codes of honor and values to combine when seeking realization of global integrity and as a practical aspects gives the codes of the defense!


Universitas Year 13 20 March 2007 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 5 Year of Non Violence or Year Ahimsa, analyzing and integrating the values of the enterprise as a unifying force of the world, must be based on people joining in by the codes of honor of non-violence.


Universitas Year 14 20 March 2008 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 6


The Year of Our Common World Defense Integrating the enterprise in the world building the capital city of the world as a global university and cultural meetingpoint for world civilization, needs to adjust to the need of people to be free and independent and the environment to be healthy and growing integration must not damage the world or risk doing so.


Universitas Year 15 20 March 2009 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 7


Universitas Year 16 20 March 2010 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 1


Universitas Year 17 20 March 2011, Year 17th of the Golden Age of Enlightenment, Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 2; Year of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth The Role of the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study for the analyses of the role of the enterprise growing in the world and the understanding of climate risks, as an example of the role of the Institutes.


The Peace Faculty of the Science of Wholeness, Synthesizing Institute of Comparative Research Study as theme of the 5th seven year period, and the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study, first and forth institute of the Climate Library as a Library of the Unity of Science Faculty of Wholeness. The Climate Library of Integrated Growth is a multidisciplinary faculty of comparative research study focusing on the climate change challenges as a research into the application of the reference center of the unity of science for any combination of knowledge or know how pyramids! The dedication of the year is more general than the climate library, but using it as a research into how to combine knowledge by the library of the unity of science and the synthesizing institute of comparative research study as by the focus of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth as also a reference center for building a world of global integrity by 1008 stock companies to be established around the world by millions of new companies. One of the key here is most people in the world for some time invests 2 hours a day or 12 hours a week to build the new world of business of integrated growth. Integrated growth is opposed to isolated growth on the costs of the whole and a more perfect concept than “sustainable development” which represents compromises the world cannot afford. After all by simple logic as analyzing the situation as a game of chess or go and not at all by complicated situations, the most obvious conclusion of synthesizing what is known as climate facts, as in-creased temperature, concentration of CO2, sea level rise etc, is that we must see as a risk pattern.


Universitas Year 18 20 March 2012 Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 3 The theme of climate library year growing into the role of the reference center or library of the institutes coming to people, is the theme of this Year of Our Royal Library Society.


Universitas Year 18 20 March 2013


Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 3 10


Dedication of Universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 3 and the Year of Rayantra, where the logo expresses the union of tactics and strategy, of focusing attention and being aware of the whole, of analyzing and synthesizing comparative research study.


Inauguration of the next year, Spring Equinox 2014 Norway, The Year of Universitas Yantra Global Society by the union of theoretical and practical aspect of synthesizing comparative research study, integrates the values of the new university, Universitas Yantra, the Global Voice of Conscience or nonpolitical world democracy and the value of the Flag of World Union by our Yantra! The year prepares hopefully the Year of Universitas Yantra City, a floating and preliminary university and capital city of the world.

The seven year period for the capital city of the world comes later and the plan perhaps to have a city floating in the air around the world with global land as parking place many places on land and on the sea, may be good by a flying square 108km x 108km with pillars 300mx300m and a 36x36km center 18 km tall. Huge investment but extreme income and profit potential. We shall be grateful to receive interest in joining in the 1008 stock companies to build the city with solar energy production 20 km up also with greenhouses for food production and Noah’s arch protection from genetic manipulation. 36km36m is city area 18km down.

Our arch dove of peace by 1986, global land found so to say, represented the vision of land of integrity where CO2 damage and all the damage known today was started in 1986, so something new, new land by classic old traditions is needed and was needed, but the dove of peace on the book indicates not religion, but practical need to start building our world of integrity, partly lost or possible mostly lost, it just takes time for global warming to manifest, as pointed out.

the 2 last annual magazines we plan to publish as a book:

Our abCDvd book, Universitas Yantra, is by mail available by the 216 NOK newslettersubscriptionfee and we shall be grateful to hear from you, please be free to add a donation sharing the costs of development or just send 108 NOK if you are a child, student or find it expensive.




Climateship of Integrated Growth



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It is a great joy to show how climate challenge is an opportunity, join in our common world and climate defence! Unfortunatedly it seems like world war 3 terrorism of Russian toulette, holding the world ransom, is the main aspect of the problem, we are sinking, we may have a rescue operation change, but ignored, all they want is money, political power, answere to sex press abuse expectations, and so forth, we are sinking, however of this ship there are no rescue boats, total collapse seems to be the terror risk!


UN, experts and others is relating to climate change, theoretically considering the risk from the point of view of what is most likely to happen, as they can not say what is statistically probable, there are no experts and real authorities in the field. the situation probably as when titanic hit the iceberg, it was still floating some time but when no rescue operation was there, it was doomed to go down sooner or later. Then it was a few hours for the world it may be months or years, no one knows, and the risk is not acceptable, risking that the world is gone in weeks or months is like playing Russian Roulette with the future of mankind, the most likely to happen, we need more funding for more research approach, is terrorism against humanity. Perhaps, many does not see it, still guilty and driving a car polluting the world may be said to be a worse sin than drinking a bottle of alcohol before driving. Most important being guilty represent a real depth to society, to the world as the damage done during the last decades. We offer you opportunities for start paying your depth ad to generally fulfilling your duty towards world society, for family and friends and towards yourself. Security from total destruction of the world as we know it is important for the health of everyone. Our common world and climate defense offers opportunities to fulfill natural responsibility for the future of the world for by the present challenge of time. As the destruction of the world the last decades have been by systematic damage by use of oil among other destructive aspects of weld development. Global cooperation were isolated national and economic interests are set aside, by a common universal cooperation to fulfill the need of time, alone, without representing isolated interests, is important in order to active optimum economy of the cooperation, to be as effective as possible as the ship is already is hit, going down, and it may be too late, dependent upon how fast effect global rescue operations may be realized and how many months it takes for no rescue operation possible, if we are lucky and not too late allready. Our common defense is there by giving the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, which is the one and only real effective defense and which can not damage the world by realizing cooperation and therefor anyway must create the infrastructure of sustainable development by supreme values of integrated growth. Rescuing the world is a byproduct of realizing Nw Fundamental Global Order. The 4 values of universal cooperation is most easy to accept and join in by the motto of One and All for Peace and Global Integrity and defined by World Constitution of Global Integrity founded by Rajananand Dhananjaya. The 108 000 floating cities forming new nations is focusing mainly on to aspects as a start, balancing the effect of heating creating a cooler world and balancing the effects of CO2 damage and high concentration by taking it out of the air and ocean by green growth of forests , farms and algae in the sea. Spending solar energy for energy and fresh water production is one way of taking from the heating of the world as letting out heat from surface of ocean by updraft towers, perhaps as tall as 12 km by flying cubes including ed zeppelin balloons and other stabilizing elements to a tower of flying cubes by the climate ship. Creating clouds by updraft towers and other ways to reduce CO2 damage in the sea, some researches is disposed for by a new green currency, while most activities should be with profit potential in order to create at least a billion new jobs.

Extreme operation world wide, but the oil economy alone is enough to create 1 billion jobs, and producing many times the energy the world uses today, plus transport by 108 000 ships and flying cubes. For transport of water zeppeliners transporting 4 million ton of fresh water, perhaps making shahara green is possible, one of the new ships ae planed as The Gold Nile. Alle nations along the nile must be interested as the river is dirty from the disagreements and terror of abuse, alone, but the optimism of cooperation is there and, making a river of flying cubes or balloons, make shortage of water no problem, we hope. Just an example and each nation in the world a climateship, having congresses and festivals at sea by cruises around the world, may be opportunity for the youth of the world for excellent education together with 2 hours work a day! Building your climateship may be a challenge of finding cooperation for 108 Ministries, 1008 stock companies, and citizens sharing timeshare ownership of the 1008 apartments of one unit of a ship, 108mx108m. One week minimum and payment for initiating voluntary work may be by a world cruise, a week, stocks in stock companies etc. Just to give a vision of a practical program and out technology found is probably the best in the world for energy production and practical transport at sea, in the air and even on land.

We shall be grateful to hear from all interested in joining our common world and climate defense, perhaps by ordering Dhananjayas emailnewsletter costing 108 NOK, if not a strain on your economy!


Cheers / mvh Anand

Rajananand Dhananjaya

Anand - (RajanANAND)

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway .


September 2014 also the Golden Nile or Gold Nile preliminary Project was established for climarte ships and New countries in union With all the countries along the Nile and by updraft Tower producing steam taken out as fresh water perhaps 12 km up, perhaps a million m3 water may be transported up the Nile for vegi Food Production naturrally.


Preface of our book in progress and perhaps available for newspapers


Wonderful Magic Perfection found by Rajananand Dhananjaya who is giving the Flag of Global Integrity by the Royal Principle of World Peace. UN Secretariat of the International Year of Peace, wrote to him, also known as Stein Roar Andersen as before 2004, "We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace." and as founded by him; that all of us living on this beautiful planet must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. One and All for Peace and Global Integrity. UN by the limitations of what national governments may accept have done a good work promoting the need for action coming to the damage of our environment known as climate change and global warming, but the measure of what to do seems to be according to what is most likely to happen, but not according to obvious risks not proved not to be there, as enough evidence is there to prove insecurity, as insecure ice on a lake not to walk on or a plane before takeoff, it must be proved safe. So when welcoming one and all to join in building the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity with a safety net for one and all known as New Fundamental Global Order as defined by World Constitution of Global Integrity (or non political world democracy), we must do a minimum according to what is possible without terrorizing the world with action not proved to be OK! Our Common World and Climate Defense includes a complete strategy with application making it possible to balance the risk patterns as a start and gradually restoring balance to the CO2 damages of the ocean and atmosphere of the world. The one and only common world defense and as it seems urgent, we can only say, - a vision of fulfilling world civilization, if it is not too late, the world as we know it may collapse, and our lives be damaged or the world is too attached to the sick patterns, to react, which seems like the biggest problem. Universitas Yantra from Latin and Sanskrit means : the instrument of liberation of turning into one whole, and as a vision of fulfilling science and knowledge fundamentals of society by the unity of science, and by perfection of the Flag, finding optimum economy and order by perfect connection of everything to everything else, turning into optimum coherence of one whole world by united science of integrity by our global library of the unity of science as part of the infrastructure of global integrity and the integration of the needed knowledge to balance the challenge of time by our common world and climate defense by building millions of new stock companies in integrated growth groups of 1008 companies by climate ships, countries, cities etc. Universitas is our new name of a united university of integrity, or supreme university, as one without a Faculty of Wholeness is just a specialized school and as we welcome all universities to open a Faculty with 4 institutes of comparative research study to connect to our library of the unity of science as all citizens of the world is welcomed to connect as an editor of the Library of the Unity of Science by editor subscription of Golden Times or Global Times Foundation. Everybody and all universities, libraries, governments, organizations etc. upholding the reference center by a new Internet, Integritynet of the Royal library Society, fulfilling the potential of modern communication technology by the common interests of the people of the world. 108 000 universities we plan to establish by 108 000 floating cities and climate ships. Everyone should start publish something and earn money from it by their subscription and selling of information, info. Pyramid games is not allowed, multilevel marketing and network building may be, Our Gold Pyramid, is neither, but give income opportunities for the builder of the network of editors with pyramid profit potential so the role of being editor even may be assisted by your Integrated Growth Stock Company by Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and the pyramid architecture of the flag. The huge profit potential is for those registering others to join in by the foundation Global Times and you may publish anything you know, as info about your family, sport, education, profession, hometown etc. and even just published from known sources by others and perhaps find your info platform to be leading in the word cooperating with the best. Editor Newsletter is available and if expensive for you, finding others paying for their, 4 paying the fee of NOK 1008, may do. One of the ancient unsolved mathematical mysteries, the geometry of the 9 triangles known as Yantra and the square mandala within the circle, many have tried solved for thousands of years and these days even with advanced computer programs, and Rajananand found it, the original optimal perfection and it may be said to be a proof of the original, perhaps 12000 to 50000 years old of the mystic ancient drawings and pyramid architecture combined, related to the sun. For those who did not find the optimum perfection, it is a surprise that it is the perfect relationship between the circle and the square of Mandala Cubus which is giving the optimal configuration of the triangles or pyramids, gliding into each other from center, into the mandala and all into the circle, «turned into one whole» as the Latin «Universitas» mean, being the root of words as university and universe. Constitution of the Universe it may be named as well as the order of the universe have intelligence within, reflected by and or being the pure intelligence of man, but also by the surprisingly interesting ancient understanding of Veda with the 5 elements of nature, 9 Chakras of the body, understanding of the absolute as Vacuum state of Quantum Physics are close, too, with big bang theory expressed by the mirror understanding of the big bang eureka, perhaps also how the sun is walking into the world by steps of the pyramid on Spring Equinox, or the mirror image of water or shadows. The original Third Eye meditation of focusing attention of being aware of the whole by serialization not overshadowed by the impressions of the world and isolated interests or points of view, is by the excesses of looking into the center of the logo and by third eye or side view of the forehead, by being aware of the whole, experiencing the union of the observer, process of observation and object of inquiry, transcending the center point of view, experiencing the home of all knowledge, consciousness where knowledge is structured. Knowledge pyramids, the least needed to be on top of a problem, challenge or knowledge architecture or building, and how 9 knowledge pyramids is turning everything into one new knowledge pyramid building within the wholeness of the environment and circle, is also a good approach of multidisciplinary research and development of the library of the unity of science, to accelerate world progress, too, transcending the limitations of disciplines and isolated growth almost damaged the world completely and giving a slow development and stagnation of world progress lacking integration of science. United education integrity integrated in world development as well as obvious codes of honor of global integrity is a must. Every climate ship, at least a 108 000 floating islands and cities should be built should have 1008 stock companies and editors going together forming stock companies with timeshare ownership of palaces, apartments, offices etc. on a ship, may also seek a business of the ship in order to build a environmental friendly society of global integrity, without being a terrorist risking the future of world society to collapse. Universitas Yantra where Yantra from Sanskrit means instrument of liberation represents a solution to climate change by the inspiration of self realization without being dominated by the world with an approach to world activities turned into one whole with shared responsibility for our common world and climate defense or true interests as a global family of people dependent on the Royal Principle of World Peace.


