Fulfilment of World Civilization
global green transformation of integrated growth
Norsk Norwegian
add, klimakirke samspiller med klimafondet
ahimsa helse konstitusjons standard naturligvis
Gulf stream seams to stop up
global integrity and capital city experience, the exhibition
grønn betong revolusjon
Royal Anandam Hall of Nidaros
Year of Global Integrity Celebration


Our common world, health,
knowledge and climate defence sees the risks og poverty and climate change and
the risk of when being when active in society, involved as these terrible by-products
of world economy and the indifference of people, makes one a terrorist sharing
the responsibility for the damage as well as the mentality causing it and the
risks of collapse of world society and the environment we totally depend on
with totally unacceptable risks. In order to remove the risks and the shame for
us all, the biggest operation ever is needed and World Peace Campaign of Global
Integrity really have the strategy needed and the organisation with all it
takes to be universally acceptable for each and everyone. The tactics as the
technology needed to balance global warming we have found, however, if most
people in the world goes together by this our Marshal Law royal initiative to
protect the world from destruction, then that is the most powerful response
most people together working say 2 hours a day 6 days a week for the time it
takes to do what, we urge to do, to do what it takes. We guess by the more than
100 million climate ship stock companies planned, such extraordinary focuses is
needed for 1-2 years only in order to remove the change, but combined with all
the fun and all natural ways to do what one do anyhow, it is a good idea to
plan it as regular for society, as 8 hours a day is normal in Norway for work,
the new may be 6 hours + the 2. There are 2 responsibilities, at least for men,
one is promoting the campaign and enterprise including building the global
network by the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as non-political
world democracy, the other is building stock companies and new nations to
protect the integrated growth of the world. “Integrated Growth” the new concept
better than “science”, “sustainable development” and “innovation” and the new
concept is by the founder of Universitas Enterprise founded January 1980 by
Rajananand, that is. He was then known as Stein Roar Andersen, his family name
still, but as citizen of Norway new registration from 2004. His global empire
or our global empire with a view to building the capital city of the world as
Universitas Academy and a living museum unifying world society, is planned to
start as a sailing city, with many climate-ships each and one a floating city
and perhaps also an independent nation itself, Vatican state like. But also
flying cities in the air, as huge flying cubes as with sides 2km+. When ships from every country and all parts
of the world meets for a congress and festival, for instance once every quarter
of the year, it functions as a preliminary capital city of the world. It may be
your joy to build and participate in the city with a ship representing the
culture of your country, to enjoy around the world cruise, festivals, tourism
combined with education, work around the world, health building etc. A network
of celebrations to promote good health and enjoy celebrations by health
patterns promoting health rather than giving you shame and a bad Monday, a helicopter
for each everyone for all transport locally and by train service also around
the world long distance travelling, free computer and all communication technology
following the flying car, etc. is good thing the cooperation may promote, as
soon as possible find and integrate the best alternative to polluting cars and
other transportation seems important and most urgent. Building wealth by stock
companies assisting this, climate-ships industries and the city of a climate
ship as well as by network building and fun, is possible. One never do anything
for money itself, but for those seeking to join in to build wealth, it should
be natural. Joining in a company to promote healthy food and to be build your
own and others, climate friendly house, may give you some millions in wealth
building, by the natural aspiration and activity of organising housing and food
protection or at least most probably independence with a wealth supporting health.
Many houses is most probably directly unhealthy to owe and the opposite of
wealth also by how it was achieved as also by black economy from other sides of
oil and poverty. Sanskrit from the tradition of building healthy house
protecting your health have a word for wealth, artha. The opposite of wealth or
artha is anartha, which is not poverty. Anartha is that of owing things which
have a bad influence on you. Another Sanskrit word being an inspiration for the
concept formation of Integrated Growth is Dharma. Dharma is that action which
is your natural duty. Integrated Growth is that growth which is promoting integrity on all levels, integrating values not opposed
to codes of honour of business and a gentleman. Growth including costs of the
whole as environmental damage, is not integrating society, it is a 5 students
sharing an apartment, if one all the time creates dirt, not cleaning after
himself, the integrity of the community of the apartment is lost, but coming to
analogy of the environment he also must be something like a serial killer and pyromaniac.
Anyhow producing a minimum of free food by vegi standard naturally is in everyone’s
interest these day, as food are extremely damaged from many points of view. It
is a great joy to welcome you to join in, join our common world defence, now
and enjoy all the challenges