RISK PATTERNS of climate change and the World War 3 mentality

The risks taken by agreeing about what is most likely to happen the next decades and that the challenge of adapting to the damages of climate change, is accordingly, is based on 2 wrong approaches; if we cannot fix it now, how can the world fix it if it collapses and the problem may be different from what expected, and most likely is.


First; no one knows for sure as there are no experts to calculate the risk of combined accumulated imbalances. Weather forecast by computers is accurate a few days, but not by weeks and not by unknown factors and not possible to calculate for years. Chess programs are better than people, but even a bad chess player with some experience knows that accumulated imbalances may manifest themselves fast even though the game may seem to be lasting. As our flag is found as ancient pyramid architecture and combinations of ancient mystic drawings probably also the Swastika and David star or Yantra, our flag is new by its mathematical perfection and we do not integrate ancient values or approaches and not those of World War 2 either. But it is surprisingly that promoting world peace may be as difficult as a Nazi Jewish friendship club in Berlin 1941 would have been. The mentality of many leaders and aspects of society is that bad as today's Holocaust is worse, in World War 3 50 000 children dies every day according to statistic go poverty and making the world a gas chamber is used to press people to support unnatural corruption of the problem, holding the world ransom so to say. It is our duty to point of that this is one of 2 aspects of the climate problem, raise above, grow in self realization of integrity, both personal and global. The sadomasochistic character structure of Nazism may be found in the world today, but the problem is unique today, but it is interesting that the answer to the problem, one and all winning themselves, is the advice from Krishna to the leader of the good army of the world war told by Mahabharata, grow by transcending above the world overshadowing yourself, self-realization without needs of sickness and seeing the wholeness, staying up acting, doing what is ought to be done, according to Dharma or the natural duty and responsibility found as the challenge of time. We do not relate to this either, but nice to know, established philosophy by supreme standards... Third eye meditation, the exercise to see the whole while focusing attention of our flag, is for the friends of the global society of people in our world of integrity, as advanced meditation is there, too. But the spirit, brothers and sisters, are not friendship as also people competing, should be able to join in our global universal cooperation and defense. The Jurassic Park film professor tells about the butterfly effect and chaos theory... All the time the accelerating changes is coming faster than expected year after year and ignoring the risks is not OK and the second is that the imbalance by compared with data from long time back and the present situation indicates a worse situation than registered or what is expected to be the situation, that it is most likely that unexpected things happens as sudden changes or phase transitions, not manifested yet and this is the terror it is about to manifest, leaders do not want to see it. The collapse of the world have started and even if we stop entirely to pollute and damage the world, the world are going to collapse, is the risk we must relate to and not proved not there as the signs are proved to be there! Sudden changes in a few decades have not manifested yet due to facts as it takes time to heat the ocean and melt ice, millions of sq km melted all ready, and that many risk analysis says by scientific references that big changes may manifest suddenly as raise of sea level, not a few cm but perhaps 12m as a start, the Gulf stream may disappear, oxygen production we depend on may stop, etc. We are talking about changes which is not catastrophic, because total collapse of aspects of the environment we depend on, is too serious and big, "catastrophic" is not a word covering it and the risk of course, totally unacceptable and taking the risk is part of World War 3 terrorism against humanity. Our Common World and Climate Defense even meeting the statistic of poverty as freedom and independence of people by a safety net for one and all is the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity we promotes, represents the Marshal Law and Royal Principle of World Peace we ought to adjust, too, and which is urgent also for you. People is flying between cities and the safety of the plane is considered important as it is considered a crime to allow a takeoff if it is uncertainty about the safety, is it safe? It is like; one do not send children to cross a lake in spring if it is not certain that the ice is safe. But the analogy of ignoring the risks would be to send all children in the world out on the uncertain ice terrorism or allow a plane with atomic bombs and enough of them if accidents happen to damage the entire world, a collapse of the world we depend on terrorism and that it is certain an accident with the plane is most likely to happen sooner or later, but "probably not this time", is wrong attitude! Proving that the risks are like that is not needed, proof, not at all existing, for the situation to be safe and OK, is needed before taking the chance. Taking the risk today makes you an enemy of yourself, your family and the whole world probably, even if it is because you do not want to be involved in any consideration. This because you are involved in world economy and is responsible for your action, So any friend of yours supports your participation in our common world defense and as I find it my duty to tell you and give you the opportunity to tell others creating a global network by World Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy, too. it is my duty to tell you it is your duty to tell others and to defend the purity of the global defense, not to be representing other interests than those of the world, one and all, to restore global integrity or establish as perhaps not completely there in the first place, except the normal situation of the environment before industrial revolution damage as by CO2. We do not compete with governments, churches, military etc. just adding something new to the world, but because the governments, universities and world economy was and still is the problem of World War 3, the war against the integrity of the world and man, some may feel competition and want to use the values of the defense to promote their own interests, rather than joining in and doing what ought be done as fast as possible as 50 000 children is dying every day according to statistic of poverty and your grandchildren may be the extinction of your family! This unfortunately is a general risk, that your and most families is gone in few generations as a collapse of the environment, would change society totally. It is also a question to be considered, if one does not take side in World War 3, if one do not deserve something like that. Operation Rescue the Golf Stream and Denmark, is based on real risks of losing both as there are signs which indicates a possibility of the Gulf stream to stop, including important oxygen production at sea. One like to see things in perspectives of a million years, even though UN panel have agreed, CO2 is the cause, but long time comparison, as CO2 and temperature go hand in hand, indicates that the sea level should have been 12m higher all ready, it just takes time. On south pole west side there are ice which may melt fast and raise sea level 8 m, experts agree, just a start eventually. The study showing CO2 and temperature going hand in hand for hundred thousands of years, shows a fast decrees of CO2 greenhouse gas concentration without temperature having had time to follow so to say, it happens so fast and melting of ice and heating of ocean takes time. So when planning to establish millions of new stock companies, the code of honor, never to do anything for money itself is important, but being creative making money on what one do, is good and our reference center may allow optimum correlation of interests, so values of mass production and using the best everywhere, may give better economy for stock companies than ever before. Free competitions within integrated growth where Climate funds should on behalf of the people of the world own 50% of stocks, so the global tax of Marshal Law probably is the best investment possible. The global tax is voluntary donations sharing the expenditure of the defense, but most important 2 hours a day investment of time and effort to advance the universal interests of all for most people, and expect the sharing of the infrastructure fulfilling world civilization, the tax is supposed to be a good investment also by the stock companies you share responsibility for developing, too. 1008 by every city and region of the world and for each of the 108 000 climate ships we plan to build. That we compete with oil industry when planning o produce many times the energy spent by oil and cars, plans, ships, houses etc. We also plan to build, to consume the energy by, is obvious, but the reason is not us, but that the consumption of oil by CO2 damage is a risk today not acceptable to take. oil companies may rest saving the valuable oil from being burnt instead of used, producing our stock companies. Marshall Law for them then would mean all the time, while other companies may consider to share the 2 hours investment with their employees. Office of Pure Intelligence is protecting our property from abuse and a homepage listing all competition trying to be our initiative, not competing with us or by our codes of honor of integrity with free competition by climate fund rules and also by rules of the Constitution of the new countries we plan to build as floating islands, ensuring tax freedom by integrated growth, as often today el-cars enjoy freedom from taxes! However even Tesla super S el car, is a product of pollution as by transport also when produced and the economy integrated in world economy, produced by a environmental

city would change that as we plan to build some billion cars as producing energy for houses, transport, moving home and important office with a computer of the new Internet, Integritynet we plan to realize, when most people have joined in.. SO IT IS MOST URGENT FOR YOU TO JOIN THE DEFENSE, NOW AND FIND 4 OTHERS TO DO THE SAME, THE SAME MAY BE TO REGISTER PARTICIPATION BY AN EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION, IF THE COSTS OF THAT IS EASY FOR YOU. IF EASY YOU MAY EVEN REQUEST MANY OTHERS TO PAY THEIR SUBSCRIPTION AND TO REPORT THEIR EMAIL ACCOUNT FOR STUDYING THE CHALLENGE OF TIME AND SELF REALIZATION FURTHER. Realizing the self, upholding yourself by restful alertness witnessing the world, not being overshadowed by isolated things, is part of the third eye meditation of Universitas Yantra, our Flag of Global Integrity and the constitution of the universe. We welcome all universities to open a global integrity faculty with 4 institutes of comparative research study to integrate the disciplines and special knowledge of their university in the library of the unity of science and a united university is called Universitas and a Universitas Rishi is a united professor promoting the integration of the unity of science into society for acceleration of world development by codes of honor of integrity! Self realization without being overshadowed by one discipline at school, one interest or anything at all, is by the self alone, and the experience of being, witnessing is strengthened by the Global Integrity Flag meditation excesses. It is important because the whole world is overshadowed or disturbed by the lack of realization, by the focus on isolated interests as by study evaluation or gaining money, rather than never doing anything to please the school system or to earn money, still seeking optimum value of education and earning good money on what one is doing, what ought to be done and what one likes to do and promote. At least all men may be considered to be responsible for the protection of the integrity of the world by our common world and climate defense, but all partaking in world economy with all its bad byproducts, is advised to promote our science of wholeness enterprise with challenges and opportunities on all levels and for one and all. In 1986; by together for peace and our book, "fulfill the world development before it is too late." was the message. Now, 2014 we can only say, if it is not too late as the world lost something, not fulfilling their responsibility by New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and as it is our duty to promote your participation, we must also say, it is most urgent, act now, and always now, until the risks of the world collapsing is balanced and let us hope it is not too late! Act now, always, now!



What we combine is need and opportunities, where do knowledge pyramids meet, what is the connections. Balancing the heat seems immediate, because the heating is a risk pattern itself and heating of the world ocean is the challenge to meet and then there is accumulation of CO2 damaging the thermostat of the world by greenhouse gas accumulation and as the biggest challenge damaging the world ocean with risk patterns as end of oxygen production or a dead sea. By our approach extra heating by greenhouse gas concentration may be used by spending a few million sq. km of the incoming solar heating of the world ocean to produce energy. This is planned done by flying cubic frames more than 2 km tall with solar collectors perhaps 4 sq km of cheap aluminum foil. If these are flying 12 km up more heat is taken and several more sq. km of the ocean is without sunlight than the 4! 250 000 such flying cubes would balance the heating together with updraft towers taking heating by wind energy out of the sea and from the surface of the ocean, up and mostly out. 108 000 climate ships with 3 flying cubes each, would do, and adaptation to the heating is not an economic question as these cubes may also be windmills instead of solar collectors and or organize transport of fresh water produced out of the sea, people and containers too, as from and to these huge ships 2 km long going around the world. Free competition within integrated growth codes of honor, anyone may find their gold mine within the cooperation. The ship finds no ways to earn money on combating CO2 in the sea so a global defense tax is there as a ship have some duty to balance CO2 in the world ocean, too. We welcome all to share a CO2 Tax by the Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and as a start adding fertilizer to the ocean for algae blossoming to eat CO2, may be the best way, but we have to be careful not to create new imbalances disturbing those all ready there and must combine with other solutions as well. Finding mines of chalk in the sea close to streams, may do an easy task to balance the acid CO2 by bombs or machines making it as sugar to add the tea, so to say! The combinations of wind, wave, updraft tower solar and other energy production gives much more energy than the world is used to, and used for production and transport of water, by the flying cubes, too, we may produce forest and make most farms of the world with richer growth, eating CO2 from the air and producing free food by New Fundamental Global Order for those joining in and one and all. To advance such production growing algae at sea may start eating C02 from the sea and building tubes around the world in the world ocean for fast transport in tube of vacuum, as 2000 km an hour or faster, is a good idea, transport of food may be a good idea, too, fresh food from around the world by vegistandards, climate fund approach, too. Transporting water is a possibility for the water may be added from cubes flying many km up and thereby giving the pressure friction and fast water transport needs, perhaps even traveling within fast moving water is an idea if one found techniques of reducing friction, as shark skin copies, and water blown in from the walls of the tube, adding speed and removing friction. Within the sea, perhaps 20 m down such a transport would be safe even if the tube was going down. 20-50m down may add a greenhouse on top of the tube supported by flying cubes with lenses focusing sun light down, and within the greenhouse tube fertilizer, as iron, and food for the production may possible to add, preferably by sea water removed for salt, as the production is taken in to land as fertilizer for food production or forest production as bamboo seems perfect for producing flying cubes! But salt water goes well probably, by techniques of separation later! So we give a complete opportunity to balance the disaster and see to it that all is adapted to the change needed, no more and no less. Perhaps by fulfillment of this, oil production and CO2 pollution is welcome as it allows more production, but flexibility to change to other purposes as 100 000 ships transporting containers and such all ready are at sea, and universities and schools taking the student or pupil around the world by healthy cruises, may be the new school and university system, if codes of honor is upheld. Floating cities around the world, may be enjoyable by part time work for the rich as well if university, congresses, festivals, tourism, health clubs etc are combinations to enjoy, especially the hospital health home by Auyr Veda combined with best of western medicine and exercise opportunities, seems like a gold mine or profitable, which so many activities must be in order to produce 108 000 environmental friendly cities and floating islands and nations (tax free centers...)! People may be friends of the world and enjoy the opportunities as fun and more interesting ways to do what one does anyway, businesses may find adaptations to the codes of honor more profitable because perfect adaptation by perfect availability for the people and businesses of the world, simply is more profitable. Trying to copy our initiative, rather than joining in better from any point of view it seems, is considered as terrorism against humanity, by the listing system of homepages. But even though we are used to some copying, the entire project is too original to be legal to copy and most of the values are produced for the enterprise. Using other patents and making patents of others available for use we have a system for, by the opportunity of investing patents and presentations of information as a library functioning, in stock companies where a profit potential by percentages of the income made is agreed together with some free use by the enterprise and ownership of the people of the world, when the profit potential is fulfilled or paid to the investor, still having the references of producer in the library of the unity of science available by Global Times, Gold or Golden Times subscriptions where we hope most people becomes editors! Old initiative of ours, we still cannot say Wikipedia has copied us, but our initiative makes Wikipedia just an encyclopedia as any other, as a university posses much more knowledge, than Wikipedia and all universities together much less than what we invite one and all to share, a cooperation to develop and enjoy! All this a byproduct of realizing New Fundamental Global Order by the Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy, -our World Constitution. President World Constitution Fund is Rajananand Dhananjaya who is welcoming donations sharing the expenditure of developing and stabilizing the science of wholeness enterprise, as by university building preferably by climate ships, but land based is important, too. Universitas Yantra united university of integrity for instance lacks 20 million NOK to establish its first office by an embassy building with apartments, offices and Secretariat, to build a 2 km long climate ship as next step of university development! Dhananjaya seeks a better apartment by is voluntary free work this way to, as he has been president for more than 30 years without payment and partly covering costs himself, still donations have been a good support during the years! If we produce billions of cars, vacuum insulation of buildings also made self-sufficient by pure energy and many other things of integrated growth cities and is producing much more than the CO2 polluting energy used annually now, we may create a billion jobs by 108 000 climate ships, based on half year at land. 10 000 by each ship but for cruising one may change of course, 10 000 new jobs for each ship half time home perhaps by a new climate friendly city, too! The oil economy itself is enough, here we produce extremely much more energy and plan to use it to produce and transport fresh water, too, to produce new farms and forests for both self-sufficiency of those joining in as well as eating CO2. 5000 at work on a ship all the time upholding the city, too may be part times combined with studies and other jobs, cruising around the world festivals and congresses, all the time 100 000 different opportunities, some according to your interest perhaps by 108 000 ships and cities, and very good for children and students, too! Combinations must be practical and profitable in order to be the solution, but not being overshadowed by economic interests, not doing things for money, just ensuring good economy in what we are doing, is the key!



What aspect of the science of wholeness would you like to promote or what aspect of the defense, our common world and climate defense, would you like to join and how? Perhaps taking responsibility for building a climate ship, a complete project, is too much for your experience and position in the world, perhaps building the network of those wanting to realize your climate ship , is a start you may find a good challenge. then there are 1008 foundations, 108 Ministries of the city government and 1008 stock companies, at least one with byproduct to build environmental cities on land or at least houses with apartments for those joining in, perhaps a network cooperation for all wanting a environmentally good home, is interesting challenge, too, especially if you are young and not owning your own home yet! Interesting challenges from any point of view we are giving, but it needs people and creativity to organize the intelligence of integrated growth. it is a great joy to welcome one and all as sisters and brothers, not as friends, as most people are joining in also people competing with each other and those not friends must be able to cooperate as well. But all are all ready cooperating, almost all, by the understanding that world economy, money is a universal key, unfortunately the byproducts of world economy is making most money black, a burden, so some gold income is part of the opportunity too! We like the word "defense" because it reflects the nature of cooperation and that the cooperation is based on doing what we ought to do, as fast as possible, defense as firemen protecting us and attaching the fire, doing what ought to be done as fast as possible perhaps by help from people around, AS BY FOREST FIRE DEFENSE! Building 1008 stock companies is about building a world of global integrity, about your defense, your life of integrity, freedom and independence also from the risks of climate change. United Science and or University of Integrity we hope all universities are upgrading to and that one all is allowed to enjoy some Global Assembly by our Flag of Global Integrity. Film aid with competition to produce films too, are a planned global assembly and festival program allowing meetings to register peoples voting by 5 minutes registration on one question at a time, voting by our non political world democracy and Global Voice of Conscience!


Upgrading of your education or university by united science of integrity is possible and we offers courses by email to start the education giving you a Universitas degree of United Science of Integrity with 1008 levels.


The Climate library of Integrated Growth offers Universitas degrees of the Royal Library society by United Science of Integrity and by 9 knowledge pyramids and 1008 levels. As you contribute to our library, just as a professor achieved his degree by contributing to science, so you shall enjoy a degree, but passing the test of understanding the codes of honor of integrity is a must and start, and by your editor email subscription, costing 1008 NOK with first course for free! The architecture of the pyramids and square penthouse or infrastructure of global integrity within the circle of the environment, is founded by 5 knowledge pyramids corresponding to the 5 elements of nature. This research project is an open invitation to all universities, schools,, libraries, organizations etc. But first of all to one and all in the whole world also by global Integritynet, the new Internet we plan to establish, by the true interests of the people of the world and not by how to get money from the marked. We shall be grateful to receive donations covering the costs of development of this research project of our library of the Unity of Science. It is urgent to get ideas of how the accelerating phenomenon climate change may turn into collapse of vital aspects of our world, as the risk of losing the Gulf stream seems real, also 12m sea level rise within a few weeks. Scientists miss accelerating values when calculating how the world looks if nothing extraordinary happens, while the idea that nothing special has happens, just below 1 degree Celsius increase of temperature, but this is a lot more by the ice which may melt or by the setting of the greenhouse gas thermostat, but how much? In cold Norway 2 months longer summer may seems good, 4 -6 months really different year, is all ready extreme, but when extreme changes is happening all over the world, it is not to be understood that someone wants to take responsibility for the risk, not sharing our Marshall law for the whole world or Common World and Climate Defense!


United Education of Integrity and Enlightenment

We welcome one and all to upgrade their education by courses of United Education of Integrity and Enlightenment as all universities is welcome to upgrade to become a Universitas, supreme university og enlightenment by opening a Faculty of Wholeness with 4 institutes of comparative research study to become a United Universitas of Integrity Enlightenment and the the Library of the Unity of Science as Universitas, the Latin root of "university" means turned into one whole.

For a university a one week program of Universitas Week is there for others there are courses on all levels and also emailcourses.

This is both in general by the Science of Wholeness founded by Rajananand Dhananjaya in 1980 by Universitas Week and related to if so wanted the climate change by our research project of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth.


Upgrading of your education or university by united science of integrity is possible and we offers courses by email to start the education giving you a Universitas degree of United Science of Integrity with 1008 levels.


The Climate library of Integrated Growth offers Universitas degrees of the Royal Library society by United Science of Integrity and by 9 knowledge pyramids and 1008 levels. As you contribute to our library, just as a professor achieved his degree by contributing to science, so you shall enjoy a degree, but passing the test of understanding the codes of honor of integrity is a must and start, and by your editor email subscription, costing 1008 NOK with first course for free! The architecture of the pyramids and square penthouse or infrastructure of global integrity within the circle of the environment, is founded by 5 knowledge pyramids corresponding to the 5 elements of nature. This research project is an open invitation to all universities, schools,, libraries, organizations etc. But first of all to one and all in the whole world also by global Integritynet, the new Internet we plan to establish, by the true interests of the people of the world and not by how to get money from the marked. We shall be grateful to receive donations covering the costs of development of this research project of our library of the Unity of Science. It is urgent to get ideas of how the accelerating phenomenon climate change may turn into collapse of vital aspects of our world, as the risk of losing the Gulf stream seems real, also 12m sea level rise within a few weeks. Scientists miss accelerating values when calculating how the world looks if nothing extraordinary happens, while the idea that nothing special has happens, just below 1 degree Celsius increase of temperature, but this is a lot more by the ice which may melt or by the setting of the greenhouse gas thermostat, but how much? In cold Norway 2 months longer summer may seems good, 4 -6 months really different year, is all ready extreme, but when extreme changes is happening all over the world, it is not to be understood that someone wants to take responsibility for the risk, not sharing our Marshall law for the whole world or Common World and Climate Defense!


Anand is brave alone presenting criticism of the 12000 scientists of UN climate panel and all who debates climate change and for many years so, same perspective and facts related too. By given short analyzes it is this relating to what most probably will happen the next decades which is playing “Russian roulette” with the future of the whole world, our common heritage. What may happen is to real, so he says what may happen must be proved not to have risks as known,, the situation proved to be OK, before taking changes. Further the idea of not above 2 degrees Celsius plus, is also wrong because the situation is that it becomes 2-5 degrees hotter without the world polluting anymore, the situation is passed 2 degrees, already, as most likely situation as it takes time to heat the ocean and melt ice., it is terrorism not to relate to this and probably an illusion to guess a slow increase up to 2 degrees Celsius plus, as the well known study of CO2 and temperature going hand in hand for several hundred enthused years, shows and late increase in CO2, but the temperature as expected is not followed yet, it goes to fast for that probably. In fact is may be said to be a miracle, that the world has not collapsed already, the delay of the manifestation of the imbalance may be said to be one of 2 miracles in the climate world, the other our flag of global integrity, with the perfection of correlated values needed to organize the strategy of our common world and climate defense in all ways as our climate, health, milieu and vegi standard naturally, Vegi Naturally, as opportunity and example coming to establish millions of new stock companies around the world. Companies in 1008 areas with different approaches as building climate ships, producing energy, transporting and producing fresh water to the world, etc. are based on the idea of establishing a good opportunity for others to invest time, money and other values as business plan, as integrated growth ideas should be a good potential in itself and hiring experts, the best in the world to promote the business, is much better that those starting trying to also be good in planing business, not only giving a excellent opportunity for fulfilling one. Universities, the 12000 scientist of the UN climate panel, journalists, liberalities and others may upgrade their education by courses by our Climate Universittas of Global Integrity focusing on our common world and climate defense, what to do. United education of integrity by the university is related to the science of wholeness enterprise, of course and to our flag where the circles around represents wholeness including the environment and penthouse building and fort of th pyramid represents the building of global integrity, the world no needs and the 9 pyramids by exact correlation represents 9 knowledge pyramids, where the 5 in bottom is by the 5 elements of nature but works on all levels from philosophy of big bang to practical correlation of knowledge and action.