One question can be that one of
the new floating nations by a democracy by the original 1814 constitution of Norway,
world constitution and most people in the world, by the ship Anandam, take
control of the world ocean as its territory, including the south pole are. This
includes income opportunities in order to clean up the ocean as all bottom must
be search for pollution to be removed, diamonds and gold may be found as well.
<The green world transformation currency already have reserved a large sum
for the cleaning of the ocean including removing plastic and CO2 and pirates
have shown the need for security in international area and a star war as by
Reagan defence for all countries may give some defence much better than today
and covered by the fulfilment of the potential of modern technology coming to
communication, coming to costs that is. Rajananand gives a global empire
promoting the majestic nature of one and all and is not based on the many
countries planned established and built, as this question of the international free
territory. But global voting with most people of the world saying, yes this we
like see happen, would give all governments a duty to cooperate, however, all
governments are welcome and expected to cooperate already now. We see these as
real values, not as a publicity stunt, but see the values of celebration,
culture and good marketing and welcomes all to join in the brainstorming, as an
editor of Global Times of Integrity. A subscription gives the position as
editor, “editor e-subscription” costs 24 000 NOK or if found too expensive,
agreements for achievement when working, is possible.

The problem of global warming has
2 main sides. The first and most obvious is the damage of the environment and
more and more damage every day, in spite extreme damage is registered. The
changes so far are extreme, but the terrible risk is the worse aspect related
to the other main side of the problem, the risk of the world collapsing is
unacceptable. Your depth to the world is coming from accepting the risk as well
as the actual damage, but the depth is a collective one, maintaining the
indifference of leaving the problem to others, thinking perhaps it does not
matter much. All leaving responsibility to others does not being involved, it
means the opposite, sharing the collective depth, and governments leave the
responsibility to the climate panel as an excuse for not really doing what it
takes to level the problem. Already in year 2000 the world should have joined
our common world and climate defence and met the problem fulfilling the
technological opportunities of energy and communication for the world instead
of promoting the corruption of those in business already. In year 2000 the
world was informed, instead the world damage the environment by this CO2 catastrophe
more and more every day, The willingness to abuse the situation, so to say
holding the world ransom seeking research funding, political popularity, sex as
prostitute yourself to promote your future seems a popular sickness, by the old
losers in the world of men and women. This is the second and biggest part of
the problem and you may be said to be in depth, to clean up after you will cost
millions probably if left to business, and we suggest a Marshal Law period of
several years, all working at least 2 hours a day, at least men nor wanting to
be deserters joins our common world and climate defence and all are welcome to
join in festival and world democracy action to realize the network integrated
as the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity. If I take a gun with
only one out of 6 bullets in it, by random shooting at you, I may kill you or
probably by change 5/6 just being a terrorist. It is known as Russian Roulette
and when you are a deserter upholding the collective indifference, the second
part of the problem, then you do this terrorism against humanity, not against
one person. The worse Nazi criminals after world war 2 was said to be criminals
against humanity, you being a terrorist may be said to be worse, the risk
taking is worse than those hitting world trade centre, as collapse of world
economy and the environment makes your family and nation, us all in risk of
extinction. Or at least the world as we know it may be gone, collapsing in
weeks, starting next week, where the collapse of nature results in world war
and local wars. Please, be free to share the expenditure of building the
network as well as investing in your stock company. Donate. Send a contribution


Rajan Anandam, P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim,
account in Norway 0532.16.67831
IBAN NO24 0532 167 831 and BIC (Swift-adresse) DNBANOKKXXX
 Newsletterfee NOK 50 and
 Friends of the World is upgrading from being part of the problem of climate change by
CO2 damage and poverty by accepting world economy and combinations with global bank
green world transformation currency and a currency with a minimum free fundamental
income and our common world and climate defence, is  brilliant. see operasjon.webs.com


Remember to communicate: ”contribution
to our climate defence” and if you add your emailadress we send you a mail and
a newsletter. We of course do not share your depth to the world, but may assist
you trying to pay it and the email address is not used by us for any other
purpose. Your name likewise is not published, unless you want to, then we have
a list and part of the campaign, advertisement where those sharing the
expenditure of the campaign introduction, is listed. We shall be grateful to
hear from you, and if only a small amount is easy for you to send perhaps just
ordering a newsletter or 2, is a good idea.


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