Rajananand Dhananjaya P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831


Newsemail NOK 108!


We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly and hope on so many answers that we have to hire a secretary just for course coordination.








Cheers / mvh Anand

Rajananand Dhananjaya

Anand - (RajanANAND)

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway

Global Integrity Research Scientist





Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831

(Anand was registered in Norway as Stein Roar Andersen up to 2004)




President Rajananand Dhananjaya

World Constitution Fund, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway

account in Sweden: 78871309952


Updraft Tower of this climate with the flaying cube parked on top is 3 km, where the ship is 1 km and the cubic frame above is 2 km, but if it fly up it may drag with it a tube another km perhaps, but several flying cubes as 6 and one of them filled with vacuum, lifting the 5 others as well or at least 1 million ton by ball alluminium perhaps 10 cm tick. The ship construction in the bottom is 54 m tall cubic frames on top of a 2m tick surfboard for the 12m wide rivers every second 12m with 12m wide ship, 7m tall pluss 2m below by surfeboard, the rivers are open 30m up and have systems for waveenergy production and sucking in by funnel in front and blowing out behind gives a wing hydrodynamics for the surfeboard below, if not too expenseve to achieve a fast travelling ship. it is much better to produce wind and solar energy 12 km up and by updraft tower.

Perhaps an email course is a good idea and start.







Climateship of Integrated Growth



About Me

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It is a great joy to show how climate challenge is an opportunity, join in our common world and climate defence! Unfortunatedly it seems like world war 3 terrorism of Russian toulette, holding the world ransom, is the main aspect of the problem, we are sinking, we may have a rescue operation change, but ignored, all they want is money, political power, answere to sex press abuse expectations, and so forth, we are sinking, however of this ship there are no rescue boats, total collapse seems to be the terror risk!


UN, experts and others is relating to climate change, theoretically considering the risk from the point of view of what is most likely to happen, as they can not say what is statistically probable, there are no experts and real authorities in the field. the situation probably as when titanic hit the iceberg, it was still floating some time but when no rescue operation was there, it was doomed to go down sooner or later. Then it was a few hours for the world it may be months or years, no one knows, and the risk is not acceptable, risking that the world is gone in weeks or months is like playing Russian Roulette with the future of mankind, the most likely to happen, we need more funding for more research approach, is terrorism against humanity. Perhaps, many does not see it, still guilty and driving a car polluting the world may be said to be a worse sin than drinking a bottle of alcohol before driving. Most important being guilty represent a real depth to society, to the world as the damage done during the last decades. We offer you opportunities for start paying your depth ad to generally fulfilling your duty towards world society, for family and friends and towards yourself. Security from total destruction of the world as we know it is important for the health of everyone. Our common world and climate defense offers opportunities to fulfill natural responsibility for the future of the world for by the present challenge of time. As the destruction of the world the last decades have been by systematic damage by use of oil among other destructive aspects of weld development. Global cooperation were isolated national and economic interests are set aside, by a common universal cooperation to fulfill the need of time, alone, without representing isolated interests, is important in order to active optimum economy of the cooperation, to be as effective as possible as the ship is already is hit, going down, and it may be too late, dependent upon how fast effect global rescue operations may be realized and how many months it takes for no rescue operation possible, if we are lucky and not too late allready. Our common defense is there by giving the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, which is the one and only real effective defense and which can not damage the world by realizing cooperation and therefor anyway must create the infrastructure of sustainable development by supreme values of integrated growth. Rescuing the world is a byproduct of realizing Nw Fundamental Global Order. The 4 values of universal cooperation is most easy to accept and join in by the motto of One and All for Peace and Global Integrity and defined by World Constitution of Global Integrity founded by Rajananand Dhananjaya. The 108 000 floating cities forming new nations is focusing mainly on to aspects as a start, balancing the effect of heating creating a cooler world and balancing the effects of CO2 damage and high concentration by taking it out of the air and ocean by green growth of forests , farms and algae in the sea. Spending solar energy for energy and fresh water production is one way of taking from the heating of the world as letting out heat from surface of ocean by updraft towers, perhaps as tall as 12 km by flying cubes including ed zeppelin balloons and other stabilizing elements to a tower of flying cubes by the climate ship. Creating clouds by updraft towers and other ways to reduce CO2 damage in the sea, some researches is disposed for by a new green currency, while most activities should be with profit potential in order to create at least a billion new jobs.

Extreme operation world wide, but the oil economy alone is enough to create 1 billion jobs, and producing many times the energy the world uses today, plus transport by 108 000 ships and flying cubes. For transport of water zeppeliners transporting 4 million ton of fresh water, perhaps making shahara green is possible, one of the new ships ae planed as The Gold Nile. Alle nations along the nile must be interested as the river is dirty from the disagreements and terror of abuse, alone, but the optimism of cooperation is there and, making a river of flying cubes or balloons, make shortage of water no problem, we hope. Just an example and each nation in the world a climateship, having congresses and festivals at sea by cruises around the world, may be opportunity for the youth of the world for excellent education together with 2 hours work a day! Building your climateship may be a challenge of finding cooperation for 108 Ministries, 1008 stock companies, and citizens sharing timeshare ownership of the 1008 apartments of one unit of a ship, 108mx108m. One week minimum and payment for initiating voluntary work may be by a world cruise, a week, stocks in stock companies etc. Just to give a vision of a practical program and out technology found is probably the best in the world for energy production and practical transport at sea, in the air and even on land.

We shall be grateful to hear from all interested in joining our common world and climate defense, perhaps by ordering Dhananjayas emailnewsletter costing 108 NOK, if not a strain on your economy!


Cheers / mvh Anand

Rajananand Dhananjaya

Anand - (RajanANAND)

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway .


September 2014 also the Golden Nile or Gold Nile preliminary Project was established for climarte ships and New countries in union With all the countries along the Nile and by updraft Tower producing steam taken out as fresh water perhaps 12 km up, perhaps a million m3 water may be transported up the Nile for vegi Food Production naturrally.


Preface of our book in progress and perhaps available for newspapers


Wonderful Magic Perfection found by Rajananand Dhananjaya who is giving the Flag of Global Integrity by the Royal Principle of World Peace. UN Secretariat of the International Year of Peace, wrote to him, also known as Stein Roar Andersen as before 2004, "We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace." and as founded by him; that all of us living on this beautiful planet must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. One and All for Peace and Global Integrity. UN by the limitations of what national governments may accept have done a good work promoting the need for action coming to the damage of our environment known as climate change and global warming, but the measure of what to do seems to be according to what is most likely to happen, but not according to obvious risks not proved not to be there, as enough evidence is there to prove insecurity, as insecure ice on a lake not to walk on or a plane before takeoff, it must be proved safe. So when welcoming one and all to join in building the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity with a safety net for one and all known as New Fundamental Global Order as defined by World Constitution of Global Integrity (or non political world democracy), we must do a minimum according to what is possible without terrorizing the world with action not proved to be OK! Our Common World and Climate Defense includes a complete strategy with application making it possible to balance the risk patterns as a start and gradually restoring balance to the CO2 damages of the ocean and atmosphere of the world. The one and only common world defense and as it seems urgent, we can only say, - a vision of fulfilling world civilization, if it is not too late, the world as we know it may collapse, and our lives be damaged or the world is too attached to the sick patterns, to react, which seems like the biggest problem. Universitas Yantra from Latin and Sanskrit means : the instrument of liberation of turning into one whole, and as a vision of fulfilling science and knowledge fundamentals of society by the unity of science, and by perfection of the Flag, finding optimum economy and order by perfect connection of everything to everything else, turning into optimum coherence of one whole world by united science of integrity by our global library of the unity of science as part of the infrastructure of global integrity and the integration of the needed knowledge to balance the challenge of time by our common world and climate defense by building millions of new stock companies in integrated growth groups of 1008 companies by climate ships, countries, cities etc. Universitas is our new name of a united university of integrity, or supreme university, as one without a Faculty of Wholeness is just a specialized school and as we welcome all universities to open a Faculty with 4 institutes of comparative research study to connect to our library of the unity of science as all citizens of the world is welcomed to connect as an editor of the Library of the Unity of Science by editor subscription of Golden Times or Global Times Foundation. Everybody and all universities, libraries, governments, organizations etc. upholding the reference center by a new Internet, Integritynet of the Royal library Society, fulfilling the potential of modern communication technology by the common interests of the people of the world. 108 000 universities we plan to establish by 108 000 floating cities and climate ships. Everyone should start publish something and earn money from it by their subscription and selling of information, info. Pyramid games is not allowed, multilevel marketing and network building may be, Our Gold Pyramid, is neither, but give income opportunities for the builder of the network of editors with pyramid profit potential so the role of being editor even may be assisted by your Integrated Growth Stock Company by Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and the pyramid architecture of the flag. The huge profit potential is for those registering others to join in by the foundation Global Times and you may publish anything you know, as info about your family, sport, education, profession, hometown etc. and even just published from known sources by others and perhaps find your info platform to be leading in the word cooperating with the best. Editor Newsletter is available and if expensive for you, finding others paying for their, 4 paying the fee of NOK 1008, may do. One of the ancient unsolved mathematical mysteries, the geometry of the 9 triangles known as Yantra and the square mandala within the circle, many have tried solved for thousands of years and these days even with advanced computer programs, and Rajananand found it, the original optimal perfection and it may be said to be a proof of the original, perhaps 12000 to 50000 years old of the mystic ancient drawings and pyramid architecture combined, related to the sun. For those who did not find the optimum perfection, it is a surprise that it is the perfect relationship between the circle and the square of Mandala Cubus which is giving the optimal configuration of the triangles or pyramids, gliding into each other from center, into the mandala and all into the circle, «turned into one whole» as the Latin «Universitas» mean, being the root of words as university and universe. Constitution of the Universe it may be named as well as the order of the universe have intelligence within, reflected by and or being the pure intelligence of man, but also by the surprisingly interesting ancient understanding of Veda with the 5 elements of nature, 9 Chakras of the body, understanding of the absolute as Vacuum state of Quantum Physics are close, too, with big bang theory expressed by the mirror understanding of the big bang eureka, perhaps also how the sun is walking into the world by steps of the pyramid on Spring Equinox, or the mirror image of water or shadows. The original Third Eye meditation of focusing attention of being aware of the whole by serialization not overshadowed by the impressions of the world and isolated interests or points of view, is by the excesses of looking into the center of the logo and by third eye or side view of the forehead, by being aware of the whole, experiencing the union of the observer, process of observation and object of inquiry, transcending the center point of view, experiencing the home of all knowledge, consciousness where knowledge is structured. Knowledge pyramids, the least needed to be on top of a problem, challenge or knowledge architecture or building, and how 9 knowledge pyramids is turning everything into one new knowledge pyramid building within the wholeness of the environment and circle, is also a good approach of multidisciplinary research and development of the library of the unity of science, to accelerate world progress, too, transcending the limitations of disciplines and isolated growth almost damaged the world completely and giving a slow development and stagnation of world progress lacking integration of science. United education integrity integrated in world development as well as obvious codes of honor of global integrity is a must. Every climate ship, at least a 108 000 floating islands and cities should be built should have 1008 stock companies and editors going together forming stock companies with timeshare ownership of palaces, apartments, offices etc. on a ship, may also seek a business of the ship in order to build a environmental friendly society of global integrity, without being a terrorist risking the future of world society to collapse. Universitas Yantra where Yantra from Sanskrit means instrument of liberation represents a solution to climate change by the inspiration of self realization without being dominated by the world with an approach to world activities turned into one whole with shared responsibility for our common world and climate defense or true interests as a global family of people dependent on the Royal Principle of World Peace.


RISK PATTERNS of climate change and the World War 3 mentality

The risks taken by agreeing about what is most likely to happen the next decades and that the challenge of adapting to the damages of climate change, is accordingly, is based on 2 wrong approaches; if we cannot fix it now, how can the world fix it if it collapses and the problem may be different from what expected, and most likely is.


First; no one knows for sure as there are no experts to calculate the risk of combined accumulated imbalances. Weather forecast by computers is accurate a few days, but not by weeks and not by unknown factors and not possible to calculate for years. Chess programs are better than people, but even a bad chess player with some experience knows that accumulated imbalances may manifest themselves fast even though the game may seem to be lasting. As our flag is found as ancient pyramid architecture and combinations of ancient mystic drawings probably also the Swastika and David star or Yantra, our flag is new by its mathematical perfection and we do not integrate ancient values or approaches and not those of World War 2 either. But it is surprisingly that promoting world peace may be as difficult as a Nazi Jewish friendship club in Berlin 1941 would have been. The mentality of many leaders and aspects of society is that bad as today's Holocaust is worse, in World War 3 50 000 children dies every day according to statistic go poverty and making the world a gas chamber is used to press people to support unnatural corruption of the problem, holding the world ransom so to say. It is our duty to point of that this is one of 2 aspects of the climate problem, raise above, grow in self realization of integrity, both personal and global. The sadomasochistic character structure of Nazism may be found in the world today, but the problem is unique today, but it is interesting that the answer to the problem, one and all winning themselves, is the advice from Krishna to the leader of the good army of the world war told by Mahabharata, grow by transcending above the world overshadowing yourself, self-realization without needs of sickness and seeing the wholeness, staying up acting, doing what is ought to be done, according to Dharma or the natural duty and responsibility found as the challenge of time. We do not relate to this either, but nice to know, established philosophy by supreme standards... Third eye meditation, the exercise to see the whole while focusing attention of our flag, is for the friends of the global society of people in our world of integrity, as advanced meditation is there, too. But the spirit, brothers and sisters, are not friendship as also people competing, should be able to join in our global universal cooperation and defense. The Jurassic Park film professor tells about the butterfly effect and chaos theory... All the time the accelerating changes is coming faster than expected year after year and ignoring the risks is not OK and the second is that the imbalance by compared with data from long time back and the present situation indicates a worse situation than registered or what is expected to be the situation, that it is most likely that unexpected things happens as sudden changes or phase transitions, not manifested yet and this is the terror it is about to manifest, leaders do not want to see it. The collapse of the world have started and even if we stop entirely to pollute and damage the world, the world are going to collapse, is the risk we must relate to and not proved not there as the signs are proved to be there! Sudden changes in a few decades have not manifested yet due to facts as it takes time to heat the ocean and melt ice, millions of sq km melted all ready, and that many risk analysis says by scientific references that big changes may manifest suddenly as raise of sea level, not a few cm but perhaps 12m as a start, the Gulf stream may disappear, oxygen production we depend on may stop, etc. We are talking about changes which is not catastrophic, because total collapse of aspects of the environment we depend on, is too serious and big, "catastrophic" is not a word covering it and the risk of course, totally unacceptable and taking the risk is part of World War 3 terrorism against humanity. Our Common World and Climate Defense even meeting the statistic of poverty as freedom and independence of people by a safety net for one and all is the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity we promotes, represents the Marshal Law and Royal Principle of World Peace we ought to adjust, too, and which is urgent also for you. People is flying between cities and the safety of the plane is considered important as it is considered a crime to allow a takeoff if it is uncertainty about the safety, is it safe? It is like; one do not send children to cross a lake in spring if it is not certain that the ice is safe. But the analogy of ignoring the risks would be to send all children in the world out on the uncertain ice terrorism or allow a plane with atomic bombs and enough of them if accidents happen to damage the entire world, a collapse of the world we depend on terrorism and that it is certain an accident with the plane is most likely to happen sooner or later, but "probably not this time", is wrong attitude! Proving that the risks are like that is not needed, proof, not at all existing, for the situation to be safe and OK, is needed before taking the chance. Taking the risk today makes you an enemy of yourself, your family and the whole world probably, even if it is because you do not want to be involved in any consideration. This because you are involved in world economy and is responsible for your action, So any friend of yours supports your participation in our common world defense and as I find it my duty to tell you and give you the opportunity to tell others creating a global network by World Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy, too. it is my duty to tell you it is your duty to tell others and to defend the purity of the global defense, not to be representing other interests than those of the world, one and all, to restore global integrity or establish as perhaps not completely there in the first place, except the normal situation of the environment before industrial revolution damage as by CO2. We do not compete with governments, churches, military etc. just adding something new to the world, but because the governments, universities and world economy was and still is the problem of World War 3, the war against the integrity of the world and man, some may feel competition and want to use the values of the defense to promote their own interests, rather than joining in and doing what ought be done as fast as possible as 50 000 children is dying every day according to statistic of poverty and your grandchildren may be the extinction of your family! This unfortunately is a general risk, that your and most families is gone in few generations as a collapse of the environment, would change society totally. It is also a question to be considered, if one does not take side in World War 3, if one do not deserve something like that. Operation Rescue the Golf Stream and Denmark, is based on real risks of losing both as there are signs which indicates a possibility of the Gulf stream to stop, including important oxygen production at sea. One like to see things in perspectives of a million years, even though UN panel have agreed, CO2 is the cause, but long time comparison, as CO2 and temperature go hand in hand, indicates that the sea level should have been 12m higher all ready, it just takes time. On south pole west side there are ice which may melt fast and raise sea level 8 m, experts agree, just a start eventually. The study showing CO2 and temperature going hand in hand for hundred thousands of years, shows a fast decrees of CO2 greenhouse gas concentration without temperature having had time to follow so to say, it happens so fast and melting of ice and heating of ocean takes time. So when planning to establish millions of new stock companies, the code of honor, never to do anything for money itself is important, but being creative making money on what one do, is good and our reference center may allow optimum correlation of interests, so values of mass production and using the best everywhere, may give better economy for stock companies than ever before. Free competitions within integrated growth where Climate funds should on behalf of the people of the world own 50% of stocks, so the global tax of Marshal Law probably is the best investment possible. The global tax is voluntary donations sharing the expenditure of the defense, but most important 2 hours a day investment of time and effort to advance the universal interests of all for most people, and expect the sharing of the infrastructure fulfilling world civilization, the tax is supposed to be a good investment also by the stock companies you share responsibility for developing, too. 1008 by every city and region of the world and for each of the 108 000 climate ships we plan to build. That we compete with oil industry when planning o produce many times the energy spent by oil and cars, plans, ships, houses etc. We also plan to build, to consume the energy by, is obvious, but the reason is not us, but that the consumption of oil by CO2 damage is a risk today not acceptable to take. oil companies may rest saving the valuable oil from being burnt instead of used, producing our stock companies. Marshall Law for them then would mean all the time, while other companies may consider to share the 2 hours investment with their employees. Office of Pure Intelligence is protecting our property from abuse and a homepage listing all competition trying to be our initiative, not competing with us or by our codes of honor of integrity with free competition by climate fund rules and also by rules of the Constitution of the new countries we plan to build as floating islands, ensuring tax freedom by integrated growth, as often today el-cars enjoy freedom from taxes! However even Tesla super S el car, is a product of pollution as by transport also when produced and the economy integrated in world economy, produced by a environmental

city would change that as we plan to build some billion cars as producing energy for houses, transport, moving home and important office with a computer of the new Internet, Integritynet we plan to realize, when most people have joined in.. SO IT IS MOST URGENT FOR YOU TO JOIN THE DEFENSE, NOW AND FIND 4 OTHERS TO DO THE SAME, THE SAME MAY BE TO REGISTER PARTICIPATION BY AN EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION, IF THE COSTS OF THAT IS EASY FOR YOU. IF EASY YOU MAY EVEN REQUEST MANY OTHERS TO PAY THEIR SUBSCRIPTION AND TO REPORT THEIR EMAIL ACCOUNT FOR STUDYING THE CHALLENGE OF TIME AND SELF REALIZATION FURTHER. Realizing the self, upholding yourself by restful alertness witnessing the world, not being overshadowed by isolated things, is part of the third eye meditation of Universitas Yantra, our Flag of Global Integrity and the constitution of the universe. We welcome all universities to open a global integrity faculty with 4 institutes of comparative research study to integrate the disciplines and special knowledge of their university in the library of the unity of science and a united university is called Universitas and a Universitas Rishi is a united professor promoting the integration of the unity of science into society for acceleration of world development by codes of honor of integrity! Self realization without being overshadowed by one discipline at school, one interest or anything at all, is by the self alone, and the experience of being, witnessing is strengthened by the Global Integrity Flag meditation excesses. It is important because the whole world is overshadowed or disturbed by the lack of realization, by the focus on isolated interests as by study evaluation or gaining money, rather than never doing anything to please the school system or to earn money, still seeking optimum value of education and earning good money on what one is doing, what ought to be done and what one likes to do and promote. At least all men may be considered to be responsible for the protection of the integrity of the world by our common world and climate defense, but all partaking in world economy with all its bad byproducts, is advised to promote our science of wholeness enterprise with challenges and opportunities on all levels and for one and all. In 1986; by together for peace and our book, "fulfill the world development before it is too late." was the message. Now, 2014 we can only say, if it is not too late as the world lost something, not fulfilling their responsibility by New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and as it is our duty to promote your participation, we must also say, it is most urgent, act now, and always now, until the risks of the world collapsing is balanced and let us hope it is not too late! Act now, always, now!



What we combine is need and opportunities, where do knowledge pyramids meet, what is the connections. Balancing the heat seems immediate, because the heating is a risk pattern itself and heating of the world ocean is the challenge to meet and then there is accumulation of CO2 damaging the thermostat of the world by greenhouse gas accumulation and as the biggest challenge damaging the world ocean with risk patterns as end of oxygen production or a dead sea. By our approach extra heating by greenhouse gas concentration may be used by spending a few million sq. km of the incoming solar heating of the world ocean to produce energy. This is planned done by flying cubic frames more than 2 km tall with solar collectors perhaps 4 sq km of cheap aluminum foil. If these are flying 12 km up more heat is taken and several more sq. km of the ocean is without sunlight than the 4! 250 000 such flying cubes would balance the heating together with updraft towers taking heating by wind energy out of the sea and from the surface of the ocean, up and mostly out. 108 000 climate ships with 3 flying cubes each, would do, and adaptation to the heating is not an economic question as these cubes may also be windmills instead of solar collectors and or organize transport of fresh water produced out of the sea, people and containers too, as from and to these huge ships 2 km long going around the world. Free competition within integrated growth codes of honor, anyone may find their gold mine within the cooperation. The ship finds no ways to earn money on combating CO2 in the sea so a global defense tax is there as a ship have some duty to balance CO2 in the world ocean, too. We welcome all to share a CO2 Tax by the Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and as a start adding fertilizer to the ocean for algae blossoming to eat CO2, may be the best way, but we have to be careful not to create new imbalances disturbing those all ready there and must combine with other solutions as well. Finding mines of chalk in the sea close to streams, may do an easy task to balance the acid CO2 by bombs or machines making it as sugar to add the tea, so to say! The combinations of wind, wave, updraft tower solar and other energy production gives much more energy than the world is used to, and used for production and transport of water, by the flying cubes, too, we may produce forest and make most farms of the world with richer growth, eating CO2 from the air and producing free food by New Fundamental Global Order for those joining in and one and all. To advance such production growing algae at sea may start eating C02 from the sea and building tubes around the world in the world ocean for fast transport in tube of vacuum, as 2000 km an hour or faster, is a good idea, transport of food may be a good idea, too, fresh food from around the world by vegistandards, climate fund approach, too. Transporting water is a possibility for the water may be added from cubes flying many km up and thereby giving the pressure friction and fast water transport needs, perhaps even traveling within fast moving water is an idea if one found techniques of reducing friction, as shark skin copies, and water blown in from the walls of the tube, adding speed and removing friction. Within the sea, perhaps 20 m down such a transport would be safe even if the tube was going down. 20-50m down may add a greenhouse on top of the tube supported by flying cubes with lenses focusing sun light down, and within the greenhouse tube fertilizer, as iron, and food for the production may possible to add, preferably by sea water removed for salt, as the production is taken in to land as fertilizer for food production or forest production as bamboo seems perfect for producing flying cubes! But salt water goes well probably, by techniques of separation later! So we give a complete opportunity to balance the disaster and see to it that all is adapted to the change needed, no more and no less. Perhaps by fulfillment of this, oil production and CO2 pollution is welcome as it allows more production, but flexibility to change to other purposes as 100 000 ships transporting containers and such all ready are at sea, and universities and schools taking the student or pupil around the world by healthy cruises, may be the new school and university system, if codes of honor is upheld. Floating cities around the world, may be enjoyable by part time work for the rich as well if university, congresses, festivals, tourism, health clubs etc are combinations to enjoy, especially the hospital health home by Auyr Veda combined with best of western medicine and exercise opportunities, seems like a gold mine or profitable, which so many activities must be in order to produce 108 000 environmental friendly cities and floating islands and nations (tax free centers...)! People may be friends of the world and enjoy the opportunities as fun and more interesting ways to do what one does anyway, businesses may find adaptations to the codes of honor more profitable because perfect adaptation by perfect availability for the people and businesses of the world, simply is more profitable. Trying to copy our initiative, rather than joining in better from any point of view it seems, is considered as terrorism against humanity, by the listing system of homepages. But even though we are used to some copying, the entire project is too original to be legal to copy and most of the values are produced for the enterprise. Using other patents and making patents of others available for use we have a system for, by the opportunity of investing patents and presentations of information as a library functioning, in stock companies where a profit potential by percentages of the income made is agreed together with some free use by the enterprise and ownership of the people of the world, when the profit potential is fulfilled or paid to the investor, still having the references of producer in the library of the unity of science available by Global Times, Gold or Golden Times subscriptions where we hope most people becomes editors! Old initiative of ours, we still cannot say Wikipedia has copied us, but our initiative makes Wikipedia just an encyclopedia as any other, as a university posses much more knowledge, than Wikipedia and all universities together much less than what we invite one and all to share, a cooperation to develop and enjoy! All this a byproduct of realizing New Fundamental Global Order by the Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy, -our World Constitution. President World Constitution Fund is Rajananand Dhananjaya who is welcoming donations sharing the expenditure of developing and stabilizing the science of wholeness enterprise, as by university building preferably by climate ships, but land based is important, too. Universitas Yantra united university of integrity for instance lacks 20 million NOK to establish its first office by an embassy building with apartments, offices and Secretariat, to build a 2 km long climate ship as next step of university development! Dhananjaya seeks a better apartment by is voluntary free work this way to, as he has been president for more than 30 years without payment and partly covering costs himself, still donations have been a good support during the years! If we produce billions of cars, vacuum insulation of buildings also made self-sufficient by pure energy and many other things of integrated growth cities and is producing much more than the CO2 polluting energy used annually now, we may create a billion jobs by 108 000 climate ships, based on half year at land. 10 000 by each ship but for cruising one may change of course, 10 000 new jobs for each ship half time home perhaps by a new climate friendly city, too! The oil economy itself is enough, here we produce extremely much more energy and plan to use it to produce and transport fresh water, too, to produce new farms and forests for both self-sufficiency of those joining in as well as eating CO2. 5000 at work on a ship all the time upholding the city, too may be part times combined with studies and other jobs, cruising around the world festivals and congresses, all the time 100 000 different opportunities, some according to your interest perhaps by 108 000 ships and cities, and very good for children and students, too! Combinations must be practical and profitable in order to be the solution, but not being overshadowed by economic interests, not doing things for money, just ensuring good economy in what we are doing, is the key!



What aspect of the science of wholeness would you like to promote or what aspect of the defense, our common world and climate defense, would you like to join and how? Perhaps taking responsibility for building a climate ship, a complete project, is too much for your experience and position in the world, perhaps building the network of those wanting to realize your climate ship , is a start you may find a good challenge. then there are 1008 foundations, 108 Ministries of the city government and 1008 stock companies, at least one with byproduct to build environmental cities on land or at least houses with apartments for those joining in, perhaps a network cooperation for all wanting a environmentally good home, is interesting challenge, too, especially if you are young and not owning your own home yet! Interesting challenges from any point of view we are giving, but it needs people and creativity to organize the intelligence of integrated growth. it is a great joy to welcome one and all as sisters and brothers, not as friends, as most people are joining in also people competing with each other and those not friends must be able to cooperate as well. But all are all ready cooperating, almost all, by the understanding that world economy, money is a universal key, unfortunately the byproducts of world economy is making most money black, a burden, so some gold income is part of the opportunity too! We like the word "defense" because it reflects the nature of cooperation and that the cooperation is based on doing what we ought to do, as fast as possible, defense as firemen protecting us and attaching the fire, doing what ought to be done as fast as possible perhaps by help from people around, AS BY FOREST FIRE DEFENSE! Building 1008 stock companies is about building a world of global integrity, about your defense, your life of integrity, freedom and independence also from the risks of climate change. United Science and or University of Integrity we hope all universities are upgrading to and that one all is allowed to enjoy some Global Assembly by our Flag of Global Integrity. Film aid with competition to produce films too, are a planned global assembly and festival program allowing meetings to register peoples voting by 5 minutes registration on one question at a time, voting by our non political world democracy and Global Voice of Conscience!


Upgrading of your education or university by united science of integrity is possible and we offers courses by email to start the education giving you a Universitas degree of United Science of Integrity with 1008 levels.


The Climate library of Integrated Growth offers Universitas degrees of the Royal Library society by United Science of Integrity and by 9 knowledge pyramids and 1008 levels. As you contribute to our library, just as a professor achieved his degree by contributing to science, so you shall enjoy a degree, but passing the test of understanding the codes of honor of integrity is a must and start, and by your editor email subscription, costing 1008 NOK with first course for free! The architecture of the pyramids and square penthouse or infrastructure of global integrity within the circle of the environment, is founded by 5 knowledge pyramids corresponding to the 5 elements of nature. This research project is an open invitation to all universities, schools,, libraries, organizations etc. But first of all to one and all in the whole world also by global Integritynet, the new Internet we plan to establish, by the true interests of the people of the world and not by how to get money from the marked. We shall be grateful to receive donations covering the costs of development of this research project of our library of the Unity of Science. It is urgent to get ideas of how the accelerating phenomenon climate change may turn into collapse of vital aspects of our world, as the risk of losing the Gulf stream seems real, also 12m sea level rise within a few weeks. Scientists miss accelerating values when calculating how the world looks if nothing extraordinary happens, while the idea that nothing special has happens, just below 1 degree Celsius increase of temperature, but this is a lot more by the ice which may melt or by the setting of the greenhouse gas thermostat, but how much? In cold Norway 2 months longer summer may seems good, 4 -6 months really different year, is all ready extreme, but when extreme changes is happening all over the world, it is not to be understood that someone wants to take responsibility for the risk, not sharing our Marshall law for the whole world or Common World and Climate Defense!


United Education of Integrity and Enlightenment

We welcome one and all to upgrade their education by courses of United Education of Integrity and Enlightenment as all universities is welcome to upgrade to become a Universitas, supreme university og enlightenment by opening a Faculty of Wholeness with 4 institutes of comparative research study to become a United Universitas of Integrity Enlightenment and the the Library of the Unity of Science as Universitas, the Latin root of "university" means turned into one whole.

For a university a one week program of Universitas Week is there for others there are courses on all levels and also emailcourses.

This is both in general by the Science of Wholeness founded by Rajananand Dhananjaya in 1980 by Universitas Week and related to if so wanted the climate change by our research project of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth.


Upgrading of your education or university by united science of integrity is possible and we offers courses by email to start the education giving you a Universitas degree of United Science of Integrity with 1008 levels.


The Climate library of Integrated Growth offers Universitas degrees of the Royal Library society by United Science of Integrity and by 9 knowledge pyramids and 1008 levels. As you contribute to our library, just as a professor achieved his degree by contributing to science, so you shall enjoy a degree, but passing the test of understanding the codes of honor of integrity is a must and start, and by your editor email subscription, costing 1008 NOK with first course for free! The architecture of the pyramids and square penthouse or infrastructure of global integrity within the circle of the environment, is founded by 5 knowledge pyramids corresponding to the 5 elements of nature. This research project is an open invitation to all universities, schools,, libraries, organizations etc. But first of all to one and all in the whole world also by global Integritynet, the new Internet we plan to establish, by the true interests of the people of the world and not by how to get money from the marked. We shall be grateful to receive donations covering the costs of development of this research project of our library of the Unity of Science. It is urgent to get ideas of how the accelerating phenomenon climate change may turn into collapse of vital aspects of our world, as the risk of losing the Gulf stream seems real, also 12m sea level rise within a few weeks. Scientists miss accelerating values when calculating how the world looks if nothing extraordinary happens, while the idea that nothing special has happens, just below 1 degree Celsius increase of temperature, but this is a lot more by the ice which may melt or by the setting of the greenhouse gas thermostat, but how much? In cold Norway 2 months longer summer may seems good, 4 -6 months really different year, is all ready extreme, but when extreme changes is happening all over the world, it is not to be understood that someone wants to take responsibility for the risk, not sharing our Marshall law for the whole world or Common World and Climate Defense!


Anand is brave alone presenting criticism of the 12000 scientists of UN climate panel and all who debates climate change and for many years so, same perspective and facts related too. By given short analyzes it is this relating to what most probably will happen the next decades which is playing “Russian roulette” with the future of the whole world, our common heritage. What may happen is to real, so he says what may happen must be proved not to have risks as known,, the situation proved to be OK, before taking changes. Further the idea of not above 2 degrees Celsius plus, is also wrong because the situation is that it becomes 2-5 degrees hotter without the world polluting anymore, the situation is passed 2 degrees, already, as most likely situation as it takes time to heat the ocean and melt ice., it is terrorism not to relate to this and probably an illusion to guess a slow increase up to 2 degrees Celsius plus, as the well known study of CO2 and temperature going hand in hand for several hundred enthused years, shows and late increase in CO2, but the temperature as expected is not followed yet, it goes to fast for that probably. In fact is may be said to be a miracle, that the world has not collapsed already, the delay of the manifestation of the imbalance may be said to be one of 2 miracles in the climate world, the other our flag of global integrity, with the perfection of correlated values needed to organize the strategy of our common world and climate defense in all ways as our climate, health, milieu and vegi standard naturally, Vegi Naturally, as opportunity and example coming to establish millions of new stock companies around the world. Companies in 1008 areas with different approaches as building climate ships, producing energy, transporting and producing fresh water to the world, etc. are based on the idea of establishing a good opportunity for others to invest time, money and other values as business plan, as integrated growth ideas should be a good potential in itself and hiring experts, the best in the world to promote the business, is much better that those starting trying to also be good in planing business, not only giving a excellent opportunity for fulfilling one. Universities, the 12000 scientist of the UN climate panel, journalists, liberalities and others may upgrade their education by courses by our Climate Universittas of Global Integrity focusing on our common world and climate defense, what to do. United education of integrity by the university is related to the science of wholeness enterprise, of course and to our flag where the circles around represents wholeness including the environment and penthouse building and fort of th pyramid represents the building of global integrity, the world no needs and the 9 pyramids by exact correlation represents 9 knowledge pyramids, where the 5 in bottom is by the 5 elements of nature but works on all levels from philosophy of big bang to practical correlation of knowledge and action.


Rajananand Dhananjaya P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831


Newsemail NOK 108!


We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly and hope on so many answers that we have to hire a secretary just for course coordination.








Cheers / mvh Anand

Rajananand Dhananjaya

Anand - (RajanANAND)

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway

Global Integrity Research Scientist





Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831

(Anand was registered in Norway as Stein Roar Andersen up to 2004)




President Rajananand Dhananjaya

World Constitution Fund, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway

account in Sweden: 78871309952


Updraft Tower of this climate with the flaying cube parked on top is 3 km, where the ship is 1 km and the cubic frame above is 2 km, but if it fly up it may drag with it a tube another km perhaps, but several flying cubes as 6 and one of them filled with vacuum, lifting the 5 others as well or at least 1 million ton by ball alluminium perhaps 10 cm tick. The ship construction in the bottom is 54 m tall cubic frames on top of a 2m tick surfboard for the 12m wide rivers every second 12m with 12m wide ship, 7m tall pluss 2m below by surfeboard, the rivers are open 30m up and have systems for waveenergy production and sucking in by funnel in front and blowing out behind gives a wing hydrodynamics for the surfeboard below, if not too expenseve to achieve a fast travelling ship. it is much better to produce wind and solar energy 12 km up and by updraft tower.

Perhaps an email course is a good idea and start.





United Education of Integrity and Enlightenment

We welcome one and all to upgrade their education by courses of United Education of Integrity and Enlightenment as all universities is welcome to upgrade to become a Universitas, supreme university og enlightenment by opening a Faculty of Wholeness with 4 institutes of comparative research study to become a United Universitas of Integrity Enlightenment and the the Library of the Unity of Science as Universitas, the Latin root of "university" means turned into one whole.

For a university a one week program of Universitas Week is there for others there are courses on all levels and also emailcourses.

This is both in general by the Science of Wholeness founded by Rajananand Dhananjaya in 1980 by Universitas Week and related to if so wanted the climate change by our research project of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth.


Upgrading of your education or university by united science of integrity is possible and we offers courses by email to start the education giving you a Universitas degree of United Science of Integrity with 1008 levels.


The Climate library of Integrated Growth offers Universitas degrees of the Royal Library society by United Science of Integrity and by 9 knowledge pyramids and 1008 levels. As you contribute to our library, just as a professor achieved his degree by contributing to science, so you shall enjoy a degree, but passing the test of understanding the codes of honor of integrity is a must and start, and by your editor email subscription, costing 1008 NOK with first course for free! The architecture of the pyramids and square penthouse or infrastructure of global integrity within the circle of the environment, is founded by 5 knowledge pyramids corresponding to the 5 elements of nature. This research project is an open invitation to all universities, schools,, libraries, organizations etc. But first of all to one and all in the whole world also by global Integritynet, the new Internet we plan to establish, by the true interests of the people of the world and not by how to get money from the marked. We shall be grateful to receive donations covering the costs of development of this research project of our library of the Unity of Science. It is urgent to get ideas of how the accelerating phenomenon climate change may turn into collapse of vital aspects of our world, as the risk of losing the Gulf stream seems real, also 12m sea level rise within a few weeks. Scientists miss accelerating values when calculating how the world looks if nothing extraordinary happens, while the idea that nothing special has happens, just below 1 degree Celsius increase of temperature, but this is a lot more by the ice which may melt or by the setting of the greenhouse gas thermostat, but how much? In cold Norway 2 months longer summer may seems good, 4 -6 months really different year, is all ready extreme, but when extreme changes is happening all over the world, it is not to be understood that someone wants to take responsibility for the risk, not sharing our Marshall law for the whole world or Common World and Climate Defense!


Anand is brave alone presenting criticism of the 12000 scientists of UN climate panel and all who debates climate change and for many years so, same perspective and facts related too. By given short analyzes it is this relating to what most probably will happen the next decades which is playing “Russian roulette” with the future of the whole world, our common heritage. What may happen is to real, so he says what may happen must be proved not to have risks as known,, the situation proved to be OK, before taking changes. Further the idea of not above 2 degrees Celsius plus, is also wrong because the situation is that it becomes 2-5 degrees hotter without the world polluting anymore, the situation is passed 2 degrees, already, as most likely situation as it takes time to heat the ocean and melt ice., it is terrorism not to relate to this and probably an illusion to guess a slow increase up to 2 degrees Celsius plus, as the well known study of CO2 and temperature going hand in hand for several hundred enthused years, shows and late increase in CO2, but the temperature as expected is not followed yet, it goes to fast for that probably. In fact is may be said to be a miracle, that the world has not collapsed already, the delay of the manifestation of the imbalance may be said to be one of 2 miracles in the climate world, the other our flag of global integrity, with the perfection of correlated values needed to organize the strategy of our common world and climate defense in all ways as our climate, health, milieu and vegi standard naturally, Vegi Naturally, as opportunity and example coming to establish millions of new stock companies around the world. Companies in 1008 areas with different approaches as building climate ships, producing energy, transporting and producing fresh water to the world, etc. are based on the idea of establishing a good opportunity for others to invest time, money and other values as business plan, as integrated growth ideas should be a good potential in itself and hiring experts, the best in the world to promote the business, is much better that those starting trying to also be good in planing business, not only giving a excellent opportunity for fulfilling one. Universities, the 12000 scientist of the UN climate panel, journalists, liberalities and others may upgrade their education by courses by our Climate Universittas of Global Integrity focusing on our common world and climate defense, what to do. United education of integrity by the university is related to the science of wholeness enterprise, of course and to our flag where the circles around represents wholeness including the environment and penthouse building and fort of th pyramid represents the building of global integrity, the world no needs and the 9 pyramids by exact correlation represents 9 knowledge pyramids, where the 5 in bottom is by the 5 elements of nature but works on all levels from philosophy of big bang to practical correlation of knowledge and action.


Rajananand Dhananjaya P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway Personal account in Norway 0532.1667831


Newsemail NOK 108!


We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly and hope on so many answers that we have to hire a secretary just for course coordination.







Climateship as a floating environmental friendly city and "vaticanstate" country.

The floating city as a new country hopefully also achieve some land or an island as a Vatican City state or something as a world peace tax expectation to all governments, welcome to invest land by climateship projects. A constitution as the Norwegian integrating world constitution of global integrity and rules for union with country "investing land" if wanted. A union may give citizens of the country free passage to the country and universitas of the country perhaps and itself serve with military and police, money system together with green currency or whatever agreed by negotiation as far as Dhanajaya accepts it. He seems to be the only knowing the principles fully here! All countries welcome to give land on their boarders perhaps and as islands and where there are disagreements of boarders and what is natural, environmental cities and land may a solution as well if all governments and citiezens involved agrees.

There should be 1008 foundations of the enterprise, 108 Ministries of the City Government and 1008 stock companies building the world of global integrity by integrated growth and an embasy for world union or our enterprise as its own land within the land perhaps, representing global, non political world democrasy.




There are planned 108 Ministries of the government of each city


State minister (holding the royal position open)


Stats minister


Minister of Defence


Minister of Communication


Transport minister


Minister of Farming




Minister of Economic stability


Minister for economic growth


Minister of Administration


Minister of Union with Other Countries


Minister of Union by World Constitution


Creative Integration Minister


Minister of Education


Minister of Research


Integrated Growth Minister (innovation)


Global Integrated Growth Minister (combating the disintegration of the world)


Minister of Wholeness


Minister of Law


Minister of Integrity


Minister of the Codes of Honor, Non Violence and High Society represents also the “Ministry of the Cow Protection” as in olden days where the cow still is holy in India. Non-violence is seen important related to being a vegetarian in the word as eating cows costs a lo and lot of water used, but the terror of eating them also creates the production of greenhouse gasses as large a problem as those of cars.


Minister of Natural Protection of the Groups according to cast or profession related integrity


Minister of Defense against Genetic Manipulation of food, people and nature


Minister of our Common World Defense


Minister of Art and Celebrations (24)


Minister of the Ships


Minister of the floating islands


Minister of flying machines


Minister of land


Minister of Energy of Wind


Minister of Energy of waves


Minister of Energy of Solar Collectors


Minister of Energy of Updraft Towers


Minister of Cruise Organization


Minister of Fresh Water


Minister of Transport of Containers


Minister of the Protection of Stock Companies


Minister for the Protection of Guests and Tourist


Minister for Administration of Court


Minister for Administration of Police


Minister for Administration of the Integration of Constitutional Values


Minister for the Hydrogen Society (40)


Minister for Research and Balance of Ecological Values


Minister for Spiritual and Religious Integrity


Minister for Global Bank Nationally


Minister for Minimum Free Income Globally


Minister for the Registration of Given Laws


Minster for Humanitarian and other Foundations


Minister for Tax freedom and Banking


Minister for the Infrastructure of World Peace


Minister for the Fluffiest of Internet or Integrity net and free PC to all


Minister for Universities and Schools


Minister for the Integrity of TV, Newspapers, Movie pictures etc.


Minister for Housing and building policies


Minister for the Diplomacy Internationally


Minister of Foreign Affairs (54)


Minister of stabilizing Steps of Achievement in the Competition or developments


Minister of Promoting Progression in the Competition and developments


Minister for the Global Empire and Embassies of our Global Homeland


Minister of the competition of holding positions within the new country


Minister of Witnessing and registering what is going on, including economy by Global Bank


Minister of the Universe and Space


Minister Sport and the Integrity of Health


Minister of Hospital assistance


Minister of Protecting the Values of Global, Pure World Democracy by World Constitution


Minister of the Musketeer, separate from general defense as MP


Minister of Accumulation of Wealth by integrity


Minister of Protecting the Codes of Honor as by Women, military, business etc


Minister of the 9 global levels of Kingship


Minister of freedom and independence of the individual (68)


Minister of Global Student Union


Minister of National Traditions


Minister of the Day of Integrity (Spring Equinox Celebrations)


Minister of Quarterly Celebrations


Minister of International Agreements


Minister of the Registration and Documentation of Wealth, Marriage, communication etc.


Ministry for the Approval of published materials as movies, music, newspapers etc. by considering complaints


Minister for the Witnessing and registration of Communication as legal values or banking


Minister for Witnessing and Database of Global Warming


Minister of Global Times Nationally


Minister of the Encyclopedia of the Unity of Science, network growth


Minister of National Integrity (80)


Minister of around the world transport


Minister of food production and storage, minimum free food for all


Minister for free clothing


Minister of fulfillment, celebrating growing waves of progress around the year


Minister of Investments


Minister of Public Common Buildings and economic growth by them


Minister for Lawyers


Minister for Jury assistance


Minister for the State bank


Minister for teaching the values of constitutional law by the University of Constitutional Law


Minister for brainstorming of independent advices to the king and ministries


Minister for promoting things becoming better or as good as they should be everywhere


Minister for Rajananand


Minister for the aspiration of winning and becoming state minister for the Universitas Empire, the name of the new country and floating city


Minister of Security of material values and public organizations


Minister of assisting the world with integrated growth by knowledge and tourism, aid...


Minister of assisting people with part time job integration of aspirations, opportunities, interests, qualifications, integrated knowledge by skills etc, students of all ages


Minister for the correlation of the duties of ministries and other state powers too


Minister for the election of the peoples, the supreme state power


Minister for the balance between state powers securing the freedom and independence of the citizen


Minister of the registration of citizens, giving of passports and registration of the aspirations of joining the national completion


Minister of verifying skills, education achieved, and the history of persons and the whole country


Minister for the assistance of other countries with the integrity of constitutional law and conflict solving (103)


Minister of Churches and halls for prayer and or meditation


Minister for the promotion of network building by the science of wholeness


Minister for one and all, ensuring routines are for people, not those assisting them


Minister of Defense against Hurricanes, fire in forests, pollution at sea and general pollution


Minister of the Fulfillment of World Society or world development free from problems.

Preliminary introduction to the organization of the new country and floating city is here given also including the fulfillment of the classical values of democracy.


Anyone aspiring to become a Minister by one of the ship project is welcome to communicate interest as a project is established when 108 Ministers are forming a coordinating team. Even the position as king of the city nation may be negotiated first if good contribution to the city is given, as if Sweden gave an island and wanted the son of their king as Raja of the city!







World Constitution of Global Integrity refers to our constitution of non political world democracy, but also to our flag of global integrity, see top of page, as the constitution of the universe or the world as by big bang and the 9 substances of the universe, where the 5 elements are known, as a philosophy inspired by ancient values as well as modern knowledge as Quantum physics with the vacuum state, close to the idea of the transcendent, beyond the laws of nature of the universe as our philosophy of pure intelligence and the physical existence of the world. But as part of the science of wholeness enterprise, World Constitution refers to the democracy governing the global universal cooperation, only!


The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland, New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity; New Fundamental Global Order with the Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity.


This represents universal values of upholding global co-operation between citizens to ensure the freedom and independence of the individual, the people of the world. The universal law of global cooperation between citizens of the world to uphold a global safety net for all, was developed during the eighties and formulated by these articles during the nineties by several independent and humanitarian foundations as Independent University Foundation and Universitas Week established January 1980 by the founder of the science of wholeness, Rajananand Dhananjaya, then known as Stein Roar Andersen (up to 2004). The Constitution represents only universal acceptable values as free a minimum of food, clothing and housing, free information, free participation in pure, non-political democracy and cultural expressions of the unification of world society. That it is non-political means that all participating in the co-operation is equal to everyone else, the values shared are a free minimum and no one decides what others should do. The democracy is communication also in how to participate in the minimum of universal co-operation to receive or produce these values and finally the defined values as presented in the following is the only values to be produced, the co-operation is not going to serve any other interests than the defined, common universal values.


The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal co-operation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal co-operation or a minimum income is given by the global digital currency of World Peace Fund’s World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. As any Constitution, the purpose is to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organization and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal co-operation.


The Global Voice of Conscience


The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution


Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfillment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people participating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, non-religious, - a non-violence global universal co-operation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfillment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal co-operation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the co-ordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this book as well as: The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the basis of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organization of global, pure co-operation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realization of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfillment of world civilization. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year, around the world. Rajananand Dhananjaya as the founder and knower of reality is given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Maharaja or Rajan of the World. Maharaja / Rajan indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility and means, king, the one for the whole world! (As a name however, of course it is a used name by many and consider just a life supporting sound!) As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen / Rajananand Dhananjaya is also representing within the co-ordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions are taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without changing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its co-coordinating functioning is non-political and upholds a coordinating organization within universal development of a global co-coordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global co-operation; World Constitution, still so complete that you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal co-operation.


Article 2 To uphold global, universal co-operation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a co-coordinator equal to any other coordinator, representing his pure position as coordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference center. All coordinating activity should be given priorities in relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible are fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realization at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as coordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both new fundamental human duty and right and coordinator is the main functioning of the democracy, functioning voting. The reference center is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 42-49 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE. (#)


As founder, Rajananand is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realize a true world democracy by most citizens of world society. This may include establishing Ltds but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund or other foundations of the enterprise and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while Ltds might develop subscriptions now costing 1200 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Rajananand or later by world democracy of 90% of world population should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Rajananand can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by Rajananand's and others gift to mankind and by this constitution and others contributions.


Article 3 The world citizens uphold legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the freedom and independence of the library of the unity of science as reference center, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however, the reference center might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed. Everyone's participation is expected to be free, without personal involvement except for coordinating duties, because the global goals are universal and nonpolitical founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union of world society, whit protection of the interests of the individual in this co-operation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in universal co-operation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference center, laws can be given to protect the universal cooperation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal co-operation, with no other than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation of this Constitution.


Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the coordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of co-ordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and one pointed growth towards the goals of universal co-operation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonizing with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be shared by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities established anyone can raise questions about in a reference center for the democracy within our library and published by the reference center as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the co-ordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM ACTIVITIES OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL ORDER is everyone's right to protect as a common safety net for all, as a coordinator, defender of world peace. We are not speaking of application of the reference center for any purpose organized as basic subscription and editor functioning, everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system for the purposes of those using it. When The Global Times is a business organization where any business may freely compete, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and ours, however, taking money for organizing access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference center must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduction perhaps and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography, must be balanced by laws or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone!


Article 5 These articles are not to be changed in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfillment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Rajananand as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference center and coordinating unit with responsibility for presenting questions for the Global Voice of Conscience to give guidance in direction of global freedom. No one should have any decision making position other than that of a coordinator, but founder Rajananand. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are traveling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions (own countries with constitution perhaps like that of Norway ) to solve national problems around the world could be integrated in the Constitutions domain of non-political values of our global homeland if everyone agrees and/or Rajananand finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. We suggest 3 independent levels of supercomputers to control and register everything within Global Intranet as fulfillment of the potential of Internet. Democratic control is advised by groups of 1008 persons controlling collectively by meetings written references by the participation in the democracy and reference center of the members of the group and how this is registered by all groups of 1008 Each group of 1008 citizen of the world unit is dived in 9 groups of 108 + 36 persons divided in groups of 4 one for each of the 9 groups of 108, and the 4 have one 5th person and leader, elected within and by the group of 108. 28 groups of 36 gives a union of 28 groups of 1008 citizen of the world units and this is repeated within the new units of represent citizen of the world units to give only 7-8 new groups which may meet together in order to uphold democratic control of everything by personal checking alone. The different positions are shared with systems of control by random and are different each time. Personal and democratic control of information on all levels is most important The representatives should change so all may become one from time to time in a new group of 1008 with the same system. There was suggested another organization, but the principle is above and the same here! These for systematic democratic control by checking routines also to be upheld by all. We suggest building one house or environmental city with 1008 rooms, one room for each citizen, which the citizen of the group owns as a second, third or first home and have land producing food for these persons by universal co-operation as a seat for the persons role in the democracy of the world. Democratic control meetings may be arranged together with a festival and take perhaps 2 hours a month! There should be written archives all over the world and also by each coordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference center or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organization are changing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of as a danger of corruption with huge national organization, multinational concerns etc. Everyone wanting to add should within universal co-operation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference center from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected and protected, preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verify or chance it as educated coordinators after upholding the order a few years or minor change by Rajananand!


In this grave hour, perhaps the most faithful in world, it is unthinkable that we shall refuse the challenge of time and risk collapse of the ecosystems of the environment world society depends on as well as collapse of world economy and order. In spite of the fact that our common world defense is and have been for decades easy to realize as a safety net for all, the Holocaust of poverty by statistic is unbelievable terror. It is in no one’s interest to be an enemy of own family and the people of the world, still many not reflecting or seeing the situation clearly, taking risks of Russian Roulette terrorism against the world promoting their own personal, economic and other interests by the idea of depending on them for a solution. Some may not participate in the problem of the world upholding and making the problem or world war 3 by seeking dependence on them for bribes, but is just finding business as usual and income, position and not fulfilling duties, easiest, in spite of the fact that responsibility for ignoring these facts is costing more. We do not focus on the sickness, just how to restore health or integrity to the world and to enjoy freedom from the risks of today. If one and all seeks to grow in integrity and is faithful to our common and true interests of all, we shall prevail. I like to congratulate each and every one of you having studied so far, considering the true challenge of time, rather than leaving responsibility to others or organizations which are the problem, not the solution, as the damage of the world is both man made and uphold terrorism.


Gold Pyramid Network Building welcomes you to establish a Unit of 5 with yourself as leader, you and one and all by 4-16-64-... campaign and each unit to take responsibility for stock company, and or editor responsibility of Golden Times, and network building by Dhananjaya. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly perhaps by a newsletter subscription application.


Preliminary suggestions for the initiative to establish 108000 new countries and by world peace tax, every country invest some land in new countries against green Dhanan which may be used for baying stocks in companies of integrated growth, is a few. For the stateminister of India we have suggested dessert land and islands as producing and transporting a million ton water is possible by one flying cube and that 12 trillion of the 71 trillion GreenDhanan equal to USD is used for establishing a minimum income to one and all in India by 504 new kingdoms by the about 500 Maharaja countries India was befor! For President Obama we presented the opportunity of 12,5 trillion dollar removing the public depth of USA by selling land and islands and joining the 2 hours a day MMarshal law investing the skills of USA to get it woorking, as USA also have the biggest depth comming to black oil economy damage of our world. 12 trillion to build the first ship by Rajananand as the preliminary captital city of the world.

About 36 trillion to build 108 000 ships gives 300 million dolar or Green Dhanan investment for each ship, as 50% of the investment of ship with updraft tower 12 km tall!



108 000 climate ships are planned build as the one and only real defense against the damage of the world known as climate change. Different sizes as 1km x 2km may be good. Here is the bottom brick, a ship may be made by several such ships, as the construction 108mx108m is a complete ship in itself. Perhaps 144mx144m may be a better size! The ship construction is based on expert advice and have 0,4m tick concrete walls running parallel every 4m and is 108mx108m 6m tall with two wings 2m tick each 20m wide and 108m long and 4m up on the sides but 24m to the buildings above except frame. Weight in concrete about 35000 ton + the concrete frame above with 5000m pillars 2m tick and about 15000 ton, All together 50 000 ton concrete and 10 000 ton tree, It lifts only 60 000 ton, but the concrete may be 1/5 lighter, giving 10,000 ton for city area, extra 10 000 ton may be achieved by deeper 28m x 108m in the middle below, 4 deeper into sea!. engines, fuel etc. 0,2m in the 1008 apartments 10mx3m inside or 30 sq. m. 60 000 ton, 120 million NOK or about 200,000.- NOK for each apartment, owned by a stock company, one of 1008 companies. Sail setting on top of the cubic frame and in the first 24m above the 6m tall ship construction, by the frame and the top 26m of 72mx72m frame, gives 9 levels, 2 rows 108m long on both sides of the 100m long hall with frames, open but tents is possible topping. One floor on top 72mx24m on both sides of the hall gives city area. 2m in-between the 2 rows of apartments gives corridors and stairs. Larger ships made by putting 108mx108m ships together, may use the top ball or cubic frame also for buildings.



Here we se a 216m wide ship but there may be 2x10 bricks 108mx108m or 216mx1080m. Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth by President Rajananand Dhananjaya uphold several building projects, each starting with 108mx108m and 1008 apartments 30 sq..m and a pyramid hall!


A cubic frame with 3 rings may be added on top for sail setting and windmill and as a flying machine. The extra weight may be compensated by 6m extension of the 6m tall ship construction, 120mx120m but with rescue ships outside 6m around.



UN Climate Message, serious error , please, forward to all whom it consern, one and all‏
UN Climate Message, serious error , please, forward to all whom it consern, one and all
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Til: ipcc-sec@wmo.int, nyhetstips@dn.se, post@slottet.no, postmottak@smk.dep.no, rajananda108@yahoo.com, 1008anand108@gmail.com
UN Climate Message, serious error
UN is falling back to the serious Message of Our climate fund for years, see  http://1008-108.webs.com/ and is pointing out shortness of time, that the Ocean is heated extra and is a problem, that change may be done without loosing organisation of society, etc. However, they have no Scientific experts which can state by the multidiciplinary problem, that we have polluted 2/3 of what is possible, without problems. In fact the most probable situation is that the world is like for Titanic after it hit the ice berg but before it was going Down, the world is sinking or collapsing as we know it, and as it is impossible to tell the weather NeXT year, weather forcast has no such experts, so no one can say how much further the ship or Our world is sailing before going Down. UN is representing governments and they state that governments is elected not by the children, obviously most damaged if the environment as we know it collapses! It is disrespect of People too, to expect that their economy is more important than the furture of mankind, No one want to be an enemy of the world, a terrorist against humanity. While the climate fund have shown what to do, the minimum of the duty to combat Third world war and it is fun and interesting for everyone to join in, it is a shame that a vission of building a world without further damage, is ignorred, and that one surrender to economic interests as it was a command by Hitler or something. All pollution is further damage of the world and non violance is the one and only common policy, in order to relate to the risks without playing "russian roulette", With all respect for Russia, the known concept is Close to the situation. As the king of Our common world and climate defense, the one and only, it is my duty to point out that the 2 aspects f the problem is; the damage of the environment up to now and the mentality that one can continue to pollute. Our focus is to promote the solution and welcome one and all to join in, also UN and governments. We suggest that you order email newsletters to all in yur mailbox and for UN that is many important persons in governments. And do it now, it is no time to wait and see. Only if it is not too late, which is difficult to say, wil Our one and only common defense workd, but there is an if and you do not want to be held responsible for the collapse of the world, which id the situation if you, anyone, ignores Your duty. Join the defence, November 2014 Rajananand

If one follows the chart as 9 chakras as probably the origional value of ancient drawing Our star Points out the
hearth chakra too!

The book of peace from 1986 was printed in 10 000 copies and we still have some hundreds stored, but the book is also available as DVD book, scanned. it was sold by some hundred bookshops in Norway for the price of 125 NOK, 30 years ago and it is a great joy to offer you the book for the same price today, but as dvd book by newsletter email delivery. We update you with the themes of the years from 1980 and up to date and a copy of the Constitution of Global Integrity, as the newsletter and we shall be grateful to receive your order.

RAJAN ANANDAM P. O. BOX 22 7400 Trondheim Norway, account number 0532 1667831

KONTO RAJAN ANANDAM postboks 22 7400 Trondheim N, NUMMER 0532 1667831

RAJAN ANANDAM P. O. BOX 22 7400 Trondheim Norway,(Dnb bank) account number 0532 1667831

Same personal bank account number as before but register new name if ordering a magazine, newsletter or book or donating sharing the expenditure of Global Enterprise and Movement or any project or aspect of Anandam's work, dependent on donations to be upheld and developing, including from Anandam himself. Please, add email address for newsletter and a statement what the sent money is about.


